Apr 5, 2020

The Pandemic

There are many credible alternative theories of where the Corona Pandemic originated from. I discuss this in the context of the USA, since they appear to be the main victims according to the government expert Dr. Fauci:

1. It is stated by senior government officers that the virus is part of a bio-war by the USA against its perceived enemies, China and Iran mainly. ........China is seen as a hegemonic rival to the USA unipolar hyper-power where its Industrial capacity, Trade volume and GDP has surpassed the USA since 2015 (IMF, WB, CIA). 

Iran, on the other hand, is seen as rival to the USA power in the Middle East, and a threat to Israel. 

Italy is a NATO ally of the USA, but due to its long relationship with the USA since the end of WWII, and the CIA's meddling and destabilisation of Italian politics since then (Gladio), often using the Southern-based Italian mafia, patriotic, nationalistic and even left-wing politicians in the country are seeking alternative 'inspiration' and leadership away from the USA hyper-power. In addition, the Italian economy is in poor shape, and many in Italy consider the problem ULTIMATELY lies with Germany which has the strongest economy in the EU--and which unintentionally 'destroys' weaker EU economies to the financial benefit of Germany. For these 2 reasons Italy, more than any other EU country has attempted very recently foster closer relations with China--through trade (where the Chinese have set up whole factories in the country, using Chinese workers only with the permission of the Italian governments) and infrastructure Marco Polo connections via the OBOR Silk Road 2.0 INITIATIVE (Ditto Iran and Russia)......and the American Deep State is fully aware of such geostrategic developments between the 2 countries.

Russia finally is the Soviet Union. It has inherited all the skills of a former superpower, and its ability to replicate, respond and fully understand the motivations its former superpower rival and how its Deep State operates from decades of experience from the Cold War. Thus.................due to this historical fact Russia will be one of the countries least affected by this Pandemic, even though the country is vilified as the worst of enemies run by a new 'Hitler'. 

Of course thinking Americans must ask why Russia with a crappy Third World banana republic annual healthcare system $140 BILLION with a B (average doctors pay is $600 a month....declining population along with Jew-run Ukraine) has no deaths from the virus, and the USA with a near 30 times greater healthcare system at $4 TRILLION with a big T, where doctors are paid between $5,000--$10,000 monthly salary ......is looking at 2.2 million deaths from the virus and 20 million infections.

WHY would the American government in the HOLISTIC sense (including career bureaucrats in the state agencies) be so crappy at this game in America???
Allegations of biological warfare in the Korean War - Wikipedia ...

2. Theory number 2 is that this artificial lab-created Pandemic is specifically designed to sabotage the chances of President Donald Trump from being elected in 2020 for a second term. It is no secret that the Deep State in the USA hates Donald Trump and did not expect him to win the 2016 Presidency, over the anointed and favoured GLOBALIST Queen/Empress Hilary (Lesbian). However when the surprise results came through the Deep State through the FBI/CIA/MSM and others took certain steps to prevent and nullify his Presidential election who had been duly elected by 63 million Americans and the electoral college:

(i) A campaign of false vilification started in 2015 that stated President Trump was a Manchurian candidate working under Putin. An unprecedented accusation against an American Presidential candidate that would have meant immediate arrest for treason of the highest order, but because it was not true......it was used as death by a 1000 cuts strategy against his candidature via the MSM as a whispering campaign, and talking point.

(ii) As the possibility of him being elected increased 25 assassination attempts were initiated against him from September 2016 through to 2018 by the Deep State and led by the FBI, BUT totally hushed up by the MSM. .....who never discussed such serious issues, not even the famed Fox news.

(iii) After he was elected in November 2016, the Deep State then attempted to influence the state system and the Electoral College to not vote for him and confirm him as the President through false accusations that he was a Manchurian candidate.

(iv) The Russigate inquiry was set up headed by FBI Mueller, a Deep State operative aligned to Hilary Clinton. The primary purpose of which was to destabilise in the classic CIA style his shaky first term Presidency with lies and innuendos via fake dossiers and MSM whispers.

(v) The old pillars and stalwarts that brought him to power ---Paul Manaforte, Roger Stone and General Mike Flynn formerly of the Deep State were harassed and prosecuted with baseless procedural crimes ( SO-CALLED 'Crimes' that could apply to 1000's of people in and around the Washington Cesspool of all political shades, and the reason why ALL 3 need to be absolved and released via Presidential pardons along with Julian Assange) 

(vi) After he was shorn of his most trusted Pillars, he was deluged with crazy sleazy nutjob insider Deep State actors working within his administration. The MSM then gleefully used these crazy sleazy nutjobs in interviews on the MSM platform to further mock and destabilise the President. 'Birds of a feather flock together' meme. John Bolton is a cocaine addled war mongering nutjob with flashing eyes...and so must the President also. 

(vii)  Then the next tactic against him was to state that he was an unstable nut, and maybe the Vice President should take over. Maybe the President is quirky and unconventional with his Twitter Presidency talking to his base around the MSM, but that is far from him being a nutjob.

(viii) Then they stated that the President was a racist and a lecher/womaniser......for the Homosexuals in the Deep State this was abhorrent as with JFK's sexual exploits, over and above their own very very serious criminal activity. 

(ix) Finally, they stated that he had abused his powers as President to find dirt on his Presidential opponent Joe Biden via the failed corrupt state of Ukraine, by withholding military aid unless they investigated...and by IMPLICATION find dirt on Joe Biden.

President Trumps 2nd Term is a shoo-in normal circumstance, and the theory is that the Deep State decided to collapse the American economy (Otherwise booming with full employment) by initiating the Coronavirus----their last desperate throw of the dice against Donald J Trump. To initiate the virus in the USA would have been too obvious so it was initiated in China first.....and now the Deep State actors are loudly saying that there could be 40% unemployment, economy reduced by 30%.....and up to 2.2 million dead and 20 million infected.

SinfulSunday #sensual #erotic #sexual #SeduceSunday #passion ...
. .MORE than likely what the Beta male Deep State hate about Donald Trump is his Alpha Male womanising ways. This was OK as a Playboy billionaire marrying foreign women, but for them not acceptable as President of the mighty hunky butch aggressive warlike USA. 

If he were to invite rent boys to the Whitehouse it would negate all his crimes, or grope Linda Graham in the Lincoln room then the world and universe will align for him.
Rent a Boy - YouTube

3. Malthusian Globalist elimination of 'Useless eaters'

4. 'Making a killing on the stock market' scam.