Aug 8, 2012

Jewish double speak--being smart and clever.

By Ali Abunimah at Information clearing house.
When Obama declares that “we are all one people” who must look after one another regardless of what we look like, it is he who needs to practice what he preaches.

(That the USA is multi-racial, and a multi-cultural society it is true. Approximately 33% of Americans are not of European descent and this figure is set to surpass more than 50% by 2030. The American media reflect this fact. Since the "Great Society" experiment under Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's the USA unlike many other multi-racial states took positive steps to protect the rights of minorities, and enforce law that favored people of color. This was done within a back drop where the African Americans since the late 1950's through the Civil Rights Movement struggled for de-segregation, and equal rights. 

However racism still persists, and the American empire with 1000 military bases abroad, and exclusive wars against non-white nations since 1945.....along with the more recent support for Israel's geo-strategic goals in the Greater Middle East, have to an extent negated the far sighted social reforms from the 1960's. When you fight wars of conquest you are also fighting race wars. Indeed, judging by the broad policies of the two main, and only parties there is a regressive movement to role back what Professor John Rawls called "Justice as fairness" society within the rule of law.

That American society has been subverted, there is no doubt. That the USA has veered towards a police state, there is no doubt. That the USA State serves the interests of one group more than others, there is no doubt. In that sense, Barak Hussein Obama a CIA trained agent, and the gofer of Wall Street is wrong to state that all Americans are one people....this is CLEARLY NOT borne out by the actions of his administration within the USA.

Did he go to Wisconsin to share his sympathy with the bereaved? The photo-op with grieving towel head brownies might not be what his election strategist wanted)

Obama has been consistent in his refusal to confront the racism unleashed by his candidacy and subsequent election that came atop post-9/11 Muslim-bashing and dehumanization of people of color inherent in warmongering abroad.

His reponse to accusations that he’s Muslim is never ‘so what if I were?’ but always along the lines of ‘no, no I’m a Christian like you.’

Two summers ago, right-wing activists invented the fake “Ground Zero mosque” controversy to generate fear and hatred in the run-up to the 2010 mid-term elections. 

(The main organizer of the Mosque was a globalist CFR funded member.....race baiting to enhance the GWoT in addition)

What I always found more frightening than the noise from Islamophobic clowns was the silence of elected officials, especially Democrats who purport to uphold liberal and inclusive values.

With their silence, they gave consent, and the crescendo of racist fearmongering – that targets more than just Muslims – has continued to rise.