Dec 16, 2017

Gas Lighting and Grand standing for Hillary


Being EMPHATIC in front of the camera, after Hilary's $20 million donation.......does not make your argument any better.

Russia arguably is the 2nd most powerful nation on earth with a huge nuclear arsenal. THAT KIND OF A COUNTRY needs a CLEAR channel of communication with an incoming President of the USA about to be officially sworn in 30 days time, and WHERE there is a real fear that the DEEP STATE in the USA, either to sabotage Trumps Presidency or on Hilary's war mongering ways (Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan......) is going to INCITE A WAR because thats where she gets her ORGASM from......talking to the Russians through an intermediary ABOUT ISRAEL cannot in any rational way be equated to TREASON,....or taking ORDERS from the Russians.

Flynn is innocent, Flynn was following the orders of PRESIDENT Trump...and the brief chit chat with the Russians was mostly about Israel, and reassurance that Russia should not respond IN KIND to Obummer expelling Russian diplomats, and other such last minute bear- baiting tactics from Obummer as he was about to leave office.


1. Pardon, Flynn.....invite him to the Whitehouse eventually much later. 

2. Let the Meuller witchhunt be dissolved through illegitimacy first, by parallel investigations of Mueller on the issue of CONFLICT OF INTEREST......then pardon Flynn. 

3. Inform, and COMFORT FLYNN, that the President will pardon Flynn eventually...later. The President needs to inform Flynn about this through very careful channels, which only Flynn understands and cannot in the court of law be interpreted as obstruction of justice.