Aug 7, 2008

1977-2008 Public enquiry into state funding of weird sounding gora backed Islamic fundamentalists.

In addition between 1977-2008, a separate Public inquiry needs to be held, using civilian experts only, who are NOT security insiders or linked in any way to the security establishment of Pakistan to find out:

  • What role did the Pakistani security services play in creating the Islamic fundamentalists of Afghanistan. Yes I know its an obvious question, but it is a question which needs to be officially addressed by the GOVERNMENT of the Pakistani people.

  • Why and who in Pakistan thought of the bright idea of inviting fundies from other Muslim countries, training and arming and then sending into combat----including Western sources---? If you want to manage the Afghan scenery why was there a need to involve outside political ly volatile actors in your back yard.....Can a full database of their names be compiled?

  • Which Western sources were deeply involved in training and logistics of the Afghan resistance? What was the nature and extent of the training?

  • Who invited the Mossad into Pakistan and why? What benefits to Pakistan did this entail?

  • What role did the Mossad play in the recruitment, training, logistics and drugs market of the Mujaheddin resistance? Some suggest that they completely controlled the arms supply to the mujaheddin......via the this true? Is it still true with the present Taliban?
  • Which elements within Pakistan helped create the Taliban? Who are these people, what were their motivations?

  • What role did Western sources play in the creation of the Taliban? Who are these people? What does the panel think was their true motivation? Do these motivations conflict with the interests of Pakistan's?

  • Does al-Qaeda exist? Which elements within Pakistan created this myth?

  • Is OBL dead? Where is he buried? Who were the liaison officers from Pakistan who dealt with OBL.

  • Which Western elements encouraged the creation of al-Qaeda? What does the panel/inquiry think are the reasons why this mythical organization was created by gora sahib? How does the gora objectives of creating the myth of al-Qaeda conflict with the interests of Pakistan?

  • What role did Pakistanis play in creating the fabrication of 9/11 in the USA? What role did general Mahmud Ahmed play in all this?

  • What is Mossad's role in al-Qaeda? Inside Pakistan, and outside Pakistan.

A full open public enquiry will give legitimacy to Pakistan, as a 'failed state' number 9, and protect and bolster Pakistan, when the Americans once again accuse Pakistan of not doing enough in the, Sisyphean task of curbing Islamic fundamentalists in Pakistan. Published report paperback 40 rupees.