May 17, 2012

Der Schwul Furz Fuhrer

Hitler descended from North African Berber Jews.

Martin Boorman ran Nazi Germany for the International Jewish bankers, as their point-man in the shadows behind Hitler. 

Hess, Hitlers mentor and Deputy misread the International Jewish banker structure of power in Germany and the World in flying to the UK in 1940 prematurely, without solid confirmation from the Rothschild Jewish bankers that they would welcome him along with the Nazi sympathizers within the British establishment. 

The latter group bowled over by racist talk of fake pseudo "Aryanism" based on dodgy writing from 19th century German romanticism, and in an era of European colonialism, and Occidental Chauvinism.

The International Jewish bankers wanted WWII, and Nazi German peace with the British Empire did not suite them. The UK was a vital ticket through which the HEROIC cavalry of the JEWSA would enter the war, and "save the world", and set up the United Nations.......ALL in its terms, whilst simultaneously destroying the British, French and Soviet Empire, and obviously weakening Germany again as was done in 1918.

As with WWI through neutral Holland, the USA supplied the Nazi German war machine through neutral Sweden into late 1944, until the Bankers were satisfied that their objectives had been reached.

There are many allegations against Hitler, and conspiracy theories surround him.

That he was of Jewish origin.

A vegetarian.

Had a BIG FARTING problem----OBVIOUSLY AN evil windbag.

On 30 different pills.

Took cocaine.

That he killed his niece Angela (Geli) Raubal, his first "Beard"

That he enjoyed scatology.

That he was Homosexual...never marrying. Eva Braun was merely his "Beard".

That the Jewish International Bankers carefully mentored and financed the Nazi Party into power.

The utterly failed man with no initial connections to the elite, with little education, never holding down ANY 9--5 job in his entire life, or the basic responsibility of running a family with wife, suddenly appears from nowhere, and runs one of the most advanced and sophisticated nations on earth.

I suppose miracles do happen?

Nazi Germany 1933--45, which killed 10 million ethnic Germans inside and outside the country was an International Jewish banker fiction, which killed 58 million in WWII......................mostly Occidental Western people, but certainly not 6 million Jews.


Genuine comedy from Mel Brooks.