Dec 6, 2008

Paul Craig Roberts speech.

Washington Arrogance has Fomented a Muslim Revolution.

By Paul Craig Roberts:Former deputy treasury secretary under the Reagan administration, and former editor of the IHT.

“In a government of law, the existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.”

Justice Louis Brandeis

Information Clearing House

Is Pakistan responsible for the Mumbai attack in India? No.

Is India’s repression of its Muslim minority responsible? No.

(I don't believe India is repressing its Muslim minority, in the way the Israelis are the Palestinians. There is no doubt there are some disadvantages as a minority in India for Muslims, as there are for other minorities in other countries, but this disadvantage should not be interpreted as repression. Many of India's Presidents have been Muslim, cabinet ministers in governments, the leading movie stars are Muslims........and so on. A minority of Hindus led by the RSS/Siv Sena are trying to make life tough for Muslims in India, for political purposes.......think in terms of the Nazi rise to power in Germany and their political tactics in coming to power in 1933, with active Israeli encouragement)

Is the United States government responsible? Yes.

(I am not so sure. Do you mean directly or indirectly? Presumably you mean indirectly as a result of overall American policy over many years. Very hard to say. The question is does America control Israel or Israel controls America? Was Brzezinski's plan to arm Islamic fundamentalists from the late 1970's, an overall silent Israeli plan or an American plan? The overthrow of the Shah in 1979, replaced with mullahs was that Israeli too? The creation of the Taliban in 1994 by America through the Jewish Clinton administration and Pakistan, and the al-Qaeda hoax through the Pakistan military. From a very generalized perspective I would say it is Jewish, with American fronts, Carter, Brzezinski, Reagan and all the rest.......

Also depends on what you mean by responsibility. Your angle Paul, may I call you Paul? Is the standard "radicalized Muslim" did it BUT this was only because "we" naughty Americans pushed them into it. We might call your arguments as a trendy "progressive" view of the global Islamic terrorist situation. This is the basic premise of your argument isn't it?

There is some residual resistance to American occupation in Iraq, and Afghanistan. But Paul if you did some superficial internet surfing you will realize that most radical Muslim groups are owned by, and created by Western and Israeli intelligence organizations.........the whole lot, maybe with the exception of Hizbollah (One can't be sure even here). You've heard of the terms "fifth column"------groups you use to infiltrate and distabilise societies which you intend to attack later, or "controlled opposition" haven't you? So when a "radicalized Muslim" does a terrorist act, it is in fact the actions of Western and Israeli intelligence.

There are 1 billion Muslims in the world, most live in poor Third World countries,and most given there life and circumstance don't have the time to be radicalized. A very small percentage who step into the radical fold 0.000001% are usually quickly sucked into the controlled Islamic groups that the West and Israel manage. )

The attack on Mumbai required radicalized Muslims. Radicalized Muslims resulted from the US overthrowing the elected government in Iran and imposed the Shah; from the US stationing troops in Saudi Arabia; from the US invading and attempting to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq, bombing weddings, funerals, and children’s soccer games; from the US violating international and US law by torturing its Muslim victims; from the US enlisting Pakistan in its war against the Taliban; from the US violating Pakistan’s sovereignty by conducting military operations on Pakistani territory, killing Pakistani civilians; from the US government supporting a half century of Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their lands, towns and villages; from the assault of American culture on Muslim values; from the US purchasing the government of Egypt to act as its puppet; from US arrogance that America is the supreme arbiter of morality.

( NO. This is disinformation, redirection agent work you are doing, as a writer who has considerable standing in America, in the alternative media. You have cultivated this well.

What happened in Mumbai was primarily the work of Israel, the RSS, and possibly Germans.........then you ask why, and Qui Bono:

1)The man leading investigations into RSS linkages to terrorist acts in India, Hemant Kakare ATS chief, is the very FIRST victim of the terrorists in Mumbai.

2) There are state elections going on whilst the terrorist incident took place. There will be national elections in India soon, and this incident in Mumbai helps certain parties.

3) India is an emerging power which the Israelis wish to appropriate to their global agenda's.

4) Pakistan's nuclear bomb program has been a target of the Israelis for the better part of 30 years. Do you remember what one of the very first things Carter did when elected? He went to South Asia to dictate to them for Israel what was required of India and Pakistan, with the nuclear question.

As Justice Brandeis said, crime is contagious. Government teaches by example, and America’s example is lawlessness. America’s brutal crimes against the Muslim world have invited every Muslim to become a law unto himself--a revolutionary. It is not terror that Washington confronts but revolution.

(Very romantic! Yes the American government is mafia. Clearly so, and we can agree on this.

As stated before of the 1 billion Muslims around the world, most, the vast majority are leading orderly, ordinary, law abiding lives..................the vast majority of Muslims are apathetic, concerned about themselves and their individual, mortgages, price of food, education, the harvests, the weather, TV and so on.................NOT sitting around a camp fire, reciting the holy Koran and contemplating Jihad. So what you say is false.

In addition if I may elaborate on the reason for this apathy. Of the 50 odd Muslim dominated countries, most of the governments in these countries are pro-Western for whatever reason, which further dampens radicalism in Muslims generally. The elite, the military and intelligence are mainly pro-Western, and through these groups the West controls and manages the vast majority of Muslims. "Radical Mullah Iran" by way of one example was installed by your government in 1979, with British and French cooperation. The mullahs relatives and children, the current ruling elite visit the West, and invest in the Western markets and live there. "Radical Libya" under Gaddafi installed by your government in 1969, has an elite that partially lives in the West, especially London. Gaddafi's son, the heir apparent was educated in the West, London I believe)

By illegal, uncivilized and undiplomatic behavior, the US has stirred Muslim peoples from their long slumber as serfs of Western colonial powers. Some Muslims have had all that they can take, and their fury drives them to rouse a billion of their fellows to throw off the yoke of foreign hegemony.

(The behavior of America makes many Muslims unhappy, and many non-Muslims equally. In a globalized world rogue nations by their single acts destabilize the global apple cart, which is meant to serve everybody's interests)

The arrogant incompetence of American governments brought this conflict to the American people and inflicted it upon the world. By destabilizing Pakistan, the US lost a puppet and created an opportunity for Muslim revolutionaries to exploit. By enraging India against Pakistan, the Mumbai attack has created new problems for Pakistan that will focus that government’s attention away from combating Taliban sanctuaries on Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan. If the US picks up the slack, it will have invaded yet another country and become trapped in a larger quagmire.

(I think Imperial Hubris has something to do with this. But more likely it is Israeli requirements and designs that define American policy in this theater. I fully appreciate you live in America, but mentioning Israel now and then in the context of what you are talking about will give your fine eloquent words more credibility.)

Having fomented terrorism, the American government now pretends to be the innocent victim, just as Israelis, having brought about terrorism by driving Palestinians from their homes and villages, pretend to be innocent victims.

( Israel created Hamas in the 1970's to marginalize the secular Socialist PLO, and drive a wedge between Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Christian Palestinians tend to be better educated, more articulate, and had good organizational ability. With Hamas, the Israelis can say to the West "our war against the Palestinians is a war against pan-Islamic fundamentalism " and these vile Islamic fundamentalist threaten you in the West too, and we are the outpost of civilization against the hordes of on....son.

We are starving the Islamic Hordes....

In that sense Paul you are selling that Israeli message in a nicer more subtle way, as a disinformation agent as a "progressive" alternative front.)

Today European members of NATO, an outdated organization formed to defend Western Europe against Soviet invasion, are sacrificing the lives of their soldiers fighting the American Empire’s war in Afghanistan. If America continues to have its way, Europeans will soon be dying in Ukraine, Georgia, and Iran.

(Yes, quite)

The American government, which preaches “freedom and democracy” has in the 21st century gone to great extremes to stamp out the US Constitution and the civil liberties that it guarantees. The US government has repudiated the Geneva Conventions and the prohibitions in US statutory law against torture. The US government has set aside habeas corpus, the ancient legal principle guaranteed by the US Constitution that prohibits governments from holding people in prisons without presenting charges. The US government has broken the laws of other nations by kidnapping foreign citizens and transporting them to other lands to be tortured.

(You said it)

These massive crimes have been justified in the name of the “war on terror.” In truth, America’s crimes foment revolution.

(Where is a genuine revolution in a Muslim country which is not backed by Western intelligence? Impossible...........just look at Pakistan; you have the worst government in Pakistani history, with a traditionally worthless military; a collapsing economy; insurgency in parts of the country.....................but where is the revolution, and establish competent government there?)

It was the US government that created the “war on terror,” which has been used to murder and dispossess millions of Iraqis and Afghans, to imprison US citizens as if they were medieval serfs, and to squander three trillion dollars for the sole purpose of enriching Halliburton and the military-security complex.

(Yes )

Investigative journalist John Pilger has shown that the so-called “moral superiority of the West” is a hoax designed to shield from view the self-seeking West’s crimes against humanity.

(Couldn't agree with you more, though the term West is too generalized, and sweeping. We really are talking about America at the end of the day, and the Jewish elite of America with Israel, using American might to bring misery to many people in Third World countries. That would be a more specific description of the real situation. It is America which can decide to with draw troops from Iraq, and Afghanistan and allow these countries to exist normally. It is America which can withdraw the GWOT hoax)

Obama promised change from this destructive behavior, but how does change arise when the most arrogant woman on earth is appointed Secretary of State and the rest of the new government is staffed with tried and true Likudniks and servants of the militar-security complex?

(You have to be careful Paul not to use the word Likudnik, because that is getting dangerously close to mentioning Jews and Israel, which seems to be your two taboo subjects, the 800 pound gorilla in the room. I believe 65% of his staff are going to be ex-Clintonistas, so a defacto 3rd Clinton term in that sense, and definitely NO CHANGE. Plenty of disappointments for the fawning Obama supporters. Some kind of a New Deal in America, coupled with a very proactive foreign've got Brzezinski there running things, so most definitely no let up for Iraq and Afghanistan.)

The change over which Obama will preside will have no American victories. The change will come from America as a failed state, from the dollar dethroned as reserve currency, from America repudiated by its allies and paid puppets, from massive unemployment for which there is no solution, from hyperinflation that produces anarchy.

( Yes I think given your economics background, and general perspective you know what is going to happen in America........socially and politically how far it all goes, I don't know.........I have written about the worst case scenarios before on this blog, very briefly in relation to the USA.)

The day might arrive when Washington is faced with revolution at home as well as abroad.

( OK so I understand what you are getting at.

The American military is approximately 26% African American; maybe 30% Hispanic in the near future, and add to that foreigners who are invited to serve with America especially from Africa and South America.........and you have a military which might be easily managed by the Jewish elite in America against the WASP majority (from whose ranks revolution is most likely to occur).

Open immigration is part of that Jewish weaken the dominant WASP groups, and allow greater Jewish control of America. Then submerge further this group through assimilating America with Jewish dominated Mexico, and Jewish dominated Canada. Reinforce the American military with private security like Blackwater, and you have an array of security structure to impose martial law, and concentration camps that can hold up to 10 million people.

The psychological harassment and conditioning of Americans has already begun, and it is a matter of time when this I am not too optimistic about popular revolutions in America, though it sounds very romantic.

a latter day George Washington from the ranks of the WASP military{WASP for the moment!} would have a tough time fighting the global Jewish empire.)