Aug 12, 2012

Fascism in the JEWSA.


Stephen Colbert: Rooting Out Nonexistent Muslim Traitors

Information Clearing House and the Colbert Report.

It reads like a soap opera: After Newt Gingrich defends Michele Bachmann’s witch hunt Colbert levels his own accusation against the former speaker:

Stephan Colbert is a comedian of Jewish extraction, and his satire is sharp, and possibly represents the ONLY platform for criticism of the political elite in the USA that is realistic, obvious and within the mainstream media. 

However the downside to this is that often very serious issues which should be scrutinized and sanctioned by the proper authorities becomes the subject of humor and thus subsequently act as a release valve for the pent up anger that may otherwise exist against such a serious issue. The anger, serious debate and indignation that is sometimes required to get results in the right direction. This is the role "Spitting Image" played in the UK, against the dark, moronic Jewish directed government(Sir Keith Joseph) of Margaret Thatcher (1979--1990).

The Jews need a dark, autocratic USA which listens attentively to the directions of Israel, and the Jewish lobby....and so such petty racist episodes are manufactured, which are then DUTIFULLY AND CRAFTILY AMPLIFIED BY the likes of CNN, and Colbert report posing as outraged liberal fair-minded Jews. There are after all a 1000 other serious issues that challenge the USA, that could be given greater attention by the likes of CNN, and Colbert report, but aren't.

I do not waste my time with Newt Gingrich, or Michele Bachmann....they are irrelevant to the sum total of the USA......such nobodies reduce great issues into petty little childish rants.

As to the actual contents of the video, Huma Abedin, the lady of Pakistani origin I believe is the lesbian candy of Hitlery.

The humble croissant in fact is of Turkish origin, so baked like the crescent by the Ottoman army to represent the religion of the empire. This particular delicatessen was later copied by Europeans, as were many other facets of the Ottoman military....if you watch the trooping of the colors in the UK you can guess where a lot of the strange uniforms originated from.

The crescent adorns many Islamic countries does the cross of many Christian countries. The crescent may however, as a religious symbol, originate from the Eastern Orthodox Christian church of which Constantinople was the spiritual capitol....which the Seljuk Turks conquered in 1453.

Islam is a religion of Jewish origin.

The USA was meant to be a state, where religion would play a minimal role, and NO part within the SECULAR STATE...Capitol Hill legislature, judiciary, executive and the security. The founding fathers looking from afar at Europe decided that a new America did not require the stupid, meaningless destructive wars around religion which was common to Europe.

Jews NOW for their own agenda, are however along with the so called "Christian-Zionists" attempting to subvert this fundamental historical fact, which made America such a successful, prosperous, balanced country. Through this process began under Ronald Reagan, the Jews hope to fully control the USA as a gulag state which panders to all their sexual fetish whims in the future.

And help create Eretz Israel...the first Jewish empire in history, With Netanyahu crowned emperor of Jerusalem.

I suppose in a Presidential election year, such manufactured episodes by Christian-Zionist politicians also act as a bashing exercise against Barack Hussein Obama, the CIA groomed puppet and gofer of Wall Street. It questions their allegiance to America, without questioning where exactly the allegiance of the Christian Zionists themselves lie.