Get the military back into the barracks, for the sake of DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL STABILITY, and the professionalism of the military in the long term (Indian military is rarely used in internal security ops, and when used, they are quickly withdrawn again.......a Third World poor country......the same in Germany, Canada, Australia----the quality of their military does not need elaboration)
Can we get rid of military parades for example on Independence Days, they are exclusively Third World banana republic affairs. Embarrassing-----Independence Day should be about HOPE, DEVELOPMENT FOR EVERYBODY, THE FUTURE, HAPPY CHILDREN, NATIONAL UNITY.
Can we have troops movements at night, for example when they have to go on military maneuvers......as practiced in many countries. Not during the 8:00 am and 5:00 pm traffic jam hours---common sense?
Can the profile of the Pakistan military be lowered media wise, with no interviews given by COAS, and lower officers on SECURITY, and especially around political issues.
Can counter-insurgency be conducted by the police, and paramilitary exclusively, as in India.......a Third World country, which contains up to 4 million mobilizable men in the police and paramilitary in times of emergency.
Re-orientate the Pakistan Punjab military to focus EXCLUSIVELY on mass conventional warfare, and AWAY from its traditional COLONIAL anti-insurgency role inherited from the British via the British created ISI of forever fighting unarmed poor PAK Pakistani citizens.......for whatever flimsy reason created by the ISI and their CIA masters.
The German military NEVER killed their own citizens. They fought well in the conventional battlefield. Forget the evil politicians and their ideology in charge.
The 20,000 Tonton Macoute...........This is not a Bollywood movie.
He was an alcoholic, that is why his voice sounds like that. He referred to East Pakistanis, his fellow countrymen or 56% of the population with 45% of the GDP as Mosquito's......Best military man Pakistan ever had!
Arrested soon after the civil war ended, and kept under house arrest until his death in 1980. That is the problem with the Pakistan military, and not just Yahya Khan's fault...it is a systemic fault where the Pakistani military is seen as a tool of the Punjab ONLY, to be used against non-Punjabis in massacres, false flag terrorism, and disappearances........IN East Pakistan, Sindh, NWFP, FATA, Gilgit, Baltitistan, Kashmir and ofcourse Baluchistan.
It is a Tonton Macoute force run for the benefit of the elite in Punjab Pakistan.....it numbers unofficially at 1.1 million men always fighting, busy killing its own people, especially non-Punjabis.
Pro-Taliban commander welcomes talks offer by Pakistani premier
By Presstv.com
A senior pro-Taliban
commander has welcomed a recent offer by Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz
Sharif to hold peace talks with militant groups operating across the
violence-wracked country.
Asmatullah Muawiya, a close ally of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and leader of the so-called Punjabi Taliban, said that Premier Sharif has demonstrated political maturity by reiterating his offer to hold peace negotiations, the daily Dawn newspaper reported on Friday.
Muawiya is a senior member of a death squad of the pro-Taliban group that has carried out several terrorist attacks across Pakistan over the past few years.
The remarks by the top militant come after Premier Sharif called for peace talks with the pro-Taliban militant groups in a televised speech on Monday.
“I would like to take a step forward and invite those elements for dialogue who have unfortunately taken the path of extremism,” Sharif said, adding, “Like every Pakistani, I want to put an end to this bloodshed as soon as possible, whether this is done through mutual understanding at the negotiating table or the use of full fledged state force.”
The Pakistani prime minister also went on to say that the South Asian country is facing “serious challenges” such as terrorism which jeopardize “the very survival of the country.”
Sharif has been an advocate of peace talks with Taliban militants since his election campaign which ended in his May victory.
In May, a Taliban spokesman was quoted as saying that the militants might agree on a truce if Sharif and his party showed seriousness in holding the peace talks.
However, pro-Taliban militants withdrew their offer of peace talks to the new government after a US terror drone killed their deputy chief, Wali-ur-Rahman Mehsud.
Militants have carried out numerous attacks against security forces as well as civilians, and managed to spread their influence in various regions of the country, despite frequent offensives by the Pakistani Army.
Pakistani security forces have launched several operations in the troubled northwest and southwest in a bid to flush out militants from its tribal zone.
Despite the Pakistani government's operations against pro-Taliban militants and associated groups, they have been able to spread their influence in various regions of the country and kill thousands of people.
Thousands of Pakistanis have lost their lives in bombings and other militant attacks since 2001 when Pakistan entered an alliance with the US on the so-called war on terror, according to local media.