Aug 4, 2012

Regime change is the real issue.

By the late 19th century Imperial Russia dominated Northern Iran, including the annexation of Azerbaijan in the Caucasus, whilst the British dominated Southern Iran, including the annexation of Baluchistan into Imperial India, and Persian Herat for Afghanistan.

Such things were done by war, and coercion using spurious excuses and arguments. The local ruler is a despot, corrupt, primitive, heathen...etc.

By the early part of the 20th century, truncated Persia was a sorry sight, ruled by ineffective, inefficient monarchs, and dominated by two Imperial powers.

Then in 1921 the British empire installed Colonel Reza Khan as leader of the country. He was illiterate, and possibly of Jewish background. This illiterate Jewish Colonel declared himself king, since Persia for 2600 years had been ruled by kings. Systematically he then made himself the richest man in the country, owning the most land.

In 1941, the British empire and the Soviets removed him from power, after he refused to expel 3000 German technical advisers from his country. The Nazi Germans had invaded the Soviet Union, and by 1942 were heading for the Caucasus and Persia. It is indeed colonel Reza Khan who changed the official name of the country from Persia to Iran (land of the Aryans...the local name for the country since Iranian tribes moved into the area from the northern steppe 4000 years ago) in 1935, taking his que from the Jewish run Nazi Germany. The international name for the country was given to it by the Greeks, for thousands of years, and related to only one specific geographic region of the  country...Parsa tribe=Fars=Pars region=Persia....Greek/Latin.

In 1953 the British and the new American empire removed Iran's first democratically elected government, and installed the puppet Shah, son of Colonel Reza Khan, the illiterate Jew........because the democratically elected Iranian government was unhappy that it was only getting 16% of the royalties from the sale of their own oil, whilst the majority of the profits, hidden or otherwise went to the greedy grasping evil slippery British company (BP----another Jew company linked to the Notorious Rothschilds of London, along with Shell Oil).

In 1978/79 the British and Americans with the help of other nations got rid of the Shah, and installed the illiterate mullahs........who have been in power for 33 years; a record.

Clearly for patriotic Iranians the objective should be to get of of this Western hamster treadmill of constant periodic interference in the internal affairs of the country, with the imposition of ever more ludicrous regimes.

Mullahs should not rule Iran, or any country for that matter. On the other hand color coded revolutions, such as the "Green Movement" signifies the hand of the CIA/State Department. I myself have ample experience of their games, using color codes to a lessor degree.....amongst other T-shirt slogans for the dim witted.

It is within this pattern of imposing puppets and then removing them that the current call to attack Iran is based, led by Israel and the neocons. This has nothing to do with Iran posing a threat to Israel....Iran after all LOST to Iraq in a 8 year war, and Iraq lost to the USA in 2003.


LA Times: Experts Say There’s No Imminent Threat of a Nuclear Iran

The US and Israel are not concerned with some imaginary weapons program, but rather with regime change

by John Glaser at
Contrary to hyperbolic rhetoric and threats of preemptive attack from the US and Israel, experts still agree there is no imminent prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran, reports the Los Angeles Times.


As has been known for several years but only rarely acknowledged in the mainstream press, US intelligence has concluded that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program and has so far demonstrated no intention of starting one. Recent visits to by Obama administration officials and the Romney campaign have renewed Israeli claims that ‘the window is closing’ on blocking an Iranian nuclear weapon.

“This is a window that has been closing for 15 years now, and it’s always imminently about to close,” Jamal Abdi, policy director for the National Iranian American Council told the Los Angeles Times.

“I don’t see any particular breakthroughs in the Iranian program,” says Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova, a nonproliferation scholar at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. “It’s been on a pretty steady course,” and “there is technically no urgency to” prepare for an attack on Iran.

“According to the U.S. intelligence community, the Iranian leadership hasn’t even made the decision to weaponize their program,” said Alireza Nader, senior policy analyst on Iran for Rand Corp. “They’ve been creating the technical know-how and the infrastructure, but they haven’t made that decision, and there is much more time than the Israelis portray there to be.”

While most of the coverage of the debate on Iran fails to emphasize the complete lack of a weapons program or of any real security threat to the US, some reports have covered this. In February the New York Times ran a front page story entitled 

U.S. Agencies See No Move by Iran to Build a Bomb.” It reported: “Recent assessments by American spy agencies are broadly consistent with a 2007 intelligence finding that concluded that Iran had abandoned its nuclear weapons program years earlier. The officials said that assessment was largely reaffirmed in a 2010 National Intelligence Estimate, and that it remains the consensus view of America’s 16 intelligence agencies.”

Again in March, they reported “top administration officials have said that Iran still has not decided to pursue a weapon, reflecting the intelligence community’s secret analysis.” Another in the Los Angeles Times was similarly headlined, “U.S. does not believe Iran is trying to build nuclear bomb.”

The pundits and politicians engage in systematic threat inflation on Iran. Their primary aim is to undermine the regime; they’re not concerned about some imaginary nuclear weapons program.