From Zbigniew Brzezinski's book, "The Grand Chessboard"
"Two basic steps are thus required: first, to identify the geo-strategically dynamic Eurasian states that have the power to cause a potentially important shift in the international distribution of power and to decipher the central external goals of their respective political elites and the likely consequences of their seeking to attain them;... second, to formulate specific U.S. policies to offset, co-opt, and/or control the above..." (p. 40)

I think it is already very clear which states you are talking about Zbig (Russia and China), so we can skip searching for emerging Eurasian states, on a speculative basis, harming nations along the way on the assumption that they might somehow in the future pose a threat to Zionist global hegemony.
Russia was identified as a threat a long time ago, and whilst on the surface America sweet talked into Russian confidence in the early nineties, and then used Yeltsin to basically dismantle and dismember Russia along with the help of the criminal Jewish Oligarchs, America in addition was doing the dirty all around Russia, to the point where it has become all too obvious now.
Since this book was written 11 years ago both Russia and China have emerged stronger than before, and on the flip side America is weaker than ever before. The American military is exhausted, especially with the critical part that matters, the army. So whatever you are peddling isn’t working out to well in reality where it matters in Eurasia.
As to “dynamic Eurasian states that have the power to cause a potentially important shift in the international distribution of power” China obviously comes into that category………and is steaming ahead, and unstoppable, regardless of your analysis and strategy of managing emerging powers in this theater. America has zero policies to manage China, and even if such a policy existed America is too weak to do anything against the Chinese. China can quite literally shut America down tomorrow. Come to think of it the Russians can do similar damage now with their dollar holdings, both to teach the Zionists a lesson over Georgia, and to prevent an attack against Iran and further encroachments into Russia’s backyard.
With Russia, whilst I think she can be a significant regional power, I don’t perceive that she can truly be a global power ever again as she was, as part of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was a UNIQUE Jewish experiment and a dream, funded by the Rothschild’s of London and their puppets in Jew York. Whilst Russia as of now is still dominated by Khazar Jews, it is not in my opinion operating as a client state within the Jewish power grid mechanism, like the USA and UK for example. In addition the posturing of Russia diplomatically and militarily doesn’t strike me as the intentions of a nation out to do the empire game.
The only nation which seems clearly out to do the empire game at the expense of other nations is the USA, at the behest of its Jewish masters, with 800 military bases around the world, and an unofficial security budget of $1.2 trillion (Chalmers Johnson).
The PNAC document and its signatories in 2000 testify to this fact. The build up to it in the false flag ops of 1993 WTC, Oklahoma City bombing 1995, 9/11, the invasion of Afghanistan under false pretenses where al-Qaeda was created as a mythical organization in the 1990’s, the invasion of Iraq under false pretenses, and the attack on Somalia using Ethiopia as a witless proxy all point to an aggressive Zionist American empire, with the critical involvement of Israel in ALL these acts.
That is the sum total of the Eurasia strategy. Fight endless wars and where war is not practical covert ops to install plaint governments….and that’s it, its dumb and stupid and must fail............because people at the short end it will recognize it from a mile. Needless to say this is a very narrow tool to use, to gain an empire. Such a strategy has limitations, no matter how good it might be for your particular friends in the defense industry.
So now the provocation against Russia in Georgia and the death of up to 2,000 innocent civilians…..the same old black ops tactics as before, using their local trained and installed puppet by the Israelis, and Jew defence minister in Georgia, then the media blitz demonizing Russia. The world has been through Iraq and Afghanistan, and is to say the least is a little tired of such tactics by the Jew in America, along with their fronts.

Will the Russians take the bait? Or will they stay clam and not play the Jews game on this occasion, and simply pump more strategic weapons into Syria and Iran, AND off load every dollar holdings that they have into the international market.
No matter how the Russians present it, ultimately it does not look good for a nation of 142 million waging war against a nation of 4.5 million. Even with the Zionist complete control of the American media the majority of Americans are against their involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the standing of America in the international community is at an all time low.