Pakistan is a failed state number 10.
As with all failed states it has multiple problems which are slowly destroying the nation........and creating greater dependency on the USA, which may not be in Pakistan's best interests.
India rightly complains about Pakistani terrorism in India, especially in Kashmir..............but the Pakistani leadership based on their secured position presume to know better about what the agenda of negotiations should be as FAILED STATE NUMBER DAS. You would think given Pakistan's position that an Indian moderate offer to negotiate and thus solve certain issues would be good for Pakistan, and an opportunity to be grabbed..................but no according to the bizarre puppets of Islamabad.
Indeed the Pakistanis spent a good while pleading for the resumption of talks, after Delhi broke them off post 26/11. But now the Pakistanis have become selective, and choosy as to what THEY WANT in talks with India.........Bukwass Failed State Pakistan number das.
It seems according to the Times of India, the Pakistan military in a huff about their precious ISI being maligned by Pillai were responsible for the derailment of the talks, and the aggressive, contradictory positions of the Pakistan negotiators, there after.

The Pakistani military are sensitive people it seems.................but selectively sensitive.
They have no problems facilitating American drone attacks which kill countless Pakistani civilians.
Conducting false flag terror attacks against the Pakistani people and then blaming it on their trained fundamentalists...300 of them since 2001, inside Pakistan.
Handing over 700 odd innocent civilians to the Americans to be tortured, raped and murdered since 2001.
Waging endless war against the noble Pashtuns for the USA.
Disappearing 3200 Pakistani civilians on security issues since 2001.......but they don't like being identified as a bunch of chaudi pudi chamars as Headley identified them, because thats too close to the truth.
On a sinister colonial note a British minister of Pakistani origin stood shoulder to shoulder with Quraishi whilst he spoke through his ass, again. There are 10,000 British colonial troops in Afghanistan, harvesting the heroin into the UK. Heroin prices have considerably dropped in the streets of the UK since the British colonial forces arrived in Helmand Province in 2001.
The day after: India raps Qureshi's etiquette
Indrani Bagchi of the Times of India.
Shah Mehmood Qureshi really couldn't complain about S M Krishna's phone etiquette. During the day-long negotiations, at several times, the entire Indian delegation was left alone in Qureshi's room in the Pakistan foreign office, while the Pakistan delegation stepped out to consult their bosses. In any diplomatic negotiation, it's perfectly normal for officials to stay in touch with their headquarters. Therefore, there is complete mystification in the Indian camp about Qureshi's bellicosity, said sources familiar with the Islamabad.
(phone calls to higher ups and mass walk outs to consult higher ups are definite NO NO's DURING NEGOTIATIONS........they can be done after the parties have finished negotiations. Phone calls to Delhi and walk outs by all during negotiations are unfriendly and uncalled for...............kiddy theatrics)
In the run-up to the talks, the two sides had worked on the confidence-building measures that would be announced during the visit. These included a set of meetings between commerce secretaries (to kickstart trade), water resources secretaries (to look for cooperation in this area) even parliamentarians to meet each other. With this, India was going to indicate that it was ready for launching the full spectrum of dialogue. A meeting of surveyors general would also have been scheduled to resolve the Sir Creek issue.
But this would take time, because after Mumbai, India wants Pakistan to take some credible action on terrorism, which would prompt further opening up by India.
But Pakistan, said sources, would have none of it. The Indian delegation went in the talks believing that the agreements were a done deal, when Qureshi sprang a "roadmap" on them, insisting that talks on Kashmir, peace and security and Siachen should happen simultaneously. They wanted a calendar of events culminating in the foreign ministers' next meeting in Delhi at the end of the year.
As Pakistan PM Yousuf Gilani's remarks on Saturday made clear, the Pakistani side took Manmohan Singh's assurance that "all issues would be discussed" more literally than the Indian side. Gilani said, "Pakistan wants the continuation of dialogue with India. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has assured me that all issues will be discussed." Qureshi said, "We are very serious about normalising our relations with India."
India was not ready to take the big jump into the core issues just yet, without Pakistan taking any action on terrorism. Certainly, on issues like Siachen, the Indian government was not yet ready to take the plunge.
Given the Pakistani objections, the Indian side even worked on some drafting language that took into account positions on both sides. By scheduling a foreign secretaries' meeting they hoped to take care of two of the three issues -- J&K and peace and security.
But this was not acceptable to the Pakistani minister, who took the my-way-or-the-highway road. In retrospect, what Pakistan understood from resumption of dialogue and what India understood were very different, what foreign secretary, Nirupama Rao called a "difference in perception".
For the Indian side, the signal was that Pakistan did not want to negotiate. The reason remains a bit of a mystery. It could be that the Headley revelations about ISI involvement in Mumbai was the straw that broke the camel's back in the Pakistan army establishment and they found the home secretary's revelations to be an excuse. Or it could be that Pakistan thought that pushing India to talk on Kashmir when there was ongoing turmoil in the state was the right thing to do.
Whatever, it has brought back memories of the 2001 Agra summit, which also ran aground when Pervez Musharraf wanted to put Kashmir as the "core" issue in a joint statement and refused to budge.
Then, as now, India's intelligence on the inner workings of the Pak army mind remains sketchy. And that is always a problem.
The way forward is less clear, though evidently India will have to fix the breach, even if Pakistan doesn't. Krishna and Qureshi are scheduled to meet next week in Kabul during the peace conference. Whether they decide to move on will be watched carefully. The Indian proposals on resumption of dialogue are still valid, say sources. So if Pakistan wants to pick up on them they can.