In the JEWSA many sport tatoo's as a proud symbol of their Americanism, forgetting that in the near past only prisoners and Polynesian Maoris sported them.
In the JEWSA the American Italian Mafia (subliminally Jewish mafia) are celebrated as heroes to be empathized with, understood and even admired....on TV and the Cinema, and not recognized for what they really were, criminal scum.
These are but small indications of the decline of the American empire.
Naturally now crooks in broad day light run the government.
. . . . Drone strikes have continued in recent days, with the full cooperation of the Coolie Gunga Din military in Pak-i-stan. They kill innocent civilians, Pakistani nationals, 99% of the time, women, children and old people.
For the Punjabi run Pakistani military losing a few ethnic Pashtun lives is worth the cost of receiving massive military aid from the JEWSA. Drone strikes also enhance the image that there really are "terrorists" in FATA which the USA needs to fight as does the Punjab military, in service of the USA. The Pakistan military after all is useful to the gora sahib, even though the Pakistani State does not need the company of gora sahib.
For the JEWSA there are a variety of conflicting hidden reasons why drones must be used to kill innocent civilians:
(i) It is a psychological message of racial technical superiority against the Iranic/Aryan Pashtuns.For some "insecure" Americans, surrounded as it is by their excessive wealth and power, this seems to be an important point to get across against fourth world Afghans.......and others (The Iranians in Mexico maid servant wank.)
(ii) It is a psychological message of racial technical superiority against the Pakistani military/The Pakistani state, and as an avenue of exerting further future American power against the Pakistani State. Though naturally the coolies haven't caught on to this yet, after several years. Such abstract thoughts are difficult to grasp against the few $'s the JEWSA throws at the Pakistani generals.
(iii) The use of Drones deflect from the REAL PENTAGON BUSINESS in Afghanistan, namely the Afghan heroin which is harvested under the aegis of the occupation forces, especially the British and the USA forces and then exported to Iran, South Asia, Central Asia, Ukraine, Russia, Europe and North America. The Taliban thus are "Controlled Opposition" fighting a fake Punch and Judy show, run by the Pakistani military/ISI for the USA. The nominal poorly performing Taliban are like the drones, a distraction and justification for why the JEWSA must fight the noble fight for 10 years and many more. The Taliban have lost 30,000 dead against the occupation forces mere loss of about 2800. The Taliban are poorly led, trained and armed with AK-47's and RPG's against the most sophisticated military machine in the world. Behind them the ISI paid for by the USA, and in front of the USA/NATO.
(iv) Afghanistan also serves as a base of mischief against Iran and Central Asia (Heroin, and later "al-CIA-duh")
A few wise nations have cotton on to his worthless, criminal, occupation which serves the peccadilloes and interests of some fat ugly Americans linked to Wall Street, and "The City" empire in decline after all has many incoherent, aimless, useless, unsustainable, untenable policies which in the long term are harmful to the country itself (Afghan heroin into the USA transported in using Military C-130 planes)........maybe this was the case with France, Netherlands, Poland and Canada.
Of course the Pentagon strangely have announced that they are going to spend huge amounts of money, and power-points to persuade the rest of the band of brothers to stay.....for they like working in coalitions of the willing......since this declining empire cannot sustain huge military losses of 10,000---20,000--30,000 or more unlike WWII...........and the "Controlled Opposition" Taliban are no Nazis.
For the civilian government in Pakistan the upping of the "security state" related to GWoT and the conflict in Afghanistan is bad for them, as it highlights and brings to the fore the importance and role of the Pakistan military.
This is neither what Pakistan the failed state needs or wants.
The duty of ANY civilian Pakistan government, regardless of political background would be to de-escalate GWoT, and the role of the Pakistan military in the American narrative of GWOT, and conflict in Afghanistan.
(i) With Afghanistan, maintain steadfast the blockade. Check ALL exports to Afghanistan which might have a security baring......through ALL the border crossing points, not just Khyber and Bolan Passes.
(ii) Build on the removal of the last defense minister from the military, by cutting the budget of the Pakistani military, and its enormous bloated size of 800,000 military and 300,000 paramilitary. Whats the point of having such an enormous military of 1,100,000 men unofficially IF ALL IT DOES IS SUPPORT USA GEO-STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES IN SOUTH ASIA? WHICH IS PATENTLY AND OBVIOUSLY HARMFUL TO PAKISTAN'S EXISTENCE. Lets not feed the beast.
The Pakistani tax payer must not support such policies a day more, so that the Pakistani military can kill more civilians.
(iii) The Punjabi military have shown that whilst they can get upset for a short while against gora masterji, against JEWSA criminal arrogance in the Punjab in the form of the Raymond Davis case and the attack on the military post recently........they are perfectly happy to cooperate with the JEWSA to kill fellow Pakistanis in the NWFP and even Baluchistan. The Pakistani military touts itself as egalitarian, classless and professional........but what is supremely professional about killing Pashtun civilians in secret covert agreement with gora sahib in a fake GWoT game designed by the JEWSA?....................surely ANY civilian government, even pretending to serve the WHOLE country would know this fact?
Figures released by Iranian officials show the country's foreign trade has been developing in recent years despite tougher sanctions imposed on Iran's oil and financial sectors by the US and European Union.
Iran's Ambassador to Beijing Mehdi Safari said Wednesday that trade between Iran and China increased by 55 percent to exceed 45 billion dollars in 2011.
He added that the annual trade figures show a 16 billion-dollar increase in commercial ties with China since 2010.
China is Iran's top trade partner, with economic ties expanding in recent years after the withdrawal of Western companies in line with sanctions against the Islamic Republic over its peaceful nuclear program.
Beijing has also significantly increased its presence in Iran's oil and gas sector by signing a series of contracts worth up to 40 billion dollars in the past few years.
Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao defended his country's oil trade with Iran in defiance of proposed US and European sanctions during the last leg of his recent Persian Gulf tour on January 19.
"I believe that China is not the only country to buy oil from Iran... Legitimate trade has to be protected if global economic chaos is to be avoided," Wen told reporters in the Qatari capital city of Doha.
Iran is the third largest provider of oil to China which accounts for 11 percent of the country's oil imports.
India and South Korea are also major importers of Iran's crude oil which have rejected frequent calls by US and EU to join West's oil embargo against Tehran.
On December 31, 2011, US President Barack Obama signed into law new sanctions which seek to penalize countries importing Iran's oil or doing transaction with the country's central bank.
In their latest meeting in Brussels on January 23, EU foreign ministers also imposed new sanctions on Iran which include a ban on purchasing oil from the country, a freeze on the assets of Iran's Central Bank within the EU, and a ban on the sale of diamonds, gold and other precious metals to Iran.
EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton claimed that the new sanctions aim to bring Iran back to negotiations with P5+1 -- US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany -- over the country's peaceful nuclear program.
The United States, Israel and some of their allies accuse Tehran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear program and have used this pretext to impose four rounds of sanctions and a series of unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
Iran has refuted the allegations, arguing that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Tehran has a right to use nuclear technology for peaceful use.
. . . . American power is projected by itself, and also through mostly Western proxies such as Germany, UK and other agent dogs........they ALL in turn work under the supreme objectives of the International Jews.
We note the overthrow of the Shah was a Western effort by the USA/UK and other Western countries. The same applies with the overthrow of Gaddafi.....and Syria.
Some in Iran fume about the loss of oil exports to the EU, from July 2012, but I think in the sum total of things the loss of 1 million barrels worth of exports to EU from Iran is not the end of the world STRATEGICALLY speaking, and certainly not a credible justification for blocking the Straights of Hormuz. China is rapidly picking up oil exports from Iran, and so may India. Perhaps Iran can offer more favorable terms for the export of gas to India via Pakistan.
American sanctions will not curtail Iran's impress export growth in the years to come, especially in the non-oil sector.
China: EU Iran sanctions blind pressure
China has criticized the European Union's new unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran as blind pressure and unconstructive.
“To blindly pressure and impose sanctions on Iran are not constructive approaches," the Chinese foreign ministry said Thursday in reaction to EU's recent measure against Iran over the country's nuclear program.
The United States and its allies have been accusing Tehran of pursuing a military nuclear program, and have used the allegation to impose four rounds of UN Security Council sanctions on the Islamic Republic and to take more unilateral measures against the country.
Tehran has categorically refuted the Western allegation, saying that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to acquire and develop nuclear technology meant for peaceful purposes.
The EU slapped new sanctions against Iran in a meeting of the bloc's foreign ministers on January 23.
The 27-member bloc agreed to ban oil imports as well as petroleum products from the major OPEC member state and freeze the assets of the Iranian Central Bank across the EU.
The European Union also imposed a ban on the sale of gold, diamonds, and other precious metals to Iran.
Maurice Oldfield was boss of Britain's MI6 spy agency.
At university, a strong influence on Oldfield was Sir Lewis Bernstein Namier, born Ludwik Niemirowski, political secretary of the Jewish Agency for Palestine.
Lord Victor Rothschild "pressured to have Maurice Oldfield installed as intell boss, who in turn promoted other homosexuals, before being sacked by Margaret Thatcher in 1980 as details of visits by young boys to Oldfields home reached her." ("FOR KNOWLEDGE ITSELF IS POWER” Intelligence saying)
Maurice Oldfield became boss of Britain's MI6 in 1973.
In the early 1960s, Oldfield was Britain's top spy in the USA.
Allegedly, Oldfield shared boys with Russian spy Sir Anthony Blunt, Noel Coward, several bishops, and an archbishop. (Cached)
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is a spy novel by John le Carré, featuring George Smiley, who is said to be based on Maurice Oldfield.
According to "The Biggest Secret of World War II": during World war II, Maurice Oldfield was arrested with the King’s brother, the Duke of Kent, Prince George, a boyfriend to Sir Anthony Blunt.
"A policeman rounded up what he thought were 3 drunken street whores, only to find they were ... the HIGHEST in the land...
"Maurice Oldfield and the Duke of Kent ... had links to Victor Rothschild.
"Rothschild was Churchill’s mentor; he made Churchill’s decisions."
Victor Rothschild, who worked for various prime ministers, and for the security services. He was reported to have given away secrets to Israel
20 April 1987
The Times
"Mr Chapman Pincher, the author, who knew Sir Maurice during his intelligence career, says in a new book that he was a homosexual who consorted with young male prostitutes...
"There was particular concern over claims that Lord Whitelaw, when he was Home Secretary, received a report on Sir Maurice Oldfield's alleged homosexual activities from the then Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir David McNee, in the late 1970s. At that time, Sir Maurice was a special security co-ordinator in Northern Ireland after being brought out of retirement...
"According to Mr Pincher, in his book Traitors: The Labyrinths of Treason, Special Branch officers who were giving Sir Maurice round-the-clock protection throughout his Northern Ireland appointment, discovered that male prostitutes were visiting him in his flat in Westminster.
"A report was sent to the then Mr William Whitelaw, it was claimed, and Sir Maurice was warned by a senior minister 'in the most direct language' to curb his behavior. It appeared that no further action was taken, although Sir Maurice resigned as Ulster security co-ordinator in 1980 through ill-health. He died a year later at the age of 65...
"There were reports in the Belfast newspapers, attempting to link Sir Maurice with the scandal over the Kincora welfare hostel for boys, which in 1980 was alleged to have been used for hiring out boys for homosexuals."
Julian Amery
Julian Amery frequently met Maurice Oldfield at the Savoy Grill.
Churchill once said of Leopold that he regarded the Empire as his own personal property.
Leopold was the author of the final draft of the Balfour Declaration, a trustee of the Rhodes Trust and a supporter of the Rothschild-Warburg-financed Paneuropa Union.
Julian Amery became chairman of the rightwing Le Cercle.
Julian was an MI6 operative.
He was co-founder of the CIA-sponsored Congress for Cultural Freedom and had links to Bilderberg and BCCI.
He was a member of the Other Club together with Lord Rothschild, Tony Blair and others.
According to Julian Amery: "The prosperity of our people rests really on the oil in the Persian Gulf, the rubber and tin of Malaya, and the gold, copper and precious metals of South- and Central Africa... If the communists [or anyone else] were to take them over, we would lose the lot..."
Julian Amery was a member of the Monday Club among whose leading figures were the Cecil family who have links to the Rothschilds and Oppenheimers.
The Eurasian "Triple Alliance." The Strategic Importance of Iran for Russia and China
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya at Global Research
Despite areas of difference and rivalries between Moscow and Tehran, ties between the two countries, based on common interests, have developed significantly.
Both Russia and Iran are both major energy exporters, they have deeply seated interests in the South Caucasus. They are both firmly opposed to NATO's missile shield, with a view to preventing the U.S. and E.U. from controlling the energy corridors around the Caspian Sea Basin.
Moscow and Tehran's bilateral ties are also part of a broader and overlapping alliance involving Armenia, Tajikistan, Belarus, Syria, and Venezuela. Yet, above all things, both republics are also two of Washington’s main geo-strategic targets.
The Eurasian Triple Alliance: The Strategic Importance of Iran for Russia and China
China, the Russian Federation, and Iran are widely considered to be allies and partners. Together the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, and the Islamic Republic of Iran form a strategic barrier directed against U.S. expansionism. The three countries form a "triple alliance," which constitutes the core of a Eurasian coalition directed against U.S. encroachment into Eurasia and its quest for global hegemony.
While China confronts U.S. encroachment in East Asia and the Pacific, Iran and Russia respectively confront the U.S. led coalition in Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. All three countries are threatened in Central Asia and are wary of the U.S. and NATO military presence in Afghanistan.
Iran can be characterized as a geo-strategic pivot. The geo-political equation in Eurasia very much hinges on the structure of Iran's political alliances. Were Iran to become an ally of the United States, this would seriously hamper or even destabilize Russia and China. This also pertains to Iran's ethno-cultural, linguistic, economic, religious, and geo-political links to the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Moreover, were the structure of political alliances to shift in favour of the U.S., Iran could also become the greatest conduit for U.S. influence and expansion in the Caucasus and Central Asia. This has to do with the fact that Iran is the gateway to Russia's soft southern underbelly (or "Near Abroad") in the Caucasus and Central Asia.
In such a scenario, Russia as an energy corridor would be weakened as Washington would "unlock" Iran's potential as a primary energy corridor for the Caspian Sea Basin, implying de facto U.S. geopolitical control over Iranian pipeline routes. In this regard, part of Russia's success as an energy transit route has been due to U.S. efforts to weaken Iran by preventing energy from transiting through Iranian territory.
If Iran were to "change camps" and enter the U.S. sphere of influence, China's economy and national security would also be held hostage on two counts. Chinese energy security would be threatened directly because Iranian energy reserves would no longer be secure and would be subject to U.S. geo-political interests. Additionally, Central Asia could also re-orient its orbit should Washington open a direct and enforced conduit from the open seas via Iran.
Thus, both Russia and China want a strategic alliance with Iran as a means of screening them from the geo-political encroachment of the United States. “Fortress Eurasia” would be left exposed without Iran. This is why neither Russia nor China could ever accept a war against Iran. Should Washington transform Iran into a client then Russia and China would be under threat.
Misreading the Support of China and Russia for U.N. Security Council Sanctions
There is a major misreading of past Russian and Chinese support of U.N. sanctions against Iran. Even though Beijing and Moscow allowed U.N. Security Council sanctions to be passed against their Iranian ally, they did it for strategic reasons, namely with a view to keeping Iran out of Washington's orbit.
In reality, the United States would much rather co-opt Tehran as a satellite or junior partner than take the unnecessary risk and gamble of an all-out war with the Iranians. What Russian and Chinese support for past sanctions did was to allow for the development of a wider rift between Tehran and Washington. In this regard, realpolitik is at work. As American-Iranian tensions broaden, Iranian relations with Russia and China become closer and Iran becomes more and more entrenched in its relationship with Moscow and Beijing.
Russia and China, however, would never support crippling sanctions or any form of economic embargo that would threaten Iranian national security. This is why both China and Russia have refused to be coerced by Washington into joining its new 2012 unilateral sanctions. The Russians have also warned the European Union to stop being Washington's pawns, because they are hurting themselves by playing along with the schemes of the United States. In this regard Russia commented on the impractical and virtually unworkable E.U. plans for an oil embargo against Iran. Tehran has also made similar warnings and has dismissed the E.U. oil embargo as a psychological tactic that is bound to fail.
Left photo: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and President Dmitry A. Medvedev of Russia during a bilateral meeting in Dushabe, Tajikistan. The bilateral Iranian-Russian meeting was held on the sidelines of a Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit on August 28, 2008. Right photo: Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov together in Moscow discussing Russia’s step-by-step nuclear proposal.
Russo-Iranian Security Cooperation and Strategic Coordination
In August 2011, the head of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, Secretary-General Saaed (Said) Jalili, and the head of the National Security Council of the Russian Federation, Secretary Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev met in Tehran to discuss the Iranian nuclear energy program as well as bilateral cooperation. Russia wanted to help Iran rebuff the new wave of accusations by Washington directed against Iran. Soon after Patrushev and his Russian team arrived in Tehran, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, flew to Moscow.
Both Jalili and Patrushev met again in September 2011, but this time in Russia. Jalili went to Moscow first and then crossed the Urals to the Russian city of Yekaterinburg.
The Iran-Russia Yekaterinburg meeting took place on the sidelines of an international security summit. Moreover, at this venue, it was announced that the highest bodies of national security in Moscow and Tehran would henceforth coordinate by holding regular meetings. A protocol between the two countries was was signed at Yekaterinburg.
During this important gathering, both Jalili and Patrushev held meetings with their Chinese counterpart, Meng Jianzhu. As a result of these meetings, a similar process of bilateral consultation between the national security councils of Iran and China was established. Moreover, the parties also discussed the formation of a supranational security council within the Shanghai Cooperation Council to confront threats directed against Beijing, Tehran, Moscow and their Eurasian allies.
Also in September 2011, Dmitry Rogozin, the Russian envoy to NATO, announced that he would be visiting Tehran in the near future to discuss the NATO missile shield project, which both the Moscow and Tehran oppose.
Reports claiming that Russia, Iran, and China were planning on creating a joint missile shield started to surface. Rogozin, who had warned in August 2011 that Syria and Yemen would be attacked as "stepping stones" in the broader confrontation directed against Tehran, responded by publicly refuting the reports pertaining to the establishment of a joint Sino-Russo-Iranian missile shield project.
The following month, in October 2011, Russia and Iran announced that they would be expanding ties in all fields. Soon after, in November 2011, Iran and Russia signed a strategic cooperation and partnership agreement between their highest security bodies covering economics, politics, security, and intelligence. This was a long anticipated document on which both Russia and Iran had been working on. The agreement was signed in Moscow by the Deputy Secretary-General of the Supreme Security Council of Iran, Ali Bagheri (Baqeri), and the Under-Secretary of the National Security Council of Russia, Yevgeny Lukyanov.
In November 2011, the head of the Committee for International Affairs in the Russian Duma, Konstantin Kosachev, also announced that Russia must do everything it can to prevent an attack on neighbouring Iran. At the end of November 2011 it was announced that Dmitry Rogozin would definitely visit both Tehran and Beijing in 2012, together with a team of Russian officials to hold strategic discussions on collective strategies against common threats.
Left and right photos: Secretary-General Jalili and Secretary Patrushev in Tehran, Iran holding Iranian-Russian national security talks during August 2011. Left photo: Deputy Secretary-General Ali Bagheri at a press conference in Moscow, Russia after signing a security pact with Russian officials. Right photo: Konstantin Kosachev, the Chairperson of the Committee for International Affairs in the Russian Duma.
Russian National Security and Iranian National Security are Attached
On January 12, 2012, Nikolai Patrushev told Interfax he feared that a major war was imminent and that Tel Aviv was pushing the U.S. to attack Iran. He dismissed the claims that Iran was secretly manufacturing nuclear weapons and said that for years the world had continuously heard that Iran would have an atomic bomb by next week ad nauseum. His comments were followed by a dire warning from Dmitry Rogozin.
On January 13, 2012, Rogozin, who had been appointed deputy prime minister, declared that any attempted military intervention against Iran would be a threat to Russia's national security. In other words, an attack on Tehran is an attack on Moscow. In 2007, Vladimir Putin essentially mentioned the same thing when he was in Tehran for a Caspian Sea summit, which resulted in George W. Bush Jr. warning that World War III could erupt over Iran. Rogozin's statement is merely a declaration of what has been the position of Russia all along: should Iran fall, Russia would be in danger.
Iran is a target of U.S. hostility not just for its vast energy reserves and natural resources, but because of major geo-strategic considerations that make it a strategic springboard against Russia and China. The roads to Moscow and Beijing also go through Tehran, just as the road to Tehran goes through Damascus, Baghdad, and Beirut. Nor does the U.S. want to merely control Iranian oil and natural gas for consumption or economic reasons. Washington wants to put a muzzle around China by controlling Chinese energy security and wants Iranian energy exports to be traded in U.S. dollars to insure the continued use of the U.S. dollar in international transactions.
Moreover, Iran has been making agreements with several trade partners, including China and India, whereby business transactions will not be conducted in euros or U.S. dollars. In January 2012, both Russia and Iran replaced the U.S. dollar with their national currencies, respectively the Russian rouble and the Iranian rial, in their bilateral trade. This was an economic and financial blow to the United States.
Left photo: Vladimir V. Putin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad holding talks in Tehran, Iran on the sidelines of a summit of Caspian Sea nations in October 2007. Right photo: Dmitry O. Rogozin, the departing representative of Russia at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
Syria and the National Security Concerns of Iran and Russia
Russia and China with Iran are all staunchly supporting Syria. The diplomatic and economic siege against Syria is tied to the geo-political stakes to control Eurasia. The instability in Syria is tied to the objective of combating Iran and ultimately turning it into a U.S. partner against Russia and China.
The cancelled or delayed deployment of thousands of U.S. troops to Israel for "Austere Challenge 2012" was tied to ratcheting up the pressure against Syria. On the basis of a Voice of Russia report, segments of the Russian media erroneously reported that "Austere Challenge 2012" was going to be held in the Persian Gulf, which was mistakenly picked up by news outlets in other parts of the world. This helped highlight the Iranian link at the expense of the Syrian and Lebanese links. The deployment of U.S. troops was aimed predominately at Syria as a means of isolating and combating Iran. The "cancelled" or "delayed" Israeli-U.S. missile exercises most probably envisaged preparations for missile and rocket attacks not only from Iran, but also from Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinian Territories.
Aside from its naval ports in Syria, Russia does not want to see Syria used to re-route the energy corridors in the Caspian Basin and the Mediterranean Basin. If Syria were to fall, these routes would be re-synchronized to reflect a new geo-political reality. At the expense of Iran, energy from the Persian Gulf could also be re-routed to the Mediterranean through both Lebanon and Syria.
Left photo: Syrian Defence Minister Dawoud (David) Rajha visiting the docked Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov in the Syrian port of Tartus on January 8, 2012. Right photo: Syrian allies, Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, join President Bashar Al-Assad for a summit in Damascus, Syria on February 25, 2010.
Left photo: The Alvand, one of the two Iranian warships that visited the Syrian port of Lattakia during February 2011. Right photo: Rear-Admirial Habibollah Sayyari holding a press conference on February 28, 2001 at the Iranian Embassy in Syria about the Iranian naval presence off Syria’s Mediterranean coast.
A Cold War between Tehran and Washington has been raging across the Middle East from Lebanon to Iraq and the Persian Gulf with the use of spies, drones, assassinations, and perception campaigns.
Since 2001, Washington and NATO have started the process of cordoning off Lebanon and Syria. This initiative was supported by Israel with a view to weakening Syria and curtailing Iranian power and influence in the Middle East.
Washington has announced that it has the right to violate the national boundaries of countries which harbor terrorists as well as send troops to these countries...
This secret Israeli-Saudi alliance acts to destabilize Southwest Asia and North Africa on behalf of the Pentagon and NATO.
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is a Sociologist and award-winning author. He is a Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal. He specializes on the Middle East and Central Asia. He has been a contributor and guest discussing the broader Middle East on numerous international programs and networks such as Al Jazeera, Press TV and Russia Today. His writings have been published in more than ten languages. He also writes for the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF), Moscow.