Nov 1, 2020

It would appear that President Trump has WON a second term.





What we are seeing is long drawn out 'ballot-stuffing' operations by the Deep State Democratic axis to delay and obfuscate what is inevitable....'Delay tactics' of the banana Republic variety.

EVEN Third World banana republics which are failed states can have swifter, cleaner elections, BUT in America, they don't know who to count and don't have the resources of how to count ballots....on time.

Queue dirty tricks.


North Carolina






1. All legal means must be explored to expose the dirty tricks by the Democrats.

2. If the legal means fail, then other more direct options must be initiated in especially in those states mentioned above.

This particular election is unique in American history.

It will decide if the USA slides into a failed banana republic police state with stark 'Hunger Games' like society of the super-rich privileged, and the rest of the 70% living in the margins of society, desperate and permanently denied.

President Trump is also from the CAPITOL of Panem, but there is something there which is human, and malleable. With Biden you are getting a cold hard lifeless rock, which given its condition can never change, filled with lobbyists from the Deep State MIC and Ofcourse Wall Street.

Serial killing will be done in America and the world with a smile, fine etiquette and civility. Americans will become prisoners in their own country, unable to leave, and unable at the same time to stop the hoards from Latin America.

The people from the CAPITOL have rich colourful clothes and Rothschilds London accents.

Can't Count Votes? Just Draw Straws.


It seems that we all will have to fill up our popcorn supplies as the rather comical and disgraceful process of U.S. vote counting is likely to continue until maybe December 8, the safe harbor date on which the states will have to certify their electors.

The race is nowhere near where the Democrats and their supporting media had expected it to go. Just last week polls claimed that Biden would lead in Wisconsin by 17 percent. The current margin is a rather dubious 0.6 percent which upcoming recounts may well eliminate.

That the Democrats lose House seats, do not win the Senate and barely manage to drag their demented presidential candidate towards a stalemate tells a lot about their lack of sane policies. A donor party completely disinterested in what the people really want - medicare for all, no more wars for Israel, stimulate the economy and stimulus cheques, no fracking etc. - will have little chance to survive a future onslaught of conservatives with a more competent figurehead than Donald Trump.

There will be protests, probably violent ones, and more legal action from either side. I see no comprise possible that would satisfy both parties. I fear that, should Trump lose this election. Trumpism will only grow and make the U.S. ungovernable.

Maybe Trump and Biden could publicly draw straws to get over with it.