The British Empire lost between 1--1.2 million soldiers dead, and 2 million wounded in the Great War...1914--1918.
Financially Britain was ruined.
There was widespead fear of revolution in the UK, along with civil unrest.
The evil British Empire was weakened.
European civilisation was destroyed.
Europeans who constituted 25% of the world population, would see their share of the global population decline to 10% or less in the future.
Europe was morally bankrupt, in that such modern states were unwilling and unable to resolve essentially unimportant petty differences of the ego through rational discourse and meaningful co-existence.
The Great War was the scheme of the Rothschilds of London, with their very own specific objectives, not fully covered by the writer below:
1. Creation of Israel
2. Destruction of European Empires.
3. Profit through war, which was the classical means through which the Rothschilds had made money from Frankfurt in Germany.
4. Jewish takeover of Imperial Russia.
5. Greater Jewish influence over Germany through the Wiemar Republic.
6. Paradoxically of all the peoples many Jews hate, they hate the most are the Europeans. They hate Christianity, and the ability of Europeans towards greater civilisation. This incurs envy, loathing, hate and jealousy........especially after their Rabbi had told them that they were the chosen people. Paradoxically, Jews primarily prefer to live at the same time in the very European societies they hate so much. You don't see Jews in non-Occidental societies.
7. Since the fall of the Roman Empire 1500 years ago, Europe had seen many wars and genocides, related to what we may consider by modern standards to be trivial matters. Most were not the result of Jewish elite conspiracy.
8. Yet another theory is that the Great War was an American scheme based around Jewish New York to destroy European Empires and pave the way for eventual American global hegemony. The Federal Reserve pumped money into Germany via Holland, which prolonged the war by 3.5 years and increased the carnage, destruction and weakening of the European powers.
Britain's King George V (above) took his orders from the cabal that started the First World War.
The British cabinet did not want a war, but the cabal insisted.
King George V urged his Foreign Secretary Edward Grey to go to war with Germany.
When Grey said that the cabinet had not found a justifiable reason to go
to war, the King replied:
"You have got to find a reason, Grey."
Lionel Nathan de Rothschild
George V was influenced by the Jews Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, Sir Samuel Montagu and Sir Robert Waley Cohen
(British Jews Hold Rites for King George)
The British Royal family was in bed with the Jewish bankers.
George V's father, Edward VII, had borrowed heavily from Sir Ernest Cassell, the Rothschilds and the Sassoons.
King George V was a friend of the Freemasons, who are said to be controlled by the top Jews.
Freemasons Honor Late King George V
George V and his family were easy to control.
George V's older brother, Prince Albert Victor, known as Prince Eddy, was bisexual, like his father.
Prince Eddy was involved in the Cleveland Street Scandal of 1889.
This scandal involved a boy brothel in London's Cleveland Street.
Public Record Office police papers and the letters of Lord Arthur Somerset show that the Prince was involved with boys.
Grey and Churchill
Winston Churchill, whose mother was Jewish, was part of the cabal that wanted a World War.
Churchill and Grey threatened to resign from Prime Minister Asquith's cabinet if he did not agree to a war.
Asquith did not want his government to fall, so he gave in to Churchill and Grey.
George V and his cousin Kaiser Wilhelm
Was Germany a threat to Britain?
When the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary was assassinated in June 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm hoped to avoid war.
In July 1914, Wilhelm was in despair as he believed that certain people
had plotted to start the war as a way of destroying Germany.
(Balfour, Michael (1964), The Kaiser and his Times / Wilmott, HP (2003), The First World War)

Sir William Wiseman, the Jewish head of
British intelligence in the USA, who, during World war I, was friendly
with Max Warburg, the Jewish head of German intelligence.
What were some of the plans by the top Jews?
1. Promote the Islamists.
Before World War I, the Salafi-Wahhabi form of Islam was promoted in
order to try to break up the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which contained
The top Jews wanted the promise of a Jewish homeland, and this was obtained during World War I.
2. Put the Jews into power in Russia.
This was achived during World War I.
3. Make lots of money for Jewish bankers and arms dealers.
Sir Basil Zaharoff, a top Jew, boasted to Rosita Forbes, "I made wars so that I could sell arms to both sides."
Sir Basil Zaharoff
Edith Cavell
In 1914, Edith Cavell, an English nurse, was doing humanitarian work in German-occupied Belgium.
Edith took charge of the Belgian Relief Commission which aimed to get food and medical supplies to war-ravaged Belgium.
Allied charities sent huge amounts of food and medicine to Belgium.
Edith discovered that certain people in Britain were making sure all these supplies ended up in the German Empire.
She discovered that Jewish-owned banks in England were sending money to the Germans to help them buy these supplies.
This was causing famine in Belgium.
Edith wrote a letter of protest to a British magazine The Nursing Mirror, which published the letter on 15 April 1915.
Edith’s letter was shown to Sir William Wiseman, a Jew who was high up in British Intelligence.
Reportedly, Wiseman contacted Max Warburg, the Jew in charge of German
Intelligence, and told Warburg to arrest Edith and execute her as a
British spy.

Max Warburg
Wiseman also contacted Max’s brother Paul, the Jewish head of the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Thousands of Germans wrote letters to their government demanding that Edith be released.
Americans wrote to the British Red Cross; but the head of the British Red Cross was Robert Cecil, reportedly a Jew.
Edith was shot.
Robert Cecil, who had Jewish origins, became a minister in Britain's government.
The British Naval Attaché in Scandinavia, Rear Admiral M.P. Consett,
kept track of the movement of war supplies from the Jewish bankers to
the Germans.
Consett, in his book Triumph of the Unarmed Forces (published 1923), writes that if
the bankers had not continually supplied Germany with money and
materials, then World War I would have ended in less than a year.
German U-boats were made from Swedish iron ore; Swedish vessels bringing
iron ore to Germany needed coal, and coal was controlled by Britain.
Reportedly, the Jewish bankers sent coal to Swedish ship owners.
Rear Admiral Consett protested.

An earlier Robert Cecil was the brains behind the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, a notorious act of fake terrorism.
Robert Cecil, the British Minister of 'Blockade', was reportedly a friend of the Jewish bankers.
Reportedly, Robert Cecil told Admiral Consett to keep quiet.
Germany also needed glycerin (animal fat) to manufacture explosives. England controlled the world glycerin trade.
The Jewish bankers sold glycerin to neutral countries, which sold it to Germany.

Reportedly, William Wiseman, the Jewish head of British Intelligence in
the United States, made sure there were no British warships available to
protect ocean liners at key locations.
The Lusitania was sunk by German torpedoes.
The USA entered the war.

John Buchan was once the head of Britain's secret service.
Buchan was also a writer.
In The Thirty Nine Steps, published in 1915, he considered the idea that
there are secret Jewish puppet-masters who manipulate people into
starting wars.
The novel formed the basis for a number of film adaptations, notably
Alfred Hitchcock's 1935 adaptation The 39 Steps, a 1959 colour remake, a
1978 version, and a 2008 version for British television.
The film versions leave out the most interesting bit from the book.

So here it is (The 39 Steps - Google Books Result):
John Buchan, former spy master, wrote:
The aim of the whole conspiracy was to get Russia and Germany at loggerheads.
When I asked Why, he said that ... everything would be in the melting-pot, and they looked to see a new world emerge.
The capitalists would rake in the shekels, and make fortunes by buying up wreckage.
Capital, he said, had no conscience and no fatherland.
Besides, the Jew was behind it, and the Jew hated Russia worse than hell...
The Jew is everywhere, but you have to go far down the backstairs to find him.
Take any big Teutonic business concern.
If you have dealings with it the first man you meet is Prince von und zu
Something, an elegant young man who talks Eton-and-Harrow English.
But he cuts no ice.
If your business is big, you get behind him and find a prognathous Westphalian with a retreating brow and the manners of a hog.
He is the German business man that gives your English papers the shakes.
But if you're on the biggest kind of job and are bound to get to the real boss, ten to one you are brought up against a little white-faced Jew in a bath-chair with an eye like a rattle-snake.
Yes, sir, he is the man who is ruling the world just now, and he has his
knife in the Empire of the Tsar, because his aunt was outraged and his
father flogged in some one-horse location on the Volga.'
The history books have said that this man (above) was the assassin who sparked the outbreak of World war I..
The history books have said that the above photo shows the arrest of
'the man who assassinated the heir to the throne of the Austrian
Historian Tim Butcher in History Today points out that the man shown above was innocent.
The innocent man shown above is Ferdinand Behr.
Sarajevo's Elusive Assassin | History Today / The Trigger: Hunting The Assassin Tim Butcher is the author of The Trigger: Hunting the Assassin who Brought the World to War.
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand took place in Sarajevo, in Bosnia, in the Austrian Empire, on 28 June, 1914.
The assassination caused the outbreak of World War I.

Princip, or his double, and, Princip, or his double.
The historians have claimed that the assassin was a teenager called Gavrilo Princip.
But the historians have got most things wrong about Princip, as Tim Butcher explains:
Sarajevo's Elusive Assassin | History Today / The Trigger: Hunting The Assassin
The historians told us that Princip jumped on the running board of the archduke's car to take his shot.
This is not true.
Other things that were not true include the claims that:
The archduke’s wife was pregnant when she died in the shooting.
It happened on the anniversary of their marriage.
The car did not have a reverse gear so was incapable of correcting the driver’s error that delivered it to the assassin.
The archduke caught the grenade thrown earlier at the couple and tossed it away
Princip stopped to eat a sandwich at a corner café before emerging to take his shot.
Above we see the innocent bystander Ferdinand Behr being grabbed and taken in for questioning.
The teenager Gavrilo Princip was small and thin.
Behr was over 6ft tall and was of solid build.
Princip was found guilty of the assassination and allegedly died a few years later in prison.
Gavrilo Princip was born on 13 June or 13 July, depending on who you believe.
Princip was born in Bosnia, part of the Austrian Empire.
Yet Austria blamed Serbia for the assassination.
There is no evidence that Princip was working for the Serbian government.
Serbia had warned Austria about the plotters.
Serbia had no motive for wanting the Archduke killed.
The people of Serbia are Slavs.
The Archduke had married a Slav and was known to be sympathetic to the Slavs.
Sophie, the Archduke's wife stated that they were both warmly welcomed by Bosnia's Slav population.
Sophie stated: "Wherever we have been everyone, down to the last Serb,
has greeted us with such friendliness, politeness and true warmth that
we are very happy with our visit."
The Archduke and his wife and children
The Sarajevo assassins were members of the Black Hand.
"Leading members of the Black Hand apparently met with French and Grand
Orient Freemasons in January 1914 to arrange the assassination in
Sarajevo..." - The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard.
(The Biggest Secret - Chapter 11)