
I meet Jihadi John at the Travelers Club.
We dine in the 'coffee room'.
We order the leg of pork and a bottle of Chateau Margaux.

The Coffe Room
John tells me that it is difficult to get pork in Raqqa, the jihadi headquarters in Syria.
"But you can get bagels and Matzah Ball Soup," he adds.
I ask John about his fellow jihadis.

"There are around 12,000 fighters," he explains. "They come mainly from
England, France, Germany, Australia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Morocco."

"All the countries you mention are friends of Israel and the USA," I point out.

"There are lots of women in ISIS," continues John with a huge grin on his face. "We need our Harems, our concubines."
I ask John about the films made for ISIS.
"There's a news organisation called Vice.
. "Vice is in Raqqa as a guest of ISIS."
European jihadists.
"There's a news organisation called Vice.
. "Vice is in Raqqa as a guest of ISIS."
European jihadists.
"Some of the Vice people have names like Ben, Daniel, Simon, Shlomo and Esra," continues John.
Al Baghdadi is a Mossad agent called Simon Elliot.

And what are the Jihadis like?
"Well," says John, "Yusuf Sarwar and Mohammed Ahmed, from London, have been reading Islam for Dummies and The Koran for Dummies.

European jihadists.
I ask how easy it is to get to Syria.
"You fly to Istanbul and then you are taken to Syria. It is very easy."
. Steven Sotloff Video Found by Group Connected to Homeland Security and responsible for releasing the fake Osama bin Laden video....
Simon Elliot, aka Al-Baghdadi, son of Jewish parents, Mossad agent.
I ask how easy it is to get to Syria.
"You fly to Istanbul and then you are taken to Syria. It is very easy."
. Steven Sotloff Video Found by Group Connected to Homeland Security and responsible for releasing the fake Osama bin Laden video....