The USA is the greatest nation on earth with the 2nd largest shrinking (-4.3) PPP GDP economy at $21 trillion.
The most powerful military in the world, with laser weapons in space which can destroy anything on earth.(Product of the Star Wars PROGRAM of the 1980's)....Iranian rocket production sites, and Chinese Industrial Chemical sites in Tianjin.......to doing harm in the USA, by spreading wildfires in California, the most successful and rich state in the USA (The USA of tomorrow if you will). Toys can be abused when you have an unaudited 'FAKE' Globalist military fighting fake globalist wars.
Suffice to say the USA is the most technology-based advanced nation earth. The vast majority of new innovation and scientific papers come out of American universities and corporations annually way ahead of everybody else, with investments of $400 billion in R & D. Criminal entities within the USA, and without then funnel this vast innovation treasure around the world with the loss of $100's of billions to American taxpayers.
AND, so flies and mosquito's hover around this GIANT to try to feed off it and even influence it.
1. The Rothschilds of London (Satanic Jews), and the UK State.
2. Israel .....52 Jewish lobby groups.
3. Globalist Germany and George Soros (Nazi Jew)....BLM Antifa...and Dominion Smartmatic. Soros has promised to destroy America using blacks and has officially invested $18 billion for this project. Unofficially a lot more.
No doubt there may be other sorts of flies and mosquitoes, but these are the serious players with serious consequences for American election outcomes. These above entities have penetration of American society way beyond anybody else through the MSM, Intelligence organisations, State Departments and other social means, bureaucratic means developed over many years.
The Epoch and high watermark of GLOBALIST government in the USA was the Democratic Presidency under St. Jimmy Carter of Peanuts. 1977-1981. An Ex-naval Intelligence officer ethnic Celtic front for the Rothschilds of London. This is when the foreign invasion accelerated.
The first clear evidence that machines could hack American elections came with the HBO production of 'HACKING DEMOCRACY' (2006)
Besides the general EXISTENTIAL THREAT AND AWARENESS OF THIS, that machines could one day wholly subvert human civilisation.

Wikipedia: "Hacking Democracy is a 2006 Emmy nominated documentary film broadcast on HBO and created by producer Robert Carrillo Cohen and producer / directors Russell Michaels and Simon Ardizzone and executive producers Sarah Teale, Sian Edwards & Earl Katz. Filmed over three years it documents American citizens investigating anomalies and irregularities with 'e-voting' (electronic voting) systems that occurred during the 2000 and 2004 elections in the United States, especially in Volusia County, Florida. The film investigates the flawed integrity of electronic voting machines, particularly those made by Diebold Election Systems, exposing previously unknown backdoors in the Diebold trade secret computer software. The film culminates dramatically in the on-camera hacking of the in-use / working Diebold election system in Leon County, Florida - the same computer voting system which has been used in actual American elections across thirty-three states, and which still counts tens of millions of America's votes today.
In 2007 Hacking Democracy was nominated for an Emmy award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism - Long Form.[1]"
Bush II was the perfect GLOBALIST President, getting my naive support, overseeing the false flag of 9/11 and the imposition of a police state and the 'Patriot Act' against Americans. AND SEVERAL GENOCIDAL wars in the Greater Middle East. AND GUESS WHAT....the MSM love him, now.
From 2018. The sort of experts that should have been hired in their 1000's before the election of 2020, rather than just rely on party-affiliated poll watchers or heaven forbid as Donald suggested at one stage, 'The Proud Boys' at polling stations. These are the experts that Rudi now needs to amass, rather than GOP hacks.If you are SERIOUS about winning American elections, and you are up against the Rothschilds of London, the granddaddy of the GLOBALISTS, Israel and the German Nazis, then you better know the game.
If you are SERIOUS about the Presidency, and the Empty ill-defined Trumpism movement and you know that to make fundamental philosophical changes to the country, more than one term is required.....2, maybe even 3. Just as FDR with his 4 terms New Deal defined post-war America...then you better get your act together and not make it a cheap bargain basement gameshow spectacle.
I've been under vicious state surveillance from Rothschilds London since 1985 (My blog statement on the right). An attempt was made on my life, and sadly the son of a labour MP died but I survived.....in Bristol. I went back to that ship shape city 10 years later and passed my Bar exams. The Bar exams were made near impossible for me to pass, but after several painful grinding retakes, by a spooky miracle, I passed and was metaphorically able to give the forefinger to the Rothschilds.
The only foreigners the Rothschilds family have married (Besides into the English Aristocracy) is Professor Amartya Sen (Noble prize-winning Bengali Indian)...I'm Bengali. Gemima Goldsmith, related to the Rothschilds was married to Imran Khan the PM of Pakistan. Finally Lady Diana a 'Rothschild love child product' who attempted to marry Dr. Hasnat Khan a Pakistani surgeon before she was killed. The theory was that Dodi Al-Fayad the playboy film producer was there as a foil to make Dr. Hasnat Khan jealous/envy....to push him into marrying Princess Diana. Well Jacob wasn't going to have his blood line marry an Ay-rab.
Subtlety, nuance, sophistication with all the money in the world seems not to be his thing.
I do not claim to know what goes through the satanic mind of the senior London Rothschilds. What are the private peccadilloes of billionaire rich men? Does Jacob Rothschild have a thing about his sister marrying a Paki. Does Jacob Rothschild have a thing about his girls chasing courting other Paki men? Am I a hapless, random victim of his pet peeves?
I'll never know.
I have called Jacob Rothschild a goooofy faced, buck tooth so and so ....in private anger but why should my private utterances matter emotionally to him. If I were to be knighted by him as Sir Mostaque Ali, I could be the sweetest grateful Rothschild sycophant on earth........and my fucked up life of 40 years would be forgotten in the true nature of a pure noble magnanimous Aryan.
But sadly the Rothschild makes war on me through the British state.
AND so after being chased out of the country-the British state has been used to spread gossip to their complying dogs round the world. Cyrus this, Genghis Cyrus that, Somali Cyrus this, Hindu Cyrus that....number 5 Cyrus this, number 3 Cyrus that....
In between the butt scratching, the balls scratching and going to the toilet to perform scatology for them and their paranoid demented satanic world....I try and find little gems and flowers to see and appreciate, and that which has value and meaning.
Between 2017-2018 I listened to a video podcast on youtube. It is not one of those that has a great following....just a few thousand. It was called, 'American Intelligence Media' a conservative website. An American husband and wife team ran the website, both of them teachers in America. The husband was more interesting having been a Jesuit priest, after which he became an NSA operator and then finally a school inspector. It had the usual BS rightwing sound bites, but every now and then there were great gems.
I listened to them since I knew the Trump team was focused' on me. ...as was the Obummer and Bush II teams.
I had hoped that the Trump team would not be focused on me based on the style and PUERILE fashion set by the Rothschilds of London, but something more progressive, different, MEANINGFUL and constructive......A WIN-WIN mutualism symbiotic relationship. (I would get my life back to 'normal' and not necessarily seeking power or even great wealth. American troops leaving Afghanistan is not my big life goal....that is just another Rothschild like out of touch equation. Similar to what they thought about Princess Diana....Mostaque supports troop withdrawal......mobilise the team to oppose it....Mostaque supports GOP Georgia......mobilise the team to oppose it.....Mostaque supports Trump....mobilise the team to oppose it......Mostaque is against learning mountains of English vocabulary in schools without exploring the context of which the words are used........we go the other way against him and his ideas)
With this hope in mind I dutifully listened to AIM podcasts for over one year 2017-2018. Specifically when the couple along with Michael McKibben focused on Smartmatics, and Globalist conspiracy election fraud. I had assumed that the Trump Team were lapping up the high quality inside information delivered by 3 Trump fanatics. 'It is, of course, our great privilege to read and translate for the audience President Trump tweets and what he is trying to say' AND, therefore were sure to build a formidable team before the 2020 elections made up of military-grade cyber warriors of Lt. General Mclennery's quality and experience; Civilian contractors of Michael McKibben's depth and experience and finally, Lawyers well versed with election fraud matters and judicial review and the clear problems from 2016....2012...2008....2004....2000.
But Alas it seems not. Globalist President Trump has been busy hiring swamp creatures, billionaires and Globalists to the most sensitive posts in his first administration, as well as sending out Globalist signals through colour codes, numbers and other Globalist gestures......SO WHY WOULD HE SET UP AN INDEPENDENT GOP PARTY BASED TEAM OF EFFECTIVE PROFESSIONALS TO FIGHT THE MAIN AND ONLY ISSUE THAT MATTERS--FIGHT GLOBALIST ELECTION FRAUD?
75 million votes for him and 68 million for Biden.