Aug 6, 2012

Waste and a tragedy.

In war nothing good comes out of a conflict, save for certain classes who promote their position, ahead of others related to monetary matters, and other such areas of elicit gain. In conflict the boundaries between what is acceptable and civilized, or not become blurred. Good wholesome, productive people suffer....bad scheming nefarious individuals gain in such uncertain situations.

Sikhism is a branch of Hinduism, exclusively in the Punjab in India which geographically faces Central Asia to the North West. To give their community greater cohesion in fighting the Turkic/Afghan invaders from Central Asia who so ravaged Golden India from 1100 AD a series of Sikh prophets promoted a new religion which had a distinct marshal tone to it. Though of course Sikh's will say that this not how, or why their religion evolved in the Punjab from the 15th century. No matter.

Sikhs themselves are a mixed race, given the geography of the Punjab, with its rich history. Many Sikhs belong to the Indic race which form the majority of India's population of 70%. A certain percentage of Sikhs belong to German tribes who entered India in the BC era. Not all German tribes based initially in Northern Russia traveled Westward during the "Great migrations". Finally of course Iranian tribes from Central Asia, Chinese Sinkiang, Iran and Afghanistan settled in the Punjab in great numbers from 1500 BC....because of the alluring rich alluvial soil crossed by five rivers, in compete contrast to their former arid homelands. A significant percentage of Sikhs are thus "Aryan".

Sikhs presently are well known for their hard work ethic, and there are no Sikh beggars to be found either in the Punjab or India. In the Indian media they are sometimes incorrectly satirized/stereotyped as being well built, a little simple, easily offended marshal race who are either policemen or in the Indian military....most Sikhs of course don't work in these two professions exclusively.

Due to the evil British empire partitioning South Asia, through their agent Jinnah, the Punjab was divided, with two thirds going to Pakistan, and one third going to India. The result was the dislocation and homelessness of many Sikhs from their traditional homeland, where they had lived for millennium upon millennial. These homeless Sikhs there after sought a new home in other parts of Independent India, or even abroad.

Many Sikhs have come to live in the USA. Possibly 300,000.

As usual, no matter where, the Sikhs have the natural ability to settle in their new environment, and integrate into the community, contributing to its enrichment.

However since 2001, and 9/11 a few Sikhs have been tragically murdered and attacked by Americans who mistakenly thought them to be Muslims, from the Middle East. 9/11 carried out by Likud Israel along with their butt buddy agents in the USA, has created an atmosphere of severe racial hatred and racial profiling...with the maximum pressure falling on Arab Americans.....them Muslims generally.....then there after all brown people, including Latino's, subconsciously.

The war on terror is a RACIST configuration, and a war against people of color. It is based on lies to serve the perceived geo-strategic interests of Israel and its desire to create a Jewish empire...or Ertez Israel, by using the USA/NATO in the Greater Middle East.

It is also at another level a war against the American people generally, and the need and requirement by certain Jews to convert the country into a gulag state. By converting the country into a gulag state the Jews can then pander to their wildest, weirdest Jew fantasies and paranoia, just as they did in the Soviet Union, where they killed 60 million people between 1918--1991. But you cannot convert a state into a total police state, if 200 million of the people have guns.......especially automatic ones which can spar with any USA military hardware if Marshal Law is declared in 2013/2014.

Thus along with this Jewish need to create a Soviet gulag paradise in the USA......almost like a fetish drive, they have conducted several false flag ops 1993, 1995 and 2001, and mass shooting incidents to reinforce their law and power over the USA.

This is why the White Supremacist attacked in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.....and killed so many people.

Such things do not happen in other countries, but they do in ultra modern USA. The Liberal will call automatically for the banning of all guns........without considering the fact that the American security establishment/State kills far more people abroad then guns kill Americans. The Liberal will cheer for more endless wars abroad, and the armament industry which fuels it......which creates more harm, and destruction, BUT will shout out for banning the gun in the USA. 

Given the weakness of the Police in the USA, along with their widespread corruption, and inefficiency.....a HUGE portion of crime in the USA is actually prevented by gun owning Americans legally using their weapons, within the confines of the 2nd amendment. But the Liberals and Jews want a gulag state, with 20 million Americans locked away in FEMA emergency camps, beaten and tortured at the Presidents pleasure, indefinitely, without any charge/trial. Thats what GWoT been about. 

The responsibility of racists attacks on Sikhs since 2001, falls on the USA government. For promoting Israel's agenda, and the cartoonish imagery of "al-CIA-duh".

The responsibility of the massacre of Sikhs killed at a Holy Temple in Wisconsin falls on the USA government,and the ham fisted attempt to carry out another false flag ops to bolster the position of Obama in an election year, along with race baiting.

My best friends at university were Jat Sikhs back in the UK, and I can personally vouch that they are a definite asset for India. My condolences go out to them for becoming unwitting victims of an anti-2nd amendment promo by the USA they veer towards a gulag state.