I welcome the statement of Gunter Grass on Israel's illegal threats against Iran since 1991.
This statement is made by one who is no friend of the puppet mullah's of Iran who were after all brought into power by the USA/UK and other European countries in 1979.
Not unlike USA/NATO's current role in subverting moderate Arab dictatorships in favor of installing "al-CIA-duh" smelling despots in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria.
Clearly in many matters the views of the German public do not match those of the pro-Israeli crypto-Jewish government of Frau Angie Merkel (Ph.D). It is indeed strange that a German government of all governments is funding Israeli armament, which could encourage more war and greater destruction.
Gunter Grass's poem represents the views and sentiments of the silent majority of Germans.
It is a pity that such basic sentiments had to be channeled through a literary figure, and through a poem.
But he is absolutely correct that it is indeed Israel which is the main problem in the world, in more senses than the Nobel Laureate cares to or dares to mention.
Put simply, in achieving the Imperial objectives of Eretz Israel, client states of Israel namely the USA and others have to embroil the Greater Middle East in endless wars, and quite possibly the whole world along with it, covering a century.
The Federal Republic of Germany is thus enlisted as a client state of Israel and its endeavors for an empire.
Somewhere along the dark recesses there is a hidden respect for Nazi Germany and its objectives of creating a racially pure greater Reich, with Jerusalem as its capital.
German troops are in Afghanistan serving no useful purpose for 11 years save for embarrassing all by killing a few civilians now and then. As distant from the real action in Afghanistan as possible, whilst the USA/UK harvest the opium methodically and flood it into Iran, Pakistan, India, Central Asia, Ukraine, Russia, Europe........including Germany with the help of the BND/sections of the German Police in the specific case of the Federal Republic.....and North America.

This statement is made by one who is no friend of the puppet mullah's of Iran who were after all brought into power by the USA/UK and other European countries in 1979.
Not unlike USA/NATO's current role in subverting moderate Arab dictatorships in favor of installing "al-CIA-duh" smelling despots in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria.
Clearly in many matters the views of the German public do not match those of the pro-Israeli crypto-Jewish government of Frau Angie Merkel (Ph.D). It is indeed strange that a German government of all governments is funding Israeli armament, which could encourage more war and greater destruction.
Gunter Grass's poem represents the views and sentiments of the silent majority of Germans.
It is a pity that such basic sentiments had to be channeled through a literary figure, and through a poem.
But he is absolutely correct that it is indeed Israel which is the main problem in the world, in more senses than the Nobel Laureate cares to or dares to mention.
Put simply, in achieving the Imperial objectives of Eretz Israel, client states of Israel namely the USA and others have to embroil the Greater Middle East in endless wars, and quite possibly the whole world along with it, covering a century.
The Federal Republic of Germany is thus enlisted as a client state of Israel and its endeavors for an empire.
Somewhere along the dark recesses there is a hidden respect for Nazi Germany and its objectives of creating a racially pure greater Reich, with Jerusalem as its capital.
German troops are in Afghanistan serving no useful purpose for 11 years save for embarrassing all by killing a few civilians now and then. As distant from the real action in Afghanistan as possible, whilst the USA/UK harvest the opium methodically and flood it into Iran, Pakistan, India, Central Asia, Ukraine, Russia, Europe........including Germany with the help of the BND/sections of the German Police in the specific case of the Federal Republic.....and North America.
An inglorious and shameful participation.
But these very same are outraged that anybody dare criticize them directly, pointing out the obvious contradictions.
For me Gunter Grass's statement is emotionally important at another level, since I have a significant need to believe that not ALL Germans are like the BND. They have put me under surveillance for the Israelis presumably since 2003......based on the state funded excuse of eggs, number 3, socks?, bizarre gay fetishes of the BND, and.....I'm an automobile genius who threatens the entire German automobile industry!!!???
I'm obviously aware from experience that intelligence people and ordinary humans don't inhabit the same planet, but some times direct affirmations given by the likes of Herr Grass OF THE REAL WORLD AND WHAT MOST ORDINARY GERMANS BELIEVE is still very important.
I last studied science at the age of 15.......and failed the subject at the CSE exam in 1982. I have zero scientific or engineering aptitude. I've been focused on the humanities. I have never held a driving license. I have never had a dream about cars in the last half century, and thus have never owned a car.
For most of my life I have used public transport, which I feel serves people better than big wasteful cars with only one passenger.
If I recall I did apply to do manual work at Audi/Opel/BMW in 2003/4, unsuccessfully.
It is the height of stupidity, and inferiority complex of those that believe that ONE PERSON ALONE can overcome an entire industry based on their fundamental background, or would even wish to do so. This is surely some kind of James Bond comic strip cartoon fantasy of the CURVE-BALL ILK?

Would it not have been a lot easier to co-opt such a person for GERMAN INDUSTRY, and see if there was any truth to the gossip from the UK/Rothschilds........which anyway may have other agenda's given that the UK itself has destroyed, through the Rothschilds family minions (Sir Kieth Joseph), its own car industry.
The UK has no car industry.........declining before my eyes from the late 1970's.
If indeed I had such capabilities would not the UK state utilize me for their own benefits?
The simple truth is I don't have any such extra-ordinary capabilities.
The German state must not waste time and energy being "useful" to Israel in the wrong manner based on criminal falsity.
But these very same are outraged that anybody dare criticize them directly, pointing out the obvious contradictions.
For me Gunter Grass's statement is emotionally important at another level, since I have a significant need to believe that not ALL Germans are like the BND. They have put me under surveillance for the Israelis presumably since 2003......based on the state funded excuse of eggs, number 3, socks?, bizarre gay fetishes of the BND, and.....I'm an automobile genius who threatens the entire German automobile industry!!!???
I'm obviously aware from experience that intelligence people and ordinary humans don't inhabit the same planet, but some times direct affirmations given by the likes of Herr Grass OF THE REAL WORLD AND WHAT MOST ORDINARY GERMANS BELIEVE is still very important.
I last studied science at the age of 15.......and failed the subject at the CSE exam in 1982. I have zero scientific or engineering aptitude. I've been focused on the humanities. I have never held a driving license. I have never had a dream about cars in the last half century, and thus have never owned a car.
For most of my life I have used public transport, which I feel serves people better than big wasteful cars with only one passenger.
If I recall I did apply to do manual work at Audi/Opel/BMW in 2003/4, unsuccessfully.
It is the height of stupidity, and inferiority complex of those that believe that ONE PERSON ALONE can overcome an entire industry based on their fundamental background, or would even wish to do so. This is surely some kind of James Bond comic strip cartoon fantasy of the CURVE-BALL ILK?

Would it not have been a lot easier to co-opt such a person for GERMAN INDUSTRY, and see if there was any truth to the gossip from the UK/Rothschilds........which anyway may have other agenda's given that the UK itself has destroyed, through the Rothschilds family minions (Sir Kieth Joseph), its own car industry.
The UK has no car industry.........declining before my eyes from the late 1970's.
If indeed I had such capabilities would not the UK state utilize me for their own benefits?
The simple truth is I don't have any such extra-ordinary capabilities.
The German state must not waste time and energy being "useful" to Israel in the wrong manner based on criminal falsity.
And it is utterly stupid, criminal and illegal using eggs as a symbol of serious state funded work, or socks, or the number three, where BND spooks are subsidized by the German public to post themselves in exotic locations at the governments expense to do criminal work, and vent their base racist feelings and paranoia........prancing about gay like, and OTT melodramatically over substantially nothing, and a nobody approaching a decade....to please the Jew.
To be sure Germany must make compensations to the Jew for killing 6 million of them in gas chambers, and making lamp shades and soaps from their body, purportedly, as much as Germany must make compensation to the world for starting WWII, which eventually killed 58 million people. But this compensation and penance must be measured and morally correct. The BND can't with the nod of Angie Merkel rectify past crimes by committing more crime against hapless Third World people, for Israel.
Which brings me back to Israel and Iran. Making illegal threats of war against imaginary capabilities of Iran.
There is a long list of reputable, rational organizations who have verified, through FACTS that Iran does not have a secret nuclear bomb program. The German defense minister has cautioned against an Israeli unilateral attack against Iran. However purportedly the gay foreign minister of Germany says he is SURE Iran has a nuke bomb program, reflecting the official views of the Israeli government.
We hope more rational actors in Germany come forward and EXPOSE the criminality of action of the Israeli state along with their dogs around the world.
To be sure Germany must make compensations to the Jew for killing 6 million of them in gas chambers, and making lamp shades and soaps from their body, purportedly, as much as Germany must make compensation to the world for starting WWII, which eventually killed 58 million people. But this compensation and penance must be measured and morally correct. The BND can't with the nod of Angie Merkel rectify past crimes by committing more crime against hapless Third World people, for Israel.
Which brings me back to Israel and Iran. Making illegal threats of war against imaginary capabilities of Iran.
There is a long list of reputable, rational organizations who have verified, through FACTS that Iran does not have a secret nuclear bomb program. The German defense minister has cautioned against an Israeli unilateral attack against Iran. However purportedly the gay foreign minister of Germany says he is SURE Iran has a nuke bomb program, reflecting the official views of the Israeli government.
We hope more rational actors in Germany come forward and EXPOSE the criminality of action of the Israeli state along with their dogs around the world.