Jul 27, 2010

Unclji hit me again: The strange and sad state of Pak/USA relations

One shifts from disdain mixed with frustration to sad pity when one reads about Pakistan.

180 million people living in a failed state number das, defacto run by the military who in turn take orders from the USA.

63 years of utter failure and misery for people in East Pakistan, Baluchistan, NWFP and eventually of course in the Punjab.

The main problem is the Pakistani military. If there was no Pakistani military Pakistan would be a great country. Every major problem in the country can be traced back to the Pakistan military.

Quite why still some in the Pakistan military want to claim the whole of Kashmir defies belief, after the failure of East Pakistan, Baluchistan and now NWFP, as failed state number das.

Quite why chamars from the Poooonjab still yearn for "Strategic Depth", over the whole of Afghanistan using mad unstable fundies defies belief. As if Arriana Afghanistan could ever be controlled by Harijans from the Punjab, especially after the failure of East Pakistan, Baluchistan and now NWFP, as failed state number das.

After 63 years don't these idiots get it? What planet of hope do they exist on? Regular Pep talks from visiting American military officers?

They know better?

We mustn't pass without mentioning the Powerless civilian politicians and "leaders" who rubber stamped Chamar chain smoking Kiyani's appointment illegally recently. This is what Washington wanted after all.

Zardari is a certified crook with $3 billion looted from state coffers stashed in off shore accounts. Everybody in Pakistan knows it, and hence he was never liked by the nation or even his own Party. But he enjoys American backing, and that is enough for his Presidency. The Pakistan military like him because he is a weak leader with no power, lacking popular support/mandate/legitimacy. Zardari provides a "Democracy veil" for the Pakistan military, whilst they continue on with business as usual. The great benefit of Zardari for the Pakistan military is that a SUBSTANTIAL portion of national failure can be apportioned to him, even though Zardari exercises very little real strategic power within/without Pakistan.

Zardari bhen understands this, and is only in it for the money.

To date 1500 Pakistanis have died from floods during the monsoon, and many more may die. Any normal leader, an average leader, not a great leader, a reasonable leader might want to be "with his people" in their hour of grief and need.

Organizing relief. Organizing refugee camps. Meeting the victims of floods. Showing, sharing, sorrow and remorse.

Not Zardari Bhen.

Laughing ear to ear, he went off to Rothschild France to pay respects to the little Mossad Juif Sarkozy, and then on to Rothschilds UK to pay his respects. OBVIOUSLY the man is a certified puppet of the USA. ONLY foreign owned puppets behave this way.

How can 180 million self respecting Pakistanis tolerate his behavior?

Zardari after all is a mere sponge, soaking up the animosity directed at the government and the "ruling class". Though one should cough and remember that the Pakistani military is Harijan Middle class.

The MAIN PROBLEM as it has been since Laiquat Ali Khan's assassination in 1951 is the Pakistan military assuming civilian power; Thinking that they know better than everybody else; implementing completely disastrous policies within/without Pakistan; Propagating friendship with Jew dominated USA which has been a disaster for Pakistan AND finally lacking the powers of REFLECTION and Circumspection......stock taking of the deep strategic kind......nothing doing for these filthy Harijans.

Pakistan due entirely to the military is between the proverbial rock and hard place now.

Its a slow motion train crash, and every passenger in the country save the "Strategic Depth" middle class Harijan military officer corps can't see the Abyss in the near horizon. They can't grasp the fact that Pakistan is a failed state number das. They can't grasp the fact that their policies fundamentally is destroying the country, just as it did in 1971. These "Strategic Depth" cowards can't face up to the truth of the real situation.

Pakistan cannot continue like this, any kuta with no education knows this. The American aid might buy some politicians and military officers, BUT the money is not enough to cover the real costs of such policies against Pakistan. The guesstimates of the costs to Pakistan of the current MILITARY policies runs any where between $45 billion-----$65 billion.

This is unsustainable. No nation can sustain such costs. Not even a Marshal plan from the USA will help because the level of governance is too weak and corrupt for the extra funds to be effectively used.

The only solution is for Pakistan to step out of this hamsters treadmill.


Wikileaks Docs Target Pakistan.

By Kurt Nimmo at Infowars.com

Not long after Wikileaks dumped tens of thousands of classified Afghanistan “war” documents into the public arena for consumption, the corporate media zoomed in on Pakistan. “WikiLeaks documents released Sunday shine a spotlight on Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, a spy agency that has been accused for years of having links to terrorist groups,” writes the Wall Street Journal.

“In the reports, the retired general [Hamid Gul] and former head of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) from 1987 to 1989 is accused of ordering IED attacks against Afghan and international forces in December 2006 and of plotting to kidnap United Nations staff to use as hostages in exchange for militant prisoners,” reports the Christian Science Monitor. “The ISI is mentioned in at least 190 reports, and is accused of backing attacks against US and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces in Afghanistan.”

Demonizing Pakistan and Gul play right into the Pentagon’s script as the puppet Barry Obama expands the “war” in Afghanistan and sends drones armed with Hellfire missiles into Pakistan’s tribal areas to kill a never-ending cast of intelligence created bad guys.

It is also highly suspicious the documents appeared a couple days after the Bilderberg-attending globalist and Rockefeller minion Richard Holbrooke, who is Obama’s Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, said “links between the ISI and the Taliban are a problem.” Holbrooke readily linked the Taliban with the mythical al-Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and the Haqqani network.

The Pakistan connection eluded to in the documents also underscore the attempt by the U.S. to put Gul and three other former ISI officials on the United Nations’ international terrorist list.

Holbrooke, of course, did not bother to mention that Pakistan’s support for Lashkar-e-Taiba was signed off on by the American Intelligence. French investigating magistrate Jean-Louis Bruguiere said as much last year.

The founder of the Haqqani network, Jalaluddin Haqqani, was involved in the American Intelligence-ISI effort in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union. The Afghan was cultivated as a “unilateral” asset of American Intelligence and received tens of thousands of dollars in cash, according to an account in The Bin Ladens, a book by Steve Coll. Haqqani helped and protected the infamous American Intelligence asset Osama bin Laden. He was subsequently named military commander for another American Intelligence contrivance, the Taliban.

Earlier this month Senate fixture Carl Levin called for stepping up attacks inside Pakistan. Levin specifically mentioned the Haqqani network and said the group “directly” threatens the “mission” in Afghanistan.

Both al-Qaeda and the Taliban are AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE assets. The Taliban emerged from madrassas established by the Pakistani government along the Afghanistan border and funded by the U.S., Britain, and the Saudis. The creation of the Taliban was “actively encouraged by the ISI and the American Intelligence,” according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia, a fact affirmed by Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.

“Between 1994 and 1996, the USA supported the Taliban politically through its allies Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, essentially because Washington viewed the Taliban as anti-Iranian, anti-Shia, and pro-Western. Between 1995 and 1997, US support was even more driven because of its backing for the Unocal [pipeline] project,” writes Ahmed Rashid, a long-time expert on Pakistan and Afghanistan.

In 2009, appearing before a congressional hearings on the Obama administration’s foreign policy, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted the U.S. created the Taliban. “Let’s remember here… the people we are fighting today we funded them twenty years ago… and we did it because we were locked in a struggle with the Soviet Union,” said Clinton.

Following Clinton’s remarks, Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari told NBC News the ISI and the American Intelligence worked together to create the Taliban. “I think it was part of your past and our past, and the ISI and the American Intelligence created them [the Taliban] together,” said Zardari.

The Taliban conquered Afghanistan with the avid assistance of the ISI and American Intelligence. According to files at one European intelligence agency, the Taliban received “strong military training, not only by the Pakistani services, but also by American military advisers working under humanitarian cover” and were provided with “satellite information giving the secret locations of scores of Soviet trucks that contain vast amounts of arms and ammunition.”

Hamid Gul became the head of Pakistan’s ISI at the behest of the American Intelligence. Gul was a favorite of American Intelligence Station Chief Milt Bearden and U.S. ambassador to Pakistan Arnie Raphel, who viewed him as an ally and a potential national leader of Pakistan. Bearden would later claim that Gul wandered off the reservation and the corporate media would ultimately accuse him of complicity in the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Support and funding for the Taliban continues to the present day. In June, Rep. Dennis Kucinich accused the Pentagon of funding the Taliban. “Our troops are dying in Afghanistan, and now it turns out we may be funding their killers,” Kucinich told Raw Story. “The American people are paying to prop up a corrupt government that may be using our money to pay private companies to drum up business by paying the insurgents to attack our troops,” he said.

In addition, the U.S. has paid the Taliban to not attack convoys in the country. “A congressional investigation revealed that millions of dollars spent by the US military for security purposes has inadvertently gone into the pockets of the Taliban,” Aljazeera reported on June 23.

“Welcome to the wartime contracting bazaar in Afghanistan,” writes Aram Roston. “It is a virtual carnival of improbable characters and shady connections, with former American Intelligence officials and ex-military officers joining hands with former Taliban and mujahedeen to collect US government funds in the name of the war effort.”

Afghanistan is America’s longest war for good reason — it is highly profitable for the military-industrial complex and provides an excuse for the government to maintain a foothold in central Asia while constructing a surveillance and control grid at home.

Pakistan is the new frontier of the Forever War on Manufactured Terror and the sudden appearance of tens of thousands of documents in part pointing a finger at the America’s junior partner in crime is highly suspicious to say the least, especially considering the America’s Intelligence fondness for patsies taking the fall.