Jul 4, 2008

Ron Paul speaks.

I have some respect for Ron Paul, more than any other politician in America. I had hoped he would do a lot better in the Presidential election than he has done so far, breaking into the mainstream limelight, hogged currently by the current batch of walking disasters, and specimens of human contradictions.

Ron Paul unlike them (McCain, Obama---see his views on Iraq now that the chances of him winning are increasing) is never contradictory. He says what he means, and never changes his position in light of favorable political circumstances. His messages on all issues are honest, eloquent, simple, clear and most of all very correct.

He simply is the best Presidential material at this very critical time, that America may not get. His campaign has been lackluster, and hasn't developed the bandwagon effect to garner more popular disaffected votes, which he should have.

He of course is working against powerful forces within America, the Jewish media, the Jewish controlled Capitol Hill, and Jewish control of the very very very long American Presidential election system (14 months plus?-----worse than any Jewish insurances spiel I have ever witnessed), which in many ways is so fake, and so it must sell itself and its legitimacy by being long and giving the air of legitimacy, and the true choice of the people.

McCain and Obama are two sides of the same coin, aren't they? The real question with these two is which one of them can kiss the Jewish arse the quickest and longest, and how far they would go to become American presidents for Israel.The best candidates for America, when everything goes pear shaped? You would need Einstein at the helm,......all right you would need a George Washington at the helm, surrounded by a team of Einsteins when it does. With an Obama presidency all you'll get is a black Schmuck eternally gratefully for being in power, surrounded by a team of Jews looking out for Israel.

With Ron Paul as President, real disaster can be averted, as everybody works as a team for the betterment of the nation of America. With Obama or McCain that is not possible.

So we have Ron Paul's statement below about what is in essence obvious to many informed Americans, and will inevitably happen. Others have said the same for many years, though he says he has been saying these things for many years before.

I have inserted my comments in brackets in his article below, and as I am not running for the presidency, I am a little bit more candid and direct with my true opinions then he could ever be---a true gentlemen, who must continue with the 'good fight'.

Dare I say happy fourth of July.

Something Big is Going On

By Ron Paul.

The following statement is written by Congressman Paul about the pending financial disaster. He will introduce this statement as a special order and insert it into the Congressional Record next week. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to debut it first on the Campaign for Liberty blog. It reads as follows:

I have, for the past 35 years, expressed my grave concern for the future of America. The course we have taken over the past century has threatened our liberties, security and prosperity. In spite of these long-held concerns, I have days—growing more frequent all the time—when I’m convinced the time is now upon us that some Big Events are about to occur. These fast-approaching events will not go unnoticed. They will affect all of us. They will not be limited to just some areas of our country. The world economy and political system will share in the chaos about to be unleashed.

(All true alert WASP's should have been "concerned for the future of America" after the Crypto-Jew Teddy Roosevelt came to power, after doing a Lyndon Johnson, using a real Jew. The call for empire and jingoism under him should have alerted Americans, juxtaposed with his over play of being a true redneck American, who loved huntin and shootin....and other caricature stuff like that of the all American male......then the takeover of the Jews under him of American industry.....then the creation of the utter disaster called the Federal Reserve........secretly discussed on Jekyll Island by the Jew bankers in 1913..........then the FAKED.......Jew war of WWI.........designed mainly to destroy Germany, Romanov Russia, the Austro-Hungarian empire, and last by no means least the Ottoman empire which had just been taken over by the Jews under the guise of the Young Turks in 1908 with Rothschild backing---to help make it easier to create Israel.


Young Teddy Roosevelt

They put their people in power, which they did with Russia.....the Bolsheviks, financed by the Jews of London and New York............and Germany in the shape of the Wiemar Republic, and later, more directly with their puppet, Hitler............Then THEIR engineering the deliberate collapse of the American economy of 1929, so that they could consolidate their power in America, and buy up America for pennies...........literally................then the Crypto-Jew F D Roosevelt......and his 'Jew Deal'.........and his entry into WWII by inciting Japan...........and ...and ...and .The Jew initiated 'Big Events' have already occurred Mr. Paul, and they started it at sea more than 112 years ago, against Spanish Cuba (payback for the expulsion of Jews from Spain 400 years earlier----------thats how these people think)..........you are now quite far along a ongoing PLANNED process, which could mean billions could perish.)

Though the world has long suffered from the senselessness of wars that should have been avoided, my greatest fear is that the course on which we find ourselves will bring even greater conflict and economic suffering to the innocent people of the world—unless we quickly change our ways.

(How does WW III sound, and the elimination of 80% of the worlds population. How normal and sane can you sound whilst saying these things?)

America, with her traditions of free markets and property rights, led the way toward great wealth and progress throughout the world as well as at home. Since we have lost our confidence in the principles of liberty, self reliance, hard work and frugality, and instead took on empire building, financed through inflation and debt, all this has changed. This is indeed frightening and an historic event.

(The Jew has taken over your country, and the Jew does not like working, real work...........he likes speculating with money, usually other peoples money........it is the oldest Jew scam in the world. I beg to differ about America leading the way of great wealth and progress for all the world, it was merely doing all right for itself)

The problem we face is not new in history. Authoritarianism has been around a long time. For centuries, inflation and debt have been used by tyrants to hold power, promote aggression, and provide “bread and circuses” for the people. The notion that a country can afford “guns and butter” with no significant penalty existed even before the 1960s when it became a popular slogan. It was then, though, we were told the Vietnam War and a massive expansion of the welfare state were not problems. The seventies proved that assumption wrong.

(Yes the Roman empire collapsed this way, financing a huge military machine for its time, 600,000 men, fighting many wars..........and massive inflationary spending to sustain this war machine.....juxtaposed with debauchery and corruption at the center. Much closer to history the mighty Soviet Union I think is far more instructive viz America, because of the Jew question in the Soviet Union and the USA; their secret agenda's.

The Soviets by 1989 were spending close to 15% of the GDP on defense, and despite the desperate guidance of Mikhail Gorbachev, it was too little too late........he had six years (1985-91), where he could not turn around the inevitable.............a super power in a matter of a few years became a near Third World nation, with the carcass eaten by the Jew Oligarchs under Yeltsin, with the help of the Zionist Clinton administration.

The actual Russian population declined by 13 million, and is still declining---------it will reach 80 million by 2050. Putin has 'patched things up' but he hasn't solved the fundamental problems of his nation.....and I don't think he can, until and unless he deals with the Jews comprehensively, or 'JACKALS' as he cryptically calls them. Why doesn't America work with Russia. instead of against it, trying to corner it with various missile systems? The Jew is still lusting after Russian blood and resources; America doesn't have to follow this line.)

Today things are different from even ancient times or the 1970s. There is something to the argument that we are now a global economy. The world has more people and is more integrated due to modern technology, communications, and travel. If modern technology had been used to promote the ideas of liberty, free markets, sound money and trade, it would have ushered in a new golden age—a globalism we could accept.

(History can repeat itself......as the above examples show....and if you do not learn........learn about the Jew ways.......then yes you must suffer the violations of the Satanic, material worshiping, flesh lusting, corrupting, amoral Jew creature-------the Jew who lusts after other peoples things.....other peoples beautiful things.....because he is himself incapable of creating anything worth while and lasting.........and whilst it is in his possession only to corrupt it, bastardizing it.

As to globalisation, I do not think it is a good thing; it is merely a tool to enhance the position of a particular group in their pursuit of world government. If globalisation means shifting production out of the USA, lowering wages and employment conditions in the USA, of flooding your country with illegal immigrants, of creating a heightened security state based on false propaganda, or creating coalitions of multi-national forces pursuing the agenda of the Jew like witless servants, then globalisation is EVIL, and is agenda laden, and has no good outcomes. Globalisation then makes a few rich, but makes many more poor.........)

Instead, the wealth and freedom we now enjoy are shrinking and rest upon a fragile philosophic infrastructure. It is not unlike the levies and bridges in our own country that our system of war and welfare has caused us to ignore.

(The blue sky is blue.......blaa bla bla)

I’m fearful that my concerns have been legitimate and may even be worse than I first thought. They are now at our doorstep. Time is short for making a course correction before this grand experiment in liberty goes into deep hibernation.

(Liberty was never an experiment, but the evolution of a natural outcome, along the road of human development and achievement------Cavemen eating their children when hungry 40,000 years ago, to what we have now.........but a powerful well organized minority, who consider themselves the master race has other ideas..............they think the world should contain 1 billion people, mostly Occidentals slaving for the 15 million Jew masters who live in the Occidental world, and hence we are at the juncture we are at present)

There are reasons to believe this coming crisis is different and bigger than the world has ever experienced. Instead of using globalism in a positive fashion, it’s been used to globalize all of the mistakes of the politicians, bureaucrats and central bankers.

(Yes of course............bingo! Well Ron, to get rid of billions of people, you have to create the conditions first don't you? You need to find your lackeys first. You need to turn the countries you directly control into unquestioning police states, that absolutely obeys.......USA, UK, France, Germany..................)

Being an unchallenged sole superpower was never accepted by us with a sense of humility and respect. Our arrogance and aggressiveness have been used to promote a world empire backed by the most powerful army of history. This type of globalist intervention creates problems for all citizens of the world and fails to contribute to the well-being of the world’s populations. Just think how our personal liberties have been trashed here at home in the last decade.

(The arrogance and aggressiveness, or what the mainstream call 'American exceptionalism' 'Manifest destiny' was never there, but was deliberately created for an agenda carefully over many decades...........starting with Crypto-jew Teddy Roosevelt as President from 1901. This agenda serves a particular group, and ordinary Americans are doing the donkey grunt work for the Jew, abroad fighting for them, whilst paying greater penalties at home, with greater fuel costs, soaring food prices, lower infrastructure, loss of liberty, ....................the Jew is getting it out of the American in many ways....."This type of ........" another the blue sky is blue.......patently obvious statement.........whats the original cause Ron? Who IS causing all this, beyond stating the obvious...........though given the material of current American politics, even stating the obvious may seem like the profound words of a sage genius)

The financial crisis, still in its early stages, is apparent to everyone: gasoline prices over $4 a gallon; skyrocketing education and medical-care costs; the collapse of the housing bubble; the bursting of the NASDAQ bubble; stockmarkets plunging; unemployment rising;, massive underemployment; excessive government debt; and unmanageable personal debt. Little doubt exists as to whether we’ll get stagflation. The question that will soon be asked is: When will the stagflation become an inflationary depression?

(In its early stages? The financial crisis is at a very mature stage------why did Congress have a closed session meeting very recently Ron? Were you present at the meeting ? Be honest. They weren't talking about how to make apple pie's........perhaps they were talking about the collapse of the American economy very soon, and how Congress members could protect themselves, from very angry ordinary Joes for selling out to the Jew)

There are various reasons that the world economy has been globalized and the problems we face are worldwide. We cannot understand what we’re facing without understanding fiat money and the long-developing dollar bubble.

(You don't say. Have a good guess. Again identifying the symptom, and not identifying the real cause......what good is that going to do now?)

There were several stages. From the inception of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 to 1933, the Central Bank established itself as the official dollar manager. By 1933, Americans could no longer own gold, thus removing restraint on the Federal Reserve to inflate for war and welfare.

(Yep.............but 4th grade superficial.............but very important)

By 1945, further restraints were removed by creating the Bretton-Woods Monetary System making the dollar the reserve currency of the world. This system lasted up until 1971. During the period between 1945 and 1971, some restraints on the Fed remained in place. Foreigners, but not Americans, could convert dollars to gold at $35 an ounce. Due to the excessive dollars being created, that system came to an end in 1971.

(The Fed which always seems to have a Jew head is the key Jew tool in all this)

It’s the post Bretton-Woods system that was responsible for globalizing inflation and markets and for generating a gigantic worldwide dollar bubble. That bubble is now bursting, and we’re seeing what it’s like to suffer the consequences of the many previous economic errors.

(And the rest of the world....)

Ironically in these past 35 years, we have benefited from this very flawed system. Because the world accepted dollars as if they were gold, we only had to counterfeit more dollars, spend them overseas (indirectly encouraging our jobs to go overseas as well) and enjoy unearned prosperity. Those who took our dollars and gave us goods and services were only too anxious to loan those dollars back to us. This allowed us to export our inflation and delay the consequences we now are starting to see.

( A huge confidence scam, gain through no effort by yourself, only works for a while. In fact Ron this elaborate hoax could have worked a little longer if the Jew didn't become overly greedy in relation to this scam and over work it...........The Jew simply does not know the limits..............that an elaborate hoax of fiat currency can be over exposed by Jew initiated wars never crossed the warped Jew mind---------its a fragile apple cart, endangered by constant war, AND more war............more war......more war)

But it was never destined to last, and now we have to pay the piper. Our huge foreign debt must be paid or liquidated. Our entitlements are coming due just as the world has become more reluctant to hold dollars. The consequence of that decision is price inflation in this country—and that’s what we are witnessing today. Already price inflation overseas is even higher than here at home as a consequence of foreign central bank’s willingness to monetize our debt.

(free loader scam only lasts for so long-------whats wrong with honest hard work Jew boy? To take pride in your honest hard work....and its achievement.....why the constant need to be clever at other peoples expense?)

Printing dollars over long periods of time may not immediately push prices up–yet in time it always does. Now we’re seeing catch-up for past inflating of the monetary supply. As bad as it is today with $4 a gallon gasoline, this is just the beginning. It’s a gross distraction to hound away at “drill, drill, drill” as a solution to the dollar crisis and high gasoline prices. Its okay to let the market increase supplies and drill, but that issue is a gross distraction from the sins of deficits and Federal Reserve monetary shenanigans.

(I don't think the weakness of the dollar is the sole or even the main cause of the oil price increases. I think speculation is a major player----otherwise how do you explain the increase in the price of a barrel from $65 a short while back to $142 now............whats the dollars devaluation over the same period of time?........The demand for oil in the same same period of time?......Those two things couldn't explain a 100% increase in such a short time could it? There has to be something else................SPECULATION..........)

This bubble is different and bigger for another reason. The central banks of the world secretly collude to centrally plan the world economy. I’m convinced that agreements among central banks to “monetize” U.S. debt these past 15 years have existed, although secretly and out of the reach of any oversight of anyone—especially the U.S. Congress that doesn’t care, or just flat doesn’t understand. As this “gift” to us comes to an end, our problems worsen. The central banks and the various governments are very powerful, but eventually the markets overwhelm when the people who get stuck holding the bag (of bad dollars) catch on and spend the dollars into the economy with emotional zeal, thus igniting inflationary fever.

(Hey Ron keep away from conspiracy theories that blame gentiles.....its the Jew ........they control the banks that matter........have been the movers and shakers of the last 200 years in this area)

This time—since there are so many dollars and so many countries involved—the Fed has been able to “paper” over every approaching crisis for the past 15 years, especially with Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, which has allowed the bubble to become history’s greatest.

(a major cog in a huge wheel.......he was only following the orders of his Jew over lords and their grand schemes----Rothschild's, Rockefeller's....)

The mistakes made with excessive credit at artificially low rates are huge, and the market is demanding a correction. This involves excessive debt, misdirected investments, over-investments, and all the other problems caused by the government when spending the money they should never have had. Foreign militarism, welfare handouts and $80 trillion entitlement promises are all coming to an end. We don’t have the money or the wealth-creating capacity to catch up and care for all the needs that now exist because we rejected the market economy, sound money, self reliance and the principles of liberty.

(Not mistakes.........deliberately planned..... for their agenda...bigger better 1929 redux.....Greenspan even went around the Middle East telling the Ay-Rabs to ditch the dollar....)

Since the correction of all this misallocation of resources is necessary and must come, one can look for some good that may come as this “Big Even” unfolds.

(What? The average Joe is going to understand this type of jargon crap? Is this the clarity they need? The destruction of the dollar, and the coming collapse of the American economy was/is a political decision, and has NOTHING to do with high economics.................trying to make it look otherwise is dangerous disinformation work.................cover up work)

There are two choices that people can make. The one choice that is unavailable to us is to limp along with the status quo and prop up the system with more debt, inflation and lies. That won’t happen.


One of the two choices, and the one chosen so often by government in the past is that of rejecting the principles of liberty and resorting to even bigger and more authoritarian government. Some argue that giving dictatorial powers to the President, just as we have allowed him to run the American empire, is what we should do. That’s the great danger, and in this post-911 atmosphere, too many Americans are seeking safety over freedom. We have already lost too many of our personal liberties already. Real fear of economic collapse could prompt central planners to act to such a degree that the New Deal of the 30’s might look like Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence.

(According to Gore Vidal....America has lost its constitution.....it IS a dictatorship in all but name..........and enabled by a plaint obedient Capitol Hill................I would agree)

The more the government is allowed to do in taking over and running the economy, the deeper the depression gets and the longer it lasts. That was the story of the 30ss and the early 40s, and the same mistakes are likely to be made again if we do not wake up.

(It would seen would it not, that this is what they want.......)

But the good news is that it need not be so bad if we do the right thing. I saw “Something Big” happening in the past 18 months on the campaign trail. I was encouraged that we are capable of waking up and doing the right thing. I have literally met thousands of high school and college kids who are quite willing to accept the challenge and responsibility of a free society and reject the cradle-to-grave welfare that is promised them by so many do-good politicians.

(Ron, Ron............they don't have any votes...............you've got to reach out to the adults first, those who bother to vote (52%)..........over come the bias of the Jew media.........and overcome the Israeli managed Diebold machines..................overcome Jew Controlled Capitol Hill.............overcome the Jews themselves as a collective, inside and outside America............wishing with kids is .................meaningless.)

If more hear the message of liberty, more will join in this effort. The failure of our foreign policy, welfare system, and monetary policies and virtually all government solutions are so readily apparent, it doesn’t take that much convincing. But the positive message of how freedom works and why it’s possible is what is urgently needed.

(Yes what needs to be done is quite simple...........unfortunately the Jew over 100 years starting with Teddy..............has gotten a good grip of America, and what is needed is a real struggle by real Americans to overcome this.........................identifying the symptoms, and not the true cause............uttering glib superficial platitudes at this stage is worthless.......you are in a real fight....and you must win)

One of the best parts of accepting self reliance in a free society is that true personal satisfaction with one’s own life can be achieved. This doesn’t happen when the government assumes the role of guardian, parent or provider, because it eliminates a sense of pride. But the real problem is the government can’t provide the safety and economic security that it claims. The so-called good that government claims it can deliv....will not be enougher is always achieved at the expense of someone else’s freedom. It’s a failed system and the young people know it.

(The challenges that America faces are social and political ..........harking back to ...libertarianism will not solve the fundamental problems.........indeed there will need to be extensive government intervention to solve the social and political system............tweaking of government policy here and there will not be enough..........this is what needs to be done.)

Restoring a free society doesn’t eliminate the need to get our house in order and to pay for the extravagant spending. But the pain would not be long-lasting if we did the right things, and best of all the empire would have to end for financial reasons. Our wars would stop, the attack on civil liberties would cease, and prosperity would return. The choices are clear: it shouldn’t be difficult, but the big event now unfolding gives us a great opportunity to reverse the tide and resume the truly great American Revolution started in 1776. Opportunity knocks in spite of the urgency and the dangers we face.

( Indeed the choice is clear, but how does America over come the Jew? And their set of agenda's which are quite clearly separate from the requirements of America)

Let’s make “Something Big is Happening” be the discovery that freedom works and is popular and the big economic and political event we’re witnessing is a blessing in disguise.

(Glib blurry empty meaningless platitudes.................that Ron will not be able to articulate into reality)

(The original article appeared here)

7 out of 10 for a good effort, but I can't give more for an article essentially repeating the point that the blue sky is blue, very meekly.