Apr 30, 2020

Get ready for Mad Max America--tens of million of desperate homeless Americans in GLOBALIST JEWISH run America

The troops in foreign shores are not enough.(If they stay loyal to the government, that is).

Air Force jets won't make a difference either.

When people are desperate and hungry, they won't give a fuck about anything Mr. Globalist Jew.

Apr 29, 2020

WEE HAVE A PLAN---The USA and Dems need President Ca-macho, this will pull in the Black, Latino and Jewish vote


Jimmy Dore


Rebellion in America


The $4 Trillion healthcare system does not appear to be working in the USA, AND the USA appears to becoming a runaway train wreck.

After the $6.5 trillion bank heist to the 1% in the month of March, the bread crumbs are slowly and painfully coming out to help the masses. 

But for Trump is it too little too late?

Apr 28, 2020

Dr. Daniel Erickson push to lift California stay at home orders because lockdowns have minimal benefits


Re-open businesses...and workplaces quickly.

Herding, the outdoors and lots of fresh air with SUNLIGHT can help a long way


General Flynn exonerated--he was set up by Jim Comey

The overall strategy was to eliminate key figures in the new administration, along a final process of getting at the President, ULTIMATELY.

. . .
AND FINANCIAL COMPENSATION, where he had to mortgage his house to pay for the lawyers. One of very few generals who did not switch to work in the private sector of the MIC, and is now financially bankrupt.

The USA will cease to be the LEADER of the world from 2020, moral, political, financial and social

The important 'Takeaway' from the artificial man-made Pandemic and the Fake Great New Depression 2.0 is that it is designed as a bank heist on a mega-scale which currently totals $6.5 trillion of taxpayer money (The liability for the money will be borne by ordinary American citizens for years to come.....they will pay for it ultimately.)

The Fake Depression will also be used to destroy American leadership in the world. 

Many nations in the world of 200 will welcome this outcome.

The Jewish globalists for whom the world is their stage will welcome it.

It will be used to destroy the dominance of the dollar $.

It will be used to destroy American Diplomatic power over nations.

It will be used to destroy American military power over the globe.

Many nations in the world of 200 will welcome it, and PRAY FOR IT.

The Jewish globalists for whom the world is their stage will welcome it.

400 years ago they were Spanish Sephardic Jews, some of whom escaped to the Ottoman Empire, whilst others went into Western and Central Europe...becoming in some cases French Catholics. Then like the Bushes and Rockefellers, they migrated in the 18th and 19th century to the New promised land of the USA, AND EMBEDDED themselves in American society with very WASP Royalty identity. 

With Rothschilds London start-up money and loans, they became the financial elites via Standard oil and other business ventures funded by the Rothschilds as a scheme of the British to regain their influence in rogue America.

But the Globalists Jews have no fealty to America. 


Exceptionalistic Claptrap

By Moon of Alabama.

The graphic below was published in a January 27 piece in Forbes. It shows the U.S., followed by the UK, to be the country which is best prepared for an epidemic.

Life has since debunked that assertion. The U.S. and the UK were evidently less prepared than most other developed countries.

But such delusions are typical for U.S. media. They are part of the constant sublime propaganda that indoctrinates the U.S. population to believe that their country is the best and greatest ever.

Today the New York Times offers up a related piece of extreme self deluded claptrap:

BERLIN — As images of America’s overwhelmed hospital wards and snaking jobless lines have flickered across the world, people on the European side of the Atlantic are looking at the richest and most powerful nation in the world with disbelief.“When people see these pictures of New York City they say, ‘How can this happen? How is this possible?’” said Henrik Enderlein, president of the Berlin-based Hertie School, a university focused on public policy. “We are all stunned. Look at the jobless lines. Twenty-two million,” he added.

“I feel a desperate sadness,” said Timothy Garton Ash, a professor of European history at Oxford University and a lifelong and ardent Atlanticist.

The pandemic sweeping the globe has done more than take lives and livelihoods from New Delhi to New York. It is shaking fundamental assumptions about American exceptionalism — the special role the United States played for decades after World War II as the reach of its values and power made it a global leader and example to the world.

No. The world is not missing American leadership. That's because most people of the world are not "ardent Atlanticists."

Their fundamental assumptions about the U.S. is that it is exceptional only in its warmongering and cruelty. Poll after poll have shown that "the world" does not have a widely positive picture of the U.S. It instead sees it as the greatest threat:
  • According to a 2017 Pew survey, 39% of respondents across 38 countries consider U.S. influence and power a major threat to their countries, compared to 31% for both Russia and China. That’s up from 25% in 2013, when the survey was conducted previously.
  • Approval of U.S. global leadership fell to 30% worldwide, per a January Gallup poll. That’s narrowly behind China (31%) and ahead of Russia (27%). It’s also the lowest score in the 10 years the survey has been conducted, and down from 48% in Barack Obama’s last year.
  • America’s favorability around the world has fallen sharply, particularly among key allies like Mexico, Canada and Germany. And that was before Trump's trade war and Iran deal withdrawal.
The NYT piece quotes four white European men from think tanks and universities who are all known for pro-U.S. views plus a French man of Arab heritage who works for the Atlantic Council, a U.S. think tank financed by the U.S. government and U.S. weapon producers. A quote from one U.S. neoconservative is also included.

The NYT writer, Katrin Bennhold (pictured below), seems to think that their opinions represent "the world". Here is news. They don't.

The delusion and fake historic views in that piece are breathtaking:
The country that helped defeat fascism in Europe 75 years ago next month, and defended democracy on the continent in the decades that followed, is doing a worse job of protecting its own citizens than many autocracies and democracies.
Bennhold can be happy that her editors have cleaned up that still bad paragraph. On Twitter she had formulated it as this:
Katrin Bennhold @kbennhold - 9:37 UTC · Apr 23, 2020America, which liberated the Europe of my grandparents from fascism 75 years ago, has been a global leader for the past 75 years. Now it is leading in a different way: 842,000 Americans have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and 46,784 have died, more than anywhere else 2/6
The U.S. did not liberate Europe from fascism. The Soviet Union did that. Between 1942 and 1945 it destroyed the German Wehrmacht on the eastern front. One can reasonably argue that D-Day and the U.S. invasion of occupied France in June 1944 was a mere diversion for the much larger Operation Bragation the USSR was launching in the east.

And what please has the U.S. led but the wars on Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and numerous other countries?

Instead of defending democracy on the continent, the U.S. launched coup after coup whenever majorities in Greece, Italy or other countries voted for too leftish parties. And who by the way helped to hold up Spain's fascist dictatorship under Franco?

Then this:
There is a special irony: Germany and South Korea, both products of enlightened postwar American leadership, have become potent examples of best practices in the coronavirus crisis.(I would argue Sweden, Belarus and Singapore and China have been the most exceptional dealing with the crisis)
The "postwar American leadership" killed 20% of all Koreans and supported fascist dictatorships in South Korea up to 1987. It has since opposed any South Korean leader who has tried to make peace with North Korea. What please was "enlightened" in that.

Someone should tell that ignorant and uneducated claptrap writer that the U.S. hegemonic 'leadership' is over and that the world has sound reasons to be happy about that:
Many defenders of U.S. hegemony insist that the “liberal international order” depends on it. That has never made much sense. For one, the continued maintenance of American hegemony frequently conflicts with the rules of international order. The hegemon reserves the right to interfere anywhere it wants, and tramples on the sovereignty and legal rights of other states as it sees fit. In practice, the U.S. has frequently acted as more of a rogue in its efforts to “enforce” order than many of the states it likes to condemn. The most vocal defenders of U.S. hegemony are unsurprisingly some of the biggest opponents of international law—at least when it gets in their way.
The relative decline of the U.S. is not a new development. It has been visible to outside observes for more than 20 years. But it is only now that some of the delusions that Hollywood,  main stream media and the establishment have held up for the last 20 years are finally falling away.

More such delusions will be buried when the extend of the new great depression the pandemic will cause will become more visible.

Jew Globalists have a plan for America, and its not very nice

What this excellent article leaves out is the deliberate destruction of the USA economy which creates 30-50 % unemployment, 30% reduction in GDP, the eventual replacement of humans by machines and robots...and the massive concentration of wealth in the 1% by the Jewish Beta Male Globalists.

This great new Depression 2.0 over several decades is meant to reinforce their power....along with the Pandemic.

2 parallel strategies with one eventual outcome.

The 'aliens' are the Jewish GLOBALISTS and their hatred for humanity, their love of war, their love of homosexuality.


The Seven-Step Path From Pandemic To Totalitarianism

There are just seven steps from pandemic declaration to permanent totalitarianism – and many jurisdictions are about to start Step 5…

Who IS the Federal Reserve System ??? | 2012 Patriot

As if it was planned in advance, billions of people around the globe are being forced step by rapid step into a radically different way of life, one that involves far less personal, physical and financial freedom and agency


A new virus starts to spread around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) declares a pandemic.
International agencies, public-health officials, politicians, media and other influential voices fan fear by focusing almost exclusively on the contagiousness of the virus and the rising numbers of cases, and by characterizing the virus as extremely dangerous.
Within a few days governments at national and local levels also declare states of emergency. At lightning speed they impose lock-down measures that confine most people to their homes – starting with closing schools – and shut down much of the global economy. World markets implode.
The stunned, fearful and credulous public – convinced over the previous few years that their bodies do not have the natural ability to react to pathogens by producing antibodies that confer long-lasting immunity – largely complies willingly.
The first weekly virtual class on local emergency and crisis responses to COVID19 is held for mayors and other city officials around the world. Coordinated by a handful of American organizations in the academic, medical, financial, political and transportation spheres, the classes feature guests ranging from Barack Obama to Bill Gates.


National, state/provincial and municipal leaders, as well as public-health officials, start daily press briefings. They use them to pump out frightening statistics and modelling asserting the virus has the potential to kill many millions. (2.2 million Americans could die according to Dr. Fauci with 20 million infections in the USA)
Coronavirus -- New York's Andrew Cuomo Pushes Back On Lockdown ...
Most of this information is hard to decipher and sheds little real light on the natural course of the virus’s spread through each geographic area.
Dr. Anthony Fauci forced to beef up security as death threats ...
Officials and media downplay or distort inconveniently low death tolls from the virus and instead focus on alarming statistics produced by compliant academics, social-media influencers and high-profile organizations.
The main message is that this is a war and many lives are at stake unless virtually everybody stays at home. Mainstream media amplify the trope that the world is at the mercy of the virus.
Simultaneously, central banks and governments hand out massive amounts of cash largely to benefit the big banks. ($6.5 TRILLION in the case of the USA, just before and after the emergency) And they bring in giant private-sector financial firms to manage the process despite these global companies’ very poor track record in the 2008-2009 crash. 
Governments also rapidly start to create trillions of pounds’ worth of programs that include compensating businesses and workers for their shutdown-related losses.


There is a concerted effort by all levels of government and public health to very rapidly ramp up testing for viral RNA, along with production of personal protective equipment.
They push aside the need for regulation, including quality standards and independent verification of tests’ rates of accuracy, by insisting that fast approval and roll-out are imperative for saving lives.
Models are released that predict snowballing of numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths even under best-case scenarios.
At about the same time, public-health officials significantly loosen the criteria for viral infections, outbreaks and deaths, particularly in the oldest members of society. That increases the numbers of cases and deaths ascribed to the new pathogen.
The media continue to clamour for more testing and for severe punishment of people who aren’t completely compliant with the lock-down measures.
As a result, there’s little backlash as police and military with sweeping new powers enforce these measures and give stiff penalties or even jail terms to those who disobey orders. States also monitor with impunity massive numbers of people’s movements via their cellphones.
Vast human resources are focused on tracking down people who have had contact with a virus-positive individual and confining them to their homes. Thus the portion of the public exposed to the virus remains relatively small.
It also contributes to social isolation. Among many effects, this enables those in control to even further erase individual and collective choices, voices and power.


When the numbers of cases and deaths start to plateau, local officials claim it’s too early to tell whether the virus has finished passing through their population and therefore, restrictive measures must continue.
An alternative narrative is that if such measures aren’t kept in place there will be a resurgence of cases and deaths. Yet another is that the continuing climb in elderly persons’ deaths means all bets are off for the time being.
They admit that initial models incorrectly predicted there would be a tsunami of cases, ICU admissions and deaths. However, they assert more time is needed before it can be determined whether it’s safe to loosen some of the restrictions and let children return to school or adults go back to work.
Officials do not try to calculate the overall skyrocketing cost to their populations and economies of the shut-downs and other measures against, nor do they discuss what cost level may be too high.
They and powerful media organizations also push for the massive virus-testing over-capacity to be used to surveil the general population for viral DNA in their bodies. At the same time, the roll-out begins of widespread blood testing for antibodies to the virus.
Meanwhile, new data are published showing the virus has a high capacity to mutate. Scientists and officials interpret this as meaning a larger medical arsenal will be needed to combat it.
Image source: The Spectator


About two or three weeks later, the dramatic increase in testing for viral DNA produces the desired goal of a significant upsurge in the number of people found positive for the virus.
Public-health officials add jet fuel to the surge by adding to their case and death tallies the large number of people who are only suspected – and not lab-test-confirmed – to have had an infection. Politicians and public-health officials tell the populace this means they cannot return to their jobs or other activities outside the home for the time being.
Governments work with public-health agencies, academics, industry, the WHO and other organizations to start to design and implement immunity-passport systems for using the results of the widespread antibody testing to determine who can be released from the lock-downs. This is one of many goals of the seven steps.
Meanwhile, government leaders continue to highlight the importance of vaccines for besting the virus.


Large-scale human testing of many different types of antivirals and vaccines begins, thanks to a concerted push from the WHO, Bill Gates and his collaborators, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, governments and universities.
Large swaths of the population don’t have the antibodies to the virus because they’ve been kept from being exposed to it; they eagerly accept these medications even though they’ve been rushed to market with inadequate safety testing. They believe these medical products offer the only hope for escaping the virus’s clutches.


Soon the new virus starts another cycle around the globe – just as influenza and other viruses have every year for millennia. Officials again fan the flames of fear by positing the potential for millions of deaths among people not yet protected from the virus.
They rapidly roll out virus and antibody testing again, while companies sell billions more doses of antivirals and booster vaccines.
Governments simultaneously cede control of all remaining public assets to global companies. This is because local and national governments’ tax bases were decimated during Step 1 and they’re virtually bankrupt from their unprecedented spending in the war against the virus in the other steps.
(i) The overall result is complete medicalization of the response to the virus, which on a population level is no more harmful than influenza.
(ii) This is coupled with the creation of permanent totalitarianism controlled by global companies and a 24/7 invasive-surveillance police state supported by widespread blossoming of ‘smart’ technology.
(iii) The key players repeat the cycle of hysteria and massive administration of antivirals and booster shots every few months.
(iv) And they implement a variation of steps 1 to 7 when another new pathogen appears on the planet.

Sounds far-fetched? Unfortunately, it’s not.
With the arrival of COVID19 many countries quickly completed Steps 1, 2 and 3.
Step 4 is well under way in a large number of jurisdictions.
Step 5 is on track to start in early May.

Americans constitutional rights will be protected during the FAKE Pandemic, and resulting manufactured 'Depression'

The USA has 500,000 Lawyers, many administrative and constitutional law experts--- let's see them get busy for the people, and by the people.


Barr tells prosecutors to watch for pandemic restrictions that violate Constitution

By John Kruzel of the Hill and antiwar.com

Barr tells prosecutors to watch for pandemic restrictions that violate Constitution

Attorney General William Barr on Monday directed federal prosecutors to “be on the lookout” for public health measures put in place amid the coronavirus pandemic that might be running afoul of constitutional rights.

In a two-page memorandum to the 93 U.S. attorneys, Barr cautioned that some state and local directives could be infringing on protected religious, speech and economic rights.

“If a state or local ordinance crosses the line from an appropriate exercise of authority to stop the spread of COVID-19 into an overbearing infringement of constitutional and statutory protections, the Department of Justice may have an obligation to address that overreach in federal court,” Barr wrote.

In his memo, Barr said he was directing two Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors to monitor the measures taken by state and local governments and “if necessary, take action to correct them.”

“Many policies that would be unthinkable in regular times have become commonplace in recent weeks, and we do not want to unduly interfere with the important efforts of state and local officials to protect the public,” Barr wrote. 

But the Constitution is not suspended in times of crisis.

We must therefore be vigilant to ensure its protections are preserved, at the same time that the public is protected,” he added.

The Supreme Court has long held that constitutional rights can be lawfully restricted when emergency public health measures are in place, though the precise scope of government public health power is not clearly defined.

Legal experts caution that governments can be prone to overreach amid exigent circumstances.

In times of emergency — including public health emergency — the temptation to violate individual rights is at its greatest, and the courts have often been called on to defend the rights of the vulnerable,” Harvard Law professor Glenn Cohen previously told The Hill.
Earlier this month, a federal judge in Kansas blocked an order from the state’s Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly that restricted in-person religious assemblies to no more than 10 people.

Barr has previously warned state and local governments against enacting restrictions that singled out religious gatherings and the Justice Department filed a memo in support of a Mississippi church that sought to offer drive-in church services.

“Even in times of emergency, when reasonable and temporary restrictions are placed on rights, the First Amendment and federal statutory law prohibit discrimination against religious institutions and religious believers,” Barr said in an April 14 statement.

Hollywood Predictive Programming

The book was written in 3 days in 1982.

The movie was released in 1987.

It is set in a post-apocalyptic dystopian society, where NORMAL American society has collapsed after a 2017-2019 Economic collapse.

American society now works for the 1%, and the rest live in abject squalor, poverty, degradation and a 'Police surveillance state' which is very aggressive. People are constantly hungry, unemployed living short violent stone age lives in polluted environments.

Their minds are controlled by free Television where screens are projected everywhere, churning out cesspool game shows of money and survival. The TV game show helps the people 'escape' their abject poverty and totalitarian gulag like surveillance state.

The hero of the story is an average Joe (not Schwarzenegger) an ex-policeman wrongfully accused who scavenges for food and medicine for his ailing daughter, whilst his wife prostitutes herself to support him and the family.

Welcome to America of 2025, lived by the 1% for the 1%.

HELLO AMERICA!........whilst YOU were sleeping and watching a fake game show, FAKE NFL GAMES and Britney Spears crotch and Kardashian black-owned butt, a VIOLENT dictatorship was imposed on you by the Jewish Globalists.......USING A FAKE LAB CREATED PANDEMIC, along with collapsing the economy, while they stole $6.5 TRILLION in the space of a few days in plain sight ........in the month of March, well before any Joe public got a dime.


Apr 22, 2020

Let them eat cake

Thank you Nancy, LOVE you too.

Talking of important things that MATTER TO the world right now.........

  • 500 BC – People of the Persian Empire were the first who started making ice cream. They would pour grape juice concentrate over snow, and eat it during the hot summers.
  • 400 BC – Persians invented ice cream recipe for their royal families (JUST like you Nancy). It consisted of iced rose water, vermicelli, saffron, fruits and other sweet flavors.

Bastani Sonnati

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Bastani Sonnati
Akbar Mashti.JPG
Alternative namesPersian ice cream
TypeIce cream
Place of origin Iran
Serving temperatureCold
Main ingredientsMilkcreamsugar, flavorings (e.g. fruit puree or nut paste)
Bastani sonnati (Persianبستنی سنتی‎, lit. 'traditional ice cream'), or simply bastani (بستنی), is an Iranian ice cream made from milkeggssugarrose watersaffronvanilla, and pistachios. It is known widely as Persian ice cream.[1] Bastani often contains flakes of frozen clotted cream.[2][3] Sometimes, salep is included as an ingredient.
Āb havij bastani (Persianآب هویج بستنی‎) is a mixture of carrot juice made into an ice cream float and occasionally, may be garnished with cinnamonnutmeg, or other spices.


yakhchal, an ancient type of ice house, in YazdIran
The history of bastani probably began around 500 BCE in the Achaemenid Empire of Persia.[4][5] Various syrups would be poured over snow to produce summertime treats called "fruit ice" (sharbat). Typically, the ice was mixed with saffron, grape juices, fruits, and other flavours. The Greek leader Alexander the Great, who battled the Persians for ten years, enjoyed "fruit ices" sweetened with honey and chilled with snow.
In 400 BCE, the Persians also invented an ice cream-like dessert made with rose water and vermicelli called faloodeh (Persianپالوده‎).[6] Persians introduced ice cream and faloodeh to Arabs after the Arab invasion of Iran and the fall of Persian Sasanian Empire.[7]

Now Nancy, based on this VERY IMPORTANT FACT, and your love of ice cream could you please lift ALL sanctions against the good people of Persia?

Another important subject for Nancy and her type of people are noses (which can sometimes require plastic surgery). Because when you are super-rich, your PRE-OCCUPATIONS and peccadilloes, and world view are very different from the mere salt of the earth plebs.  

There is the Semitic nose found amongst Arabs....the eyes drawn together, and the hook nose Oi Ve!

Common Dreams' website traps Hasbara troll spewing anti-Semitism ...

Then there is the Roman Latin nose (Nancy's ancestral country)
Rocco Fasano - Videos | Facebook

Then there is the Aryan nose....
Iranian girl, originally Aryan race. (avec images) | Beaux yeux ...
Aryan - Wikipedia