Aug 9, 2008

Anti-Christ and the state of pure evil.

According to this article John McCain is the true anti-Christ.

I read it with a little amusement, and I assumed the article was written as a tongue in Senator McCain's cheeks joke. Our eternal quest for the ultimate evil one. The one who will attempt to destroy the world, and all humanity with it, but according to their scriptures will also fail.

The article is written by a Jewish writer....................and I would have assumed given the history of the twentieth century, and the early parts of this century that he would have identified one of his own tribe, as the anti-Christ. But of course according to the American media there are no bad Jews, let alone the ultimate anti-Christ.

Does the anti-Christ exist? No of course not...........evil resides in all of us....and it really depends on how we focus and nourish this aspect within each one of us that determines the size of our individual anti-Christ.

Why Romania, or Transylvania, from where Mihai will appear? There are no credible facts which would suggest that the anti-Christ will appear out of that part of the world. Romania is a very pedestrian near Third World country within the EU, and part of NATO, so in another words just another well managed nation within the Jewish power grid.

For a 'Mihai' to suddenly appear out of nowhere in Romania, and usurp the Jewish power grid of the EU and NATO, and then boldly take over the world, massing his armies at the gates of Jerusalem is a little bit too 'Biblical' and would be a 'miracle' and thus not really feasible in the real world.

The only thing I will agree on is that the anti-Christ has to come out of a 'Northern Hemisphere' country which is rich and powerful, and has a global reach, that can affect the whole world in a meaningful and comprehensive way, and there are only a few candidates for that: The USA, China, Russia and the EU as a political entity, which can be manipulated by groups to become a truly global military force (NATO ops in Afghanistan-beyond its traditional sphere).

Babylon during the time of the Israelites formation as a distinct group from their migration from Nubia and North Africa to the Levant was an important power. Any 'Desert fairy tales' epitomized in their manufactured stories in the bible would obviously include the mention of Babylon, the power that usurped them, and enslaved them once again, and took many of them to Babylon. IT is no surprise therefore, given the historical experience, that the anti-Christ should appear in Iraq, within the context of their fairy tale.

But for the rest of us, in all practical matters, Babylon/Iraq is not going to be a great power that consumes the earth, and unites the dark forces to fight the forces of light, unless you happen to be reading a comic book. Babylon's actual performance in MASS HIGH TECH WARFARE in 1980-88, 1991, and 2003 suggests that this in fact is the hard reality---beyond the spin of the religious fringe.

To put it in more overt racists terms, Iraq's swarthy people, of 27 million aren't going to shake the world any time soon, producing an anti-Christ that seriously challenges Israel's power. But I would understand why Jews might peddle this myth, to squeeze a few more billion for Israel out of the USA. What is however inexcusable is the gullibility of the donors.

The idea that the forces of darkness must confront the forces of light is also very simplistic and incorrect....good verse evil..........that Israelites and the America are good, and the forces of darkness from Eurasia and Babylon are going to confront the forces of light again is incorrect....the world is a lot more complicated than that.....And cognitive facts..........disprove this fairy tale.

The actions of Israel and America in tandem would suggest that they are in fact the true forces of darkness, and not the other way round------GWOT, Guantanamo, Abu Gariab...........the death of one million or more in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the creation of a fascist police state in America; the desire to create a global empire with 800 military bases dotted around the world; the desire to fight endless wars for 100 years or more; the sheer duplicity and lying in their political action.................these are truly Lucifer actions.

One can say that by the actions of the USA it is the primary vehicle of the anti-Christ, given the actions of its government, and these actions are the results of the desires of the American elite, which is dominated by International Jews, and their co-religionists in Europe and Israel. It is this group which is making war around the world, and has the largest nuclear arsenal, and is contemplating wars for many more years to come.......Bush is merely their witless front, who has been trained in their rituals for many years, but otherwise a wholly worthless individual, devoid of any practical skills.


Why John McCain isn't the anti-Christ, and this is a myth as a biblical story.

He is a struggling old man in the twilight of his years, fumbling his lines and is not the epitome of a man with supreme control of anything, least of all himself. He is the classic front of the shadowy criminal forces, being shepherded around by his Jewish handlers and Wife, reading their prepared script.

I would imagine that the true anti-Christ would take a rather more lower profile than our John. True to form he would be working from the shadows, manipulating and conspiring.

I think also a real anti-Christ would be more impressive as an individual, certainly intellectually, physically and by his appearance. John is not.

His whole life has been one failure to the next......whereas the real anti-Christ would be a sleek, self assured individual who through his powers would have a very successful life.


What are the things which come closet to being described as the anti-Christ.

Well, as has been mentioned before there isn't one person as such who can be called the anti-Christ, but certain groups and organizations with a heavy Jewish bias, have tendencies which ca be described as anti-Christ.

Devil worship amongst European elites, the Bilderberg group, the Illuminati, the Jewish bankers, is common and is the Jewish way of introducing their religion without overtly calling it their religion into the Occidental power elite and aristocracy.

It is sold as thus to the Occidental elite...
...........Because standard religion that preaches good wholesome things stated below, belongs to plebes and the commoners and thus rather boring, passe and out of fashion for sections of the Occidental elite. Thus to be in the 'in crowd', one must worship 'alternative religions' with exclusive memberships, involving truly gruesome initiations. Somehow the worship of Lucifer is more exclusive.....essentially a lure of the Occidental elite into the Jewish religion without making it so overt. Pedophilia, child sacrifice, human sacrifice, torture with a sexual orientation (as in Bagram, Abu Gariab, Guantanamo------secret prisons), high crime involving billions is thus the high water mark of this 'religion'.

And it gets better........

During the late seventies and early eighties they created machines that can capture peoples Soul and destroy them in countries such as Germany, the UK .............and of course in their layer......Switzerland.

Perhaps this is the worst, not because Child sacrifice is less evil, but the soul represents the GOD in us, and to destroy the SOUL is to destroy a part of GOD. You are assuming a higher position than GOD.

All this is related to their extreme Egotism, avarice and much more---and their desire to control everything. In the process of trying to do so, they can destroy everything.

Thus pure evil does not reside in an individual anti-Christ but in groups amongst elites of Europe and North America.......with a heavy Jewish bias.


What makes us least like the anti-Christ.............................

To be be in a state of child like innocence and happiness.

To have lower expectations in life and not to want, want and want more.

To avoid alcohol.

Not to lust.

Not to crave money and material things.

To be happy, and avoid being angry, or any other negative feelings.

To avoid ambition and power.

To avoid bad company of others.

To love, and be loved. To love people, to love work, to love ones has many forms.

To appreciate GOD's creation, in the form of nature. Psychologically we are happiest when we are surrounded by greenery and the country.

To listen to good soothing music..........not hard rock/heavy metal music/angry music with a 'message'.

To pray regularly, and meditate on God individually.

To avoid the corrupting media.

And of course all these things have already been written in the great books, for those of us who wish to follow them.