Hal Turnerstein nothing new - Long and Illustrious History of Judas Goat Kosher Nazi Clowns in the White Nationalist Movement

He ran the American Nazi Party in the 1960s. He drove around an VW bus with six Jewish kids. He was national news for 7 years.
Rockwell's father "knew and entertained many Jewish performers. For example Jack Benny, George Burns, and Groucho Marx attended Lincoln Rockwell's christening" 1

Jewish publicity hoax to kickstart Holohoax Propaganda Machine
The year was 1977, and most people never heard of the Holocaust. All we knew was that we fought a war against evil Nazis, but the Holocaust never made it to the Silver Screen till the late 1970's.
The early blockbusters, such as 'Judgment at Nuremberg', forgot to mention the gas chambers.
Frank Collin Lights The Holocaust Fuse
In April of 1977, Collins demanded to march through downtown Skokie, the largest enclave of Holocaust survivors in America.
14 Months Of National News
From April 1977 through June of 1978. ABC, CBS, and NBC, bombarded us nightly. Jews were weeping, Nazis were goose-stepping , and endless legal battles fought by Jewish ACLU lawyers defending the Nazis, and the right of Freedom of speech.
The Fuehrer Vanishes And Is Discovered to be Jewish
His real name is Joseph Cohen, born on Nov 3,1944 in Chicago, conceived in Feb of 1943 in Dachau concentration camp (According to his father).

A look at Daniel Burros
Burros was a real hot-headed proponent of the long-defunct Third Reich. After a stint in the Army, he became involved with the American Nazi Party. He rose to second-in-command of the American Nazi Party and was a Grand Dragon with the Ku Klux Klan.
Burros wanted to assassinate prominent Jews, whom he calls “society’s disease.” Luckily, the newspapers spread his diabolical plot before the assassinations.
Whoops !!
It turns out Daniel Burros was a nice Jewish boy from Queens who somehow went from being his Rabbi's star pupil to being a top "Nazi". In 1965, following Burros' arrest at a KKK event in New York City, it was disclosed that he was Jewish. He was shot and the fellow Jews claimed Burros took his own life.” 2

The History Of This Wizard
Jordan Gollub was the imperial wizard of the Royal Confederate Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. There was a lull in Klan anti-Semitic activists, but that ended when Gollub stepped onto the scene as "head" of the "Ku Klux Klan." He immediately received great fanfare by the news media as a "spokesman" for "rightists”.
The Jews at the ADL and SPLC called him a ‘Venomous monster’. The southern press praised his dastardly deeds and gave him enormous publicity. He led numerous marches throughout Mississippi – often intimidating Negroes with lynching.
The Grand Wizard has a secret
It turns out he was Jewish and a homosexual. He quickly dropped out of sight, but not before leaving the impression that his element will attempt to pressure public opinion from dark and devious haunts.
Meet The Parents
Jordan Gollub, the Hebrew Klansman, was born of Jewish parents in Philadelphia, managed despite that fact to become Grand Dragon of the Virginia chapter of the Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. In 1985 he was dismissed by Virgil Griffin, the self-proclaimed national leader of the anti-black, anti-Semitic hate group. Gollub contends that it was not his Jewish origins that led to his ouster, but an intra-Klan factional dispute. Undeterred, Gollub moved on to Mississippi and snaked his way back into becoming that state's Klan leader.

In 1998 It Was Wolfgang Hawke
Wolfgang (nee Nathan Greenbaum) was the first internet Fuhrer.
Wolfgang Hawke Happens To Be Jewish; Now sells penis enlargement pills on the internet and is a Spam Lord
In 1999, the year Hawke became semi-famous as the "Commander" of a neo-Nazi outfit he'd founded in high school. Hawke, who announced that summer on Fox News, "I plan to make the Final Solution a reality."
After some pre-teen Gaultier said das Fuhrer was uncircumcised, Nathan started Amazing Internet Products, which sold 'Penis Pills' (Pinacle), and just in July of 2003 he sold $600,000. Nathan Britt Greenbaum sent millions of e-mails offering penis enlargement pills, weight loss supplements, handheld devices called "personal lie detectors" and other bogus products.

Who Is Bill White
For those of you that still don’t know, Bill White is the self appointed leader of the American National Socialist Workers Party, an ADL/SPLC front used by the Zionists to incite violence against minorities. I’ve written about this fake Nazi before, in an article entitled Alleged White Supremacist Bill White‘s Kosher Attack on Ron Paul,” in which I detail Bill White’s past, he grew up in a Jewish neighborhood and attended predominantly Jewish schools. I cite facts that the MSM, who loves to quote him, which ought to be a dead giveaway, aren’t going to mention, like his close ties with known FBI agent provocateurs like David Gletty, who while working directly with the FBI formed a “neo-Nazi march through the streets of Parramore that stirred up anxiety in Orlando's black community and fears of racial unrest that triggered a major police mobilization.”