According to the article below the reason why AIPAC became over zealous over Iran's none existent nuclear weapons program from the early 1990's was because Yitzak Rabin newly elected in 1993 (Eventually killed by the ultra zealots, because of his genuine efforts at peace, 'A time for war, a time for peace') wanted AIPAC out of his hair, not interfering with the Israel/Palestinian issue which he fatally took charge of, so he told AIPAC (with geniune conviction?) to busy themselves with Iran over the nuclear issue.
Iran had a been a covert ally of Israel, with many joint ops between the two up to 1991. Their close relationship, established during the Shah did not end in 1979, with the 'Islamic Revolution' (UK/USA/Brezinski/Bernard Lewis) but continued well into the eighties and early nineties. Iran/Contra being one of the more celebrated cases.
Israel, by the way still has good covert relations with Iran. Think of it as the relationship of the Mafia groups; they covertly greet each other and even cooperate with each other, whilst at the same be capable of fighting each other. They don't have direct contacts any more, and so other countries such as Italy are used. So what we see about the nuclear issue is a very elaborate pantomine, with dangerous consequences.
With the defeat of Saddam, and the end of the Cold War by 1991, Iran ceased to be an indispensible ally for Israel; hence the turn of events against Iran by Israel from then on. We are talking of 1993/4 onwards. (Dr. Trita Parsi)
Since then the Jews have worked themselves into a frenzy about a non threat from a Western puppet installed state, the fact about which they very well know.
Of course the Israelis at least since the early 1990's have been saying that Iran was 6 months away from the bomb, which many Israeli commentators have sarcastically noted in articles in Ha' ratz and other moderate papers. It will be interesting to see what the latest Israeli propaganda spiel reveals against Iran's none existent nuclear weapons program, as they have worked themselves up into a mad paranoiac self induced frenzy. Which caused the attack on Syria this September, and the Americans to build up a wholly unnecessary force around Iran. One hopes one of the immediate effects of the NIE 2007 report will be a de escalation of American forces in the Gulf.
(sooner or later you start seeing covert nuclear weapons programs in Algeria, Egypt, Saudi with Pak assistance, Indonesia, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Kazakistan, Turkey.............pssst, I hear many Arab and other Muslim countries have suddenly, last year, showed an interest in nuclear power----------scan the info-----Mullah Iran is the least of their worries)‘apocalyptic_unity’/