Well Mukherjie sahib I suspect that is a rhetorical question, rather than a question based on a genuine lack of knowledge of the real situation in Pakistan. I suspect you really do know, or have a good idea who exactly runs the country, and you are merely expressing your exasperation at the situation in Pakistan. Believe me Pakistanis are more exasperated by their government then India is, or possibly ever could be.The Kashmir insurgency has been festering since 1990, with base camps in Azad Kashmir, which has cost the lives of up to 50,000 people in Kashmir, the lives of countless Indian servicemen and the expense for India of maintaining of up to 500,000 security personnel there. Beyond the separate issue of false flag ops of terrorism by the Israeli/RSS nexus in India proper for the last couple of years especially since 2000, when the BJP imported Israeli security advisers (the more Israeli security advisers; the more terrorist incidents in mainland India, beyond Kashmir), India has legitimate concerns about who exactly is running Pakistan, and its security apparatus which nourish the Kashmiri separatist forces, approaching 18 years. It is a prescient logical question, and I will try my best to answer it.Zardari, the chamar coolie gangster has told a gathering of tribal elders in the NWFP recently that they must accept airstrikes, by Pakistani and Western forces on their homes, in the pursuit of fighting terrorists. Does that mean in that case that India has legitimate rights to bomb suspected "terrorist sites" in Azad Kashmir ? Logically India can along this line of Zardari's argument, if since September 2008, the Pakistan military and politicians have tacitly agreed to American attacks on Pakistani soil. However given the real scenario in Pakistan, which I will elaborate later if you bare with me, that might not be a good idea, even if India follows the example of the Pakistan military and American forces in Afghanistan in relation to FATA, and follows through on such a course in relation to Azad Kashmir based Kashmiri separatist groups.Who calls the shots in Pakistan?
By Sandeep Phukan "Who is in charge in Pakistan?" That was Pranab Mukherjie's query at an international conference in Delhi.
The remarks which indicate New Delhi's willingness to step up its diplomatic offensive against Pakistan seems to be part of a strategy, where India is trying to highlight the power structure across the border - where the civilian government seems unable or unwilling to act against terrorist outfits operating on its soil.
(The Kashmir issue is a sensitive subject in Pakistani politics, and in many ways weak civilian governments such as Zardari's PPP can do very little but follow the agenda's of previous governments without real innovations. They can undertake gesture politics only with India because of this political reality, and not undertake real policies which deal with the fundamental problems of Kashmir, and all other outstanding bilateral issues between the two countries.
As to the 800,000 security forces of Pakistan, they have used the Kashmir question to rally the country as a unifying force, and as a justification of their huge numbers and expenses------AND in relation to Kashmir, the problem is not the politicians, but the security people...who have agendas of their own.
How do you deal with the security top brass of Pakistan, without seeming to attack and punish the Pakistani nation as a whole? Very difficult, as they are trained by Britain and the USA, and have close connections with these two nations and their attendant geo-strategy in the region)
"It is not for us to tell other how to government but we would like to know with whom we should deal. In other words, who runs the show," said Pranab Mukherjee, Union External Affairs Minister.

(failed state number 9 from the bottom. 55 cabinet ministers with portfolio, and an ex-convict as President, just installed by the USA. According to Transparency International among the most corrupt nations on earth. Its bankrupt, and exists on handouts from the IMF..........run by the USA, and UK..........through the military, ISI, Zamindars/Tamindars {500 families} and commercial families {30 families, including Nawaz Sharif}. In such a situation, who do you hold accountable in this failed state?
You might hold the USA/UK accountable for creating the mess of Pakistan, but these powers will merely state that Pakistan is a free sovereign country, with a democratically elected government, and they have no sway over Pakistani governments and their policy agendas. The reality of course is different. Just see what the Americans can do in FATA with drone, missile and airstrikes, and just see how the chamars Coolie chauds in Pakistan react, if India strikes a insurgency camp in Azad Kashmir; you will see what I am talking about, and who REALLY calls the shots in Pakistan. Have you even made any real incursions into their airspace? Probably not. But did you see how they reacted?
Do you understand and grasp who has created this mindset?)
The foreign minister, chairing an international conference on a new vision for South Asia, sent out a clear message to India's neighbour: Is there any point in talking to a civilian government who don't seem to be in control?
(It would seem NOT given the situation in Pakistan. It may seem below India's dignity to even try. But you have the reality of a neighbor which can't be ignored, with 170 million people, and nuke bombs, and a huge military, and a failed state. In that context Pakistan can't be ignored like the Maldives or Bhutan, it has to be managed for the best possible outcomes for India, and South Asia.
The only meaningful avenue in such a situation is continue engaging Pakistan and reinforce Pakistan's long term linkages with South Asia through SAARC. Force her to sign a FTA immediately with India, legalize the LOC, offer Pakistan credit and economic aid just like India has been offering many other nations; increase the face to face cooperation and meetings between the ISI/RAW, between the military top brass of both countries, senior police and so forth of both countries on a regular basis......it will make things easier, believe me.
Through such avenues greater understanding can be gauged between the two nations, and you will certainly get more answers should the Mumbai incident repeat itself. Where in the future you are not left confused and wondering again. What is required is greater direct face to face communication between the two countries, where the margin for misunderstanding is minimalised. Where a MOSSAD phone call to Zardari seeming to eminate from India, doesn't lead him to scramble his airforce, or a fake strike by Israel in Pakistan with IAF markings (The Israelis have trained on tanker refueling missions from Israel to Afghanistan and back with the long distant F-15 I), which leads Pakistan to think it is India.
We need margins of error and misunderstanding to be minimalized especially in relations to security matters between the two nations.
Beyond that Pakistan is a rotten apple, rotten to the core, you must learn to live with it as best you can and not lash out...........just remember the American/British trained Pakistan military WILL react differently to what they have approved with the USA viz FATA, if India decides to set an example this time around, against Pakistan.
And Mukherjie sahib, really verbal spats with Pakistan have very limited utility; you can only have such shows for a certain period of time, until the Indian public tire of them. The vast majority of the electorate are concerned with "Kapur, Roti aur Makan"...."ALL terrorism in India is from Pakistan" is BJP territory.

As to the "NEW VISION FOR SOUTH ASIA" permit me to be impertinent Sir. Should the Kettle call the pot black?
Unless you are unaware, what exactly has RAW been doing in Sri Lanka for the last 30 years? Arming and training Tamils LTTE, against the Sri Lanka central government, using Indian territory and logistics. 100,000 Sri Lankans dead since the early 1980's from the civil war? Will you suggest the Sri Lankans have the right to bomb Chennai for this? Then adding fuel to the fire by inviting MOSSAD into the whole show in the 1980's!
What has RAW been doing in Bangladesh, backing Islamic fundamentalist activity in the country, and countless acts of terrorism..........the former head of the Bangladesh army on a visit to India was asked by an Indian reporter how he would curb terrorism in his country, and in exasperation he replied "Its YOU!" meaning India and specifically RAW was active in that arena.

Is India in Afghanistan, doing "things" in Baluchistan, and NWFP, at the invitation of the USA? Does RAW do "things" in Karachi and Sindh in general?
Of course Sir you might say India does not do state terrorism through RAW, and I will believe you. But two things to remember, when the Americans (Filthy Jews mainly) come over to India with advice which rev's up your nations ego and military security posture:
1) South Asia is one house, one entity, culturally, racially, historically, emotionally, geographically........you start a fire on one part of the house, because you feel like doing some macho geostrategy posturing in the region as the greatest power, then there is no guarantee that the fire will stay in that particular part, and that it might not spread to the rest of the house, out of control. Bombing Pakistani insurgency bases is an American policy, not India's.
2) India is a poorly managed Third World country, where governance is poor, with 800 million Indians living on 20 rupees a day, with one meal a day consisting of plain rice. Its a fragile house of cards in another words. TRANSLATION: The Indian government has little capacity to manage events precisely as it wishes, ALL the time even within India, let alone outside the country (Maoists have come to power in Nepal, so the Naxals must be happy) And outside the country the classic example of course is Pakistan, a nation with an economy a tenth of India, and yet as the events around the Mumbai tradegy has shown, India still can't meaningfully communicate with Pakistan. Beyond the illusion of being a super power one day, India should be very careful, because of its delicate construction how she treads in South Asia.)

"Genuine democracy does not come about merely by holding an election but by a process of democratisation that makes the elected representatives accountable and more importantly in ensuring that there does not exist a separate and de facto centre of power that is actually pulling the puppet strings," said Mukherjee.
(Agreed. Pakistan is NOT a democracy...It goes through the motions of democracy. Its an Oligarchy, where the power elites change seats during elections {PPP, PML], or if one were to be a little unkind, a Kleptocracy----rule by criminals, as with Zardari's regime.
YES! Zardari was installed by the USA/UK. He is answerable to the USA. So the Americans can bomb his country, but India cannot. You understand the real power configuration within Pakistan. The Pakistan military/ISI are answerable to the USA/UK.
Then who is the real enemy of India ultimately and in reality? Who trains the Pak military top brass, and equips the armed forces? Which powers gave Pakistan the confidence to attack India in 1948, 1965, 1971, 1990 almost, and 1999? Who established the notorious ISI in 1948? From Wikipedia: "The ISI was the brainchild of Australian-born British Army officer, Major General R. Cawthome, then Deputy Chief of Staff in the Pakistan Army"
Work slowly and methodically backwards and you will have all your answer of who calls the shots in Pakistan.
Test my thesis. Attack Pakistan with airstrikes against Kashmiri separatist bases, and see what happens. Just see how the Raj Punjab Police Force reacts, in contrast to American attacks in FATA)

Pranab Mukherjee may not have named Pakistan but it was more than clear which country he had in mind.
(What Bengal thinks today, India will think tomorrow! Tagore??)
From the Mumbai attacks to the Indian embassy bombings in Kabul, India has always alleged the role of Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence or ISI.
(The FBI for what its worth have cleared the ISI of the Mumbai attacks. We have got to move forward and beyond mere finger pointing. Lets have institutionalized instruments where by the heads of the ISI/RAW, the top Military brass of the two nations meeting regularly, and the same with the police----talking face to face, submitting reports to their respective governments there after)
"One of the terrorist has given us a chilling account of his handlers. The impunity with which these attacks are carried out is only because of the safety that has been assured to these terrorist handlers," said Mukherjee.
(In which language did Kasab give his account? In clear English first according to Indian authorities (1st December). How can uneducated villagers from Pakistan speak English relatively well, as reported by the Mumbai police initially 1st December), then later Hindi with a Pushto accent (8th December)? How does an illiterate poor Punjabi villager learn to speak Hindi? He is on a Jihad and he can't recite the Koran clearly???? The LeT is running short on recruits who can't recite the Koran/Sura Jihadists in Pakistan hey?????? Is he really a Pakistani? Is he a Pakistani tourist abducted in Nepal, a few years back?????Do the Pakistani embassy have access to Kasab? Will Hemant Kakares investigations against the RSS/Israeli Terrorist nexus be finally published, or brushed under the proverbial carpet, and forgotten?
India has legitimate enough grievances against Pakistan viz Kashmir terrorism/insurgency emanating from Azad Kashmir. After all 50,000 people have died in Kashmir since 1990. That is without dispute. India does not have to lump ALL incidents of terrorism in India to Pakistan, and over egg the pudding. I maintain the Mumbai terrorist incident was Mossad/RSS/Siv Sena work.

Hat tip to Mr. Antulay, for raising perfectly legitimate questions in Parliament, about the Mumbai terrorist incident. If the Israelis with the RSS are going around India doing terrorism, that is a major security problem that needs to be dealt with by the Congress government, or ANY self respecting government of India)
So far Pakistan's civilian government has either been in a state of denial or ineffective in curbing terrorist outfits operating from its soil. And even within Pakistan, opinion seems to be going against President Zardari who also heads the Pakistan People's party that is leading the coalition government.
According to a survey carried out by the US-based International Republican Institute, 59 per cent would rather have PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif as the nation's President instead of Asif Ali Zardari.

(Because he is an American installed gangster puppet. The Pakistani public have sized him up within a few months. They are living under the reality of his rule, where the situation has seriously deteriorated in Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif is basically cut from the same cloth as Zardari, from the corrupt flawed Pakistani politics, and has already served two terms, so more "hope over experience". What is needed is a no-confidence vote in parliament, and new elections. Zardari and his Kleptocracy needs to go quickly and something else put in his place. Anything else!)
Eighty-eight per cent of the respondents in the poll believe their country is moving in the wrong direction.
(Somehow the Pakistani public might be right----Mukherjie sahib should note it)
A total of 76 per cent rated the PPP-led government's performance on key issues as poor.
"Yes, there have been flip-flops, that's because this government is in transition. You see the current leadership is a leader by default. You cannot buy leaders. Nawaz Sharif has made a wise comment. We have to investigate not just for your sake but our sake," said Asma Jehangir, chairperson, Human Rights Commission, Pakistan.
(So much needs to be done in Pakistan, not just a mere investigation of one incident in Mumbai, where I don't think Pakistan had a role. The FBI think the ISI was not involved, and I think the LeT, or even gangsters based in Pakistan weren't involved even. Pakistan as a nation has to make fundamental strategic changes to the nation, in order to survive any attempts at destroying the country by the Jews in America, and that means amongst other things:
1) Re-orientating the armed forces/ISI away from the dangerous influence of the USA/UK( 2 nations dominated by Jews, more so the USA)..........priority number one. Where the Pakistan military finally act on the best interests of Pakistan, and not as an appendage to American geostrategy without question.
2) Serious attempts making greater linkages with India through SAARC, with FTA's, legalizing the LOC, with greater intercourse and linkages between key officials from both the countries, and especially the intelligence, military and police.
Time and patience seem to be running out and unless Pakistan acts firmly India says its exploring all options.
hmmm. We must always find the time to do the right things for the whole region.We must always make the time; Tai Nah? Only India with its size, progressive development, and secular democratic agenda can do that. If India cannot then all is lost for the whole South Asia region.