China is the natural world leader for the 21st century.
It is a country filled with good hardworking people, efficient government and governance which is a model for ALL aspiring developing nations.............and a nation with pure, honest, constructive intentions for the rest of the world.
The country of course is not all perfect, and the leadership together with the people know that certain adjustments must be made in the future to achieve even greater success for the country and as the new world leader.
China is the sole country which will take human civilization to the next level.
CHINA has great responsibilities for the future, for the country itself and the world.
The USA by contrast is a mafia failed state, with ALL the characteristics of a mafia failed state run by International Jews.
Its State entities, out of control are at war with many nations openly and covertly.
Its prime posturing in the International plain is one of hostility, war, terrorism and hegemony with a 1000 military bases around the world.
It is failing in matters essential to civilization, education, science, culture (hip-hop), industry, government/governance and co-existence and co-operation within efficient, societal systems both within and without the country.

Four out of ten of its people are obese, and unsightly even as the country attempts to consume more and more at all levels.....to the detriment of others, gleefully.
Optimistically for the sunny future, the International Jewish leadership of the USA have constructed huge gulags all over the country that can hold up to 20 million citizens and have additionally converted the country into a police state using false flag operations from 1993 and the FBI.
A Nazi anointed vast Homeland Security, specifically and ominously advised by Yevgeny Primakov (Jew), former head of the KGB and Markus Wolf (Jew retired to Israel) former and last head of the notorious East German Stasi.........two of the most effective and best Intelligence agencies in the world.
But misnamed Intelligence agencies have seldom been at the forefront of CIVILIZATION.........quite the contrary, otherwise efficient, paranoiac Intelligence agencies always looking for affirmations of their importance and work have indeed through their criminal deeds hindered national progress.
The Bizarre pathetic sight of the USA invading nations for their resources, and then over time losing the very same resources to foreign bidding conducted by legitimate business practices of other nations (Iraq, Afghanistan)
The USA using Afghanistan as a huge 19th century Opium plantation which harms millions in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Central Asia, Ukraine, Russia, Europe and of course itself in North America.
Its mediocre flawed leaders appointed and groomed by the notorious CIA.(Drug peddling, pedophilia, child trafficking, counterfeiting, destabilization of countries, terrorism, war crimes, regime change, false propaganda, promotion of deviancy and homosexuality, promotion of Jewish social engineering, criminal association, conspiracy)
Or appointed by Israel through the lowest common denominator of Israeli political bidding, haggling and Shekels of 30 pieces of silver in the Presidential 15 month bazaar. The Bizarre Bazaar of the American Presidential elections of 15 months has nothing to do with the wholesome nation, making informed choices around men who logically debate national USA centric policies essential to the furtherance of the country, IN MEASURED KNOWLEDGE BASED TONES.......BUT to see who will bow and shill for Likudnik extremist Israel the most.

SO.......on to CHINA. The Future for the world.
The Islands off China, which China claims will still be there in 5 years, but not the power of the USA with its Jew directed, failed, mafia paper economy.
It is illogical to go to war over inconsequential Islands in the sum total of things for China.
Let the fruit ripen and fall into China.
China Denies Preparations for War in Philippines Dispute
US meddling is heightening the antagonism and the risk of war
by John Glaser at antiwar.com
China has denied reports its
military is preparing for war amid tensions with the Philippines
over a disputed territory in the South China Sea.
“Reports that the Guangzhou military region, the South China Sea
fleet and other units have entered a state of war preparedness are
untrue,” the defense ministry said late on Friday, despite warnings to
the Philippines claims on the disputed island amounted to an
infringement of Chinese sovereignty and that military conflict is
Armed ships from China and the Philippines have been confronting each
other in a naval standoff for more than a month just a couple hundred
nautical miles off Filipino land.
The U.S. has been building
up the Philippines’s military and security forces, offering funding
and weapons in
exchange for greater American presence in the country. Greater U.S.
involvement with the Philippines and surrounding areas are part of a
broader imperial plan to counter China’s regional influence, a
provocation which could escalate to armed hostilities.
Washington’s 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines states,
“Each Party recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific Area on
either of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and
declares that it would act to meet the common dangers in accordance
with its constitutional processes.”
The treaty essentially obligates the U.S. to confront China to defend
the Philippines, a reality which has only intensified the antagonism
over the disputed territory.