There are no expressions of remorse or regret at the death of 24 Pakistani soldiers, in an unprovoked attack by USA soldiers against a clearly marked military post, at night running for many hours whilst the Pakistanis pleaded with their American counter-parts to cease the attack, against a sovereign state and a nuclear armed long term ally since 1954.
Its was a brutal expression of power, which was hoping to entice the Pakistanis into a bigger conflagration with the mighty USA/NATO war machine occupying Afghanistan.
Thus the USA/NATO occupation forces would have ANOTHER GOOD reason to stay in Afghanistan......to deal with the "dangerous, slippery, two faced Pakistanis", as well as fight the Taliban and "al-Qaeda".
The Pakistan military have been good servants of the USA for 56 years since the two countries signed a security pact in 1954. But long service counts for nothing in Washington.
The Pakistani military created, armed, trained and ran the Medieval stone age Taliban, when the USA and Sandy Berger ordered them to create it from 1994, using Gulf State oil money. The Pakistani military still run the Taliban on the covert orders of the USA, because peace in Afghanistan will mean the USA/NATO will have to pack up and go back......rather than hang around looking for more mischief.....or harvest the Afghan heroin and ship it to Europe and North America using USA military transport planes via Kosovo/Turkey.
The Pakistani military have sustained the myth of "al-Qaeda" created by the CIA based in Afghanistan and Pakistan from 1996. They have even handed over about 700 mainly innocent people based on this mythology to the Americans to be tortured......they have disappeared 3000 people in Pakistan since 2001 based on this mythology for the USA......they have conducted several military campaigns in their own territory, paid for by the USA to support this mythology of GWoT.
The Pakistani military sustained the myth that Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan, in a garrison town of all places, waiting all these years (5 years there) to be taken out by the USA.......whilst the great Pakistani military were unaware, clueless, helpless in their own country in a otherwise sensitive zone.....the mother of all psyops against Pakistan.
The Pakistani military have thus fundamentally subverted Pakistan, with 300 terrorist incidents since 2001 and 4000 civilian deaths in the service of the USA, and GWoT.
But of course, the more the Pakistanis military serves the USA, the more contempt they have for the Pakistanis. The death of 24 Pakistani soldiers was an expression of that American contempt in November 2011.
But in the Pakistani military the need to become a millionaire is more important than any sense of personal honor, or "Esprit de corps", professionalism or the unheard of service to the nation.
In the Pakistan military a Brigadier up is guaranteed to be a multi-millionaire of $100 million or more.
In the Pakistani military the main preoccupation of the 20,000 officers is how to make money illegally using the vast state resources, and the dominant position of the military which controls 10% of the GDP.
To justify its bloated worthless size of 800,000 military (unofficially) and 300,000 paramilitary, AND further allow it to exploit the state it thus involves itself in false security adventures designed by the USA........for the USA, to the fundamental detriment of Pakistan.
Many Third World banana republic failed state military operate this way (Indonesia....), but the Pakistani military have taken it to a new level. In no other military in the world do senior officers automatically become millionaires, exploiting the state.
From this pressure to make money for the senior officers the Pakistan military which decides ALL foreign policy and security matters is thinking of opening the land route for the NATO/USA occupation forces again, beyond the current covert supplies running through Pakistan with the help of the Pakistan military.
Izzat is not important for the Mir Jafars and Mir Sadiqs.
‘No US-led trooper will face charges over Pakistan killings’

Pakistani soldiers salute the coffins of their comrades who were killed in a NATO strike during a funeral ceremony in Peshawar on November 27/11/ 2011.
By Presstv.com
The US military says no American soldier will face disciplinary charges for the US-led airstrikes that killed 24 soldiers in northwestern Pakistan last November.
A second investigation into the incident carried out by the US military determines that no American military personnel should be punished in face of the deadly airstrikes, The New York Times reported on Saturday, citing three senior military officials.
The American forces fired in self-defense and any other mistakes had been the result of battlefield confusion, the officials said.
“We found nothing criminally negligent on the part of any individual in our investigations of the incident,” said one senior American military official involved in the process, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
NATO helicopters and fighter jets attacked two Pakistani military outposts in northwest Pakistan on November 26, killing 24 Pakistani troops and plunging the already strained US-Pakistan relations further into crisis.
A primary investigation into the incident by Pentagon in December put the blame on both Americans and Pakistani forces, indicating that the Pakistani troops fired first from two border posts that were not on coalition maps.
The findings also suggested that the Pakistani soldiers kept firing even after Americans tried to warn them that they were shooting at allied forces.
Pakistan, however, rejected the result of the probe, pointing the finger of blame at American troops.
This is while a Pakistani parliamentary committee on Tuesday demanded an apology from the United States for the November airstrike, calling the attack a “blatant violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
In response to the airstrike, Pakistan stopped the NATO supply convoys headed for the US-led forces in Afghanistan. Islamabad also called on the US to vacate Shamsi airbase in Balochistan province.