Of course one could argue that I too am on the one hand seeming to support America, but at the same time going against her state policies----DUAL LOYALTY. First, I have no obligation not to criticise America if I see fit to do so. Second I am not an American citizen, and even if I were...............Third, unlike old Henry, my blog is a matter between me and the blog. It never was going to impact the same way Henry can with Bush, viz Iraq, Iran and many other issues. He is an important 'public figure' who 'served' the state.
Finally Henry's 'exclusive club' is asking America to sacrifice a couple of trillion $ and thousands of young American lives, and the end of America as we know it for ISRAEL'S EMPIRE into imminent bankruptcy. I am not asking America to sacrifice anything, I have no 'grands' schemes up my sleeve---no iffy, costly, dangerous outcomes at all. I am not against America per se, but against dangerous Neocon policies that harm a lot of people, as it is all too apparent to see with any sense of reality.
For those of you who don't know Noam Chomsky he is a leading American writer on geo-political issues, and a Professor of linguistics. He is referred in the blogesphere as a 'Left wing gate keeper', and an agent of Israel. The 'Gate keeper' tag basically means he through his influence decides what issues and agenda's are important for him, and for his Israel, with the implication that issues, or valid arguments that point to criticism's of Israel are diverted by his wizardry of words----Kind of Piped Piper of New York if you like, with a substantial section of the 'left', fawning over him---Hugo Chavez, in the UN no less held his book up as if to say it was the real bible.
His presence and perspectives thus crowds out more valid arguments which could be explaining a lot of the problems of the world. Chomsky refers repeatedly to an illusive enemy made up of the 'American elite' which is creating a lot of problems for America and the world, but is never definitively clear who they exactly are, and most definitely not providing any practical solutions. A great boy scout camp fire story teller who has achieved for Israel a great status. He can bash American as much as he likes, and earn millions of $ of royalties from his book sales and public appearances around the world, but get two well respected professors from America to very mildly criticise the Jewish lobby, then all hell breaks loose----do you see the hypocracy?
For simpletons like me who have no high profile it is harder. We are more direct and use basic language to get our points across. Finally we are not working for anybody as my situation attests, and more significantly 'the official reaction' attests. What you get here is what I sincerely believe, and not elaborate yarns to mystify and confuse the masses for another country.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Henry the K's Noamian moment
By Zymphora.
International war criminal Henry the K, who is Jewish, has always managed to deflect accusations of being a covert ‘dual loyalist’ Zionist, despite the fact that his advice always seemed to follow the dictates of the Israeli right-wingers, all on the basis of his reputation as the ultimate foreign policy ‘realist’. Since he was such a bastard of an America-firster, it was always assumed that evidence which pointed to his favoring certain Israeli interests was just a coincidence reflecting the Chomskean idea – now known to be largely false, and manufactured to cover secret support for Zionism – that American support for Israel was entirely based on the fact that such support mirrored the interests of the American Establishment.
Not only was Kissinger responsible for the ‘special relationship’ which led directly to billions of dollars of military aid to Israel over the years, but he actually delayed telling Nixon about the Yom Kippur war so he could secretly put the U. S. on a full war footing to be prepared to fight for Israel (he no doubt feared that the ‘anti-Semite’ Nixon would nix the idea). Philip Giraldi summarizes what amounts to a treason case against Kissinger:
“In 1972, Kissinger and Nixon ceded to Israel a veto over any peace proposals that Washington might be considering in dealing with the Arab states, basically accepting the principle that Tel Aviv would call all the shots in the region without regard to American interests. In October 1973, the same duo airlifted military supplies to Israel during the Yom Kippur War to the tune of $2.2 billion in impromptu aid, leading to the Arab oil embargo and its catastrophic impact on the U.S. economy, which amounted to nearly $50 billion in 1974 alone (equivalent to $140 billion in 2000 dollars).
In late October 1973 Kissinger was sent to Moscow to negotiate with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev to pursue a comprehensive peace process for the Middle East, but he ignored Nixon's instructions and pressed instead for a cease-fire that left Israel dominant and destroyed any chance for a multilateral peace effort. According to Mearsheimer and Walt, ‘The American-compiled minutes of the three meetings that Kissinger attended with Brezhnev unequivocally show that he accurately and repeatedly represented Israeli interests to Moscow, almost totally contrary to Nixon's preferences.’ When the UN Security Council subsequently passed a cease-fire resolution, Kissinger allowed the Israelis to ignore it for 12 hours so they could consolidate their gains.
In 1975, while secretary of state, Kissinger signed a memorandum of understanding that pledged the U.S. to provide for Israel's oil needs in the event of a crisis and to finance and stock a strategic reserve. He also agreed that Washington would not ‘recognize or negotiate with’ the PLO as long as the group refused to recognize Israel's right to exist. This made it impossible to talk to the only group that represented the aspirations of most Palestinians, a dialogue that the Israelis wished to derail but which would have served America's interests. Kissinger's last year as secretary of state also saw Israel's aid from the U.S. skyrocket from $1.9 billion in 1975 to $6.29 billion for 1976.”
You can thus blame Kissinger for:
- the American oil guarantee to Israel.
- The continuing failure of negotiations with the Palestinians.
- The Arab oil embargo.
- The massive American monetary support to the Zionist Empire.
- The beginnings of the United States fighting the Wars for the Jews.
Now, with his ridiculous dismissal of the NIE on Iran, he finally admits his true colors. Just as Noam’s political philosophy now appears to be a carefully constructed ruse to hide underlying advocacy for Zionism, Henry the K’s Realpolitik has suddenly been shown to be a cover for his real interests, the promotion of a Zionist Empire in the Middle East (and note that his connecting an attack on Iran to oil – not to mention Greenspan’s connection of the attack on Iraq to oil – is intentionally misleading in the usual Zionist way of hiding Zionist interests behind American interests). It is curious that Chomsky was forced to reveal himself by denying the importance of the Lobby, and Henry the K had to come out as a Zionist because of the inconvenience of the NIE for ultra-right-wing Zionist interests. In both cases, the siren lure of a Zionist Empire was so strong that it led directly to the destruction of a lifetime’s reputation. All the books on Henry the K now need to be rewritten to reflect who he is really working for.