Mar 7, 2022

No need to bomb Odessa, no need to attack and invade the RUSSIAN city directly....harming civilians. RUSSIAN PEOPLE





Russia has 72,000 heavily armed airborne forces. Maybe from the direction of Moldova and Transnistria, some of them can land near North West of the city, in a safe area near Odessa.

Simultaneously, Russian marines can land on the beaches south of Odessa or on the beach between Odessa and Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky.

This would include troops from the Crimea, transported by ship along with heavy equipment.

Then a link-up with the airborne, and surrounding the city, by land.

blocking it by sea.

Then tell the RUSSIAN MAJORITY to rise up.



This is a wonderful opportunity to see which units have good training, tactics and leadership.

This is the 21st century, and the WW2 and Stalin's drunk hordes are no more.