During the 10 year Vietnam war 1965--75, which America lost, with the death of 150,000 servicemen unofficially and the additional death of 4 million Vietnamese, the most important thing that was fixed for the criminal elite of the USA was the drugs from South East Asia into the country, using the resources of the American military and intelligence.............a few Americans became very rich from the drugs whose profits were laundered into Wall Street, and the USA arms industry also benefited.
For most ordinary Americans in the official war, a high percentage of them illiterate boys from the lowest strata of American society.........poor white boys, and poor black boys, obviously suffered. We must also never forget that 4 million Vietnamese also died from that unnecessary war.........and great crimes were also committed in the region, especially in Cambodia in the process of executing that war.
There was no clear evidence of Communism on the march from Vietnam, into the whole region. Indeed American action in Vietnam facilitated the Communist takeover of Cambodia by Pol Pot..........and the subsequent genocide of 1.5 million of its people.
And so the American war machine for pretty much vague reasons is in yet more wars, which do not seem justifiable, but mainly for the sake of drugs profits laundered into Wall Street, and the American arms industry profits as with Vietnam.
The key difference with Vietnam is two fold.
America financially and thus economically is not in a position to conduct such wars rationally given the level of national debt, trade imbalance, loss of manufacturing.
The other difference with Vietnam is that whilst that war had a start and a finish, the present wars are planned for quite a while with more wars against more "enemy" countries being planned along the war in an ad hock manner.........endless war, which turns America into a dictatorship at home, and a pure predatory power abroad.
We may say that this is a clear indication of the end of the USA.......as we know it, as it sinks into the abyss eventually. No nation on earth has ever fought endless wars and survived. It is an abnormal Human condition. Comparisons with the 1,000 year highly militarized Roman empire is irrelevant because that was a different era where low tech, and massive genocidal slaughter was possible by one power, whilst save the Carthaginians, Germans and Persians, no real threats were offered until the Barbarian invasions of AD 400--500.
Simply put:
1. The USA cannot conduct modern high tech warfare indefinitely without incurring exorbitant costs which must eventually crush the American economy.
2. Modern society is less accepting of wars than they were 2000 years ago, where primitive society accepted that war as part of the Great Empire was certainly worth sacrificing for, or for the sake of greater glory or some type of material benefit for the masses........cheap wheat from Egypt .........or olive oil from Greece and Turkey. One of the things one notes about the Roman army was that no matter how many battles they lost they always came back with reinforcements..........Roman armies could sustain losses upon losses in the 100,000 and still put armies into battle. Modern sophisticated society with modicums of comfort and civilization cannot make such sacrifices. What for?
3. In the modern world, unlike the Roman world technology works both ways, and subjugated societies under Pax Americana can put up effective resistance in way a primitive societies in the Roman era could not. Guerrilla warfare against the Roman army in Palestine was futile and self destructive, the Romans simply destroyed Jerusalem......or any other resistance groups within their empire.....which was continuously connected by land and sea. Resistance against the USA on the other hand can be very effective using simple basic modern weapons as the mere 30,000 Iraqi Sunni's have shown.
4. The Romans were as a reflection of their time barbaric, and they did unspeakable things in Gallic France, Palestine against the Jews, against the Dacians in Romania, against Carthage, and even against the Greeks whom they so admired. HOWEVER, once things settled down and a territory was under their control, the Romans a very pragmatic efficient Empire got on with the serious business of governing and assimilating the new territory into their great empire. There were major benefits for all being part of the Roman empire........Roman roads which still exist to this day in most of Western Europe, Roman Villas for the local elite, Roman Qua-ducts, Roman Baths, the Roman economy and a huge single economy within which to do business....Roman agriculture, and the opportunities of being part of a great empire. During the latter period of the empire, you could come from Spain or North Africa....and become a very important figure within Rome at the center.
The USA on the other hand shows no clear indication as Pax Americana in Iraq and Afghanistan, that it intends to establish normality in its newly occupied territories after 7 years of occupation in Iraq, and 9 years of occupation in Afghanistan. No serious attempt in governance (According to TI these two countries are the most corrupt nations on earth). An over reliance on criminal elements from within these two societies, and engaging in on-going combat against the locals especially in Afghanistan's case, after 9 years. In short the USA is mean spirited in its manner and occupation of these countries without offering the fruits and benefits of being part of Pax Americana, which were/are/was so abundant.........infrastructure, development, industry, modern law, stable democracy, shopping malls, modern consumerism etc.......Thus naturally the locals MUST resist against Pax Americana, as they have not been given the choice. The Psychology of this American behavior........uttering inane dishonest banalities of democracy, justice, stability, development whilst running mafia narco states is inexplicable.
5. The Romans for a while for a couple of hundred years were quite effective rulers.......Caesar could be ineffective, but the administrative system worked and carried on running the empire. In the USA now it seems a kleptocracy has taken power, and thus such a nation run by such people must eventually destroy their own country................Corruption eventually destroyed the Roman empire, related to finance, and over extension.
In the Vietnam war there were many prominent critics of the war within the administrations and outside, and their position were accepted, and respected......someone had a point view...a perspective, on a profoundly important topic with huge costs, and the loss of life.
But now someone like Michael Steele takes a position against the war in Afghanistan, and he is automatically called a traitor.............he becomes nervous.........feels isolated so he backtracks and corrects himself. The man was merely stating the obvious, and he is hounded for stating the obvious truth..............how do you run a country such as America if stating the obvious truth is shouted down?
How do you run America with 300 million people, if stating the obvious truth about unemployment, the economy, immigration, healthcare, security in the USA........is not stamped by Obama and his Wall Street Banker buddies? How do you run a Republican Party a section of which tries to create an alternative debate and narrative to Obama for the 2012 Presidential elections, if the person is hounded down in such an insecure, instant, oh my God the clouds are falling down upon us by his own party?
Where than is the rational, intellectual debate in all these serious matters.......or are we to suppose the former Trotskite Neo-cons are the only specialist with received God given wisdom in this significant area?
The reaction against Steele stating the truth informs us that he was right; it was a panic reaction........and a majority of Americans would agree with him.
But Obama and the Politburo with their other agenda's require no debate, merely rubber stamping approval..............
"Comrades..................for the greater good of the empire please agree with us..."

