I have discussed this area before in relation to the one time male prostitute of Vienna and Munich........Adolf Hitler.
The International Jews prize gentile (non-Jew) puppets who are homosexual for a variety of reasons, but mainly as useful idiots for their designs in a country. The Jew psychoanalysis in this area seems to have been thorough.
Butch Gays are also sometimes highly DETACHED from their society, given their circumstance of being homosexual and its social alienation, and general rejection by more conservative societies.
This later trait is useful for the International Jews if they wish to destroy a country........an emotionally detached Butch Gay with no empathy for his own people, let alone foreigners is VERY USEFUL as puppets for the International Jew.
Hitler conducted multiple wars, knowing the consequences, without much care........from plain logic it was apparent that his policies were failing and causing the deaths of many millions of his own people, especially in the battle field.....(described as "strategic mistakes" by German historians).......but he continued with them to the very end. These "mistakes" have been blamed on his ideological Nazi fanaticism, his medication of 30 different pills a day...or on his mental balance...but never before on his Butch Homosexuality.
When Khomeini reached Iran on February 1st ....(my birthday) he was asked by a jubilant reporter how he felt, after being exiled from the country for 15 years........the gay British funded agent from the 1950's replied:
The crimes Khomeini committed against Persia, definitely parallels Hitlers crimes against Germany, and this statement tells us he had no real human feelings for his country or people.
Like Hitler, Khomeini may have been gay, though he fathered several children and had a wife. Like Hitler he too sent little boys to war, to die as worthless cannon fodder, unnecessarily. If the British agent Khomeini had had his way, Iran would be involved in war right up to the present into 2012, but ended after 8 years...when his forces were defeated by CIA Saddam's Iraq, and also because of the lack of ammunition and spares for their USA supplied equipment. Finally, because of the absurd Medieval military tactics of the Revolutionary Guard/Baseej.........where the emphasis was on dying as quickly as possible, in the battle field so that they could reach behesti.
Mullah Iran is a Secret Jewish run state installed by the UK/USA.......one can read this fact by the utterances and actions of the mullah state. For one very small example, Iran's response to Israeli illegality against the country especially since 2003 has been strangely very very very weak, though obviously thick on rhetoric against the entity. However the mullah regime is extremely harsh, without compromise, with its own innocent people including children who are punished by death by very minor infringements of their own law.
Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum,
two male royal servants in Egypt.
Thirteen out of the first fourteen Roman Emperors were bisexual or gay.
Nero married a man called Pythagoras and then a man called Sporus.
The emperor Elagabalus married a male athlete named Hierocles.
Nero married a man called Pythagoras and then a man called Sporus.
The emperor Elagabalus married a male athlete named Hierocles.
"Religious reformers railed from the pulpit against the crime of sodomy, so ubiquitous in Florence that an estimated two-thirds of the male population had engaged in it..."
Matthew D. Johnson at www.glbtq.com - http://www.glbtq.com/social-sciences/mediterranean_homosexuality,2.html
The late shah of Iran was reported to be bisexual.
'There were reports that a close male friend of the shah from Switzerland, a man who knew him from their student days in that country, routinely visited him.' ( The Persian Vice)
Prime minister Amir Abbas Hoveyda was said to have been a homosexual. ( Cached)
And then there are the stories about the Ayatollah and boys.....
In the early 17th century, Thomas Herbert was secretary to the English ambassador to Persia (Iran).
Herbert reported that at the court of Shah Abbas he saw, "Ganymede boys in vests of gold, rich bespangled turbans, and choice sandals, their curled hair dangling about their shoulders, with rolling eyes and vermilion cheeks." ( Wikipedia, the ...)
John Chardin travelled through Persia at this time.
He reported that there were many boys available for sex, but no women.

John Fryer, who traveled to Persia in the late seventeenth century, was of the opinion that "The Persians, when they let go their modesty... covet boys as much as women."
In the late nineteenth century Richard Francis Burton referred to
Central Asian pederasty as "the Persian