By Planet of the Chimps blogspot.com
We must not be distracted by the name, and there is a certain degree of hilarity in the way the American intelligence service continues to sell the "al-CIA-duh" product..........but the consequences for many poor Third World nations of this American Intelligence lie is very very serious....and real.......millions upon millions have died because of this lie, and whole nations have been destroyed, or subverted.
This is not funny.
CIA Has Appointed Former Egyptian Special Forces Officer As New Leader Of Their Fake Al Qaeda Terrorist Group

(The USA since the Camp David agreement/Peace with Israel of 1979, has extensive military ties with Egypt.......ditto Pakistan, Indonesia and many other nations. The coup against Mubarak of Egypt in 2011, was carried out by the American trained Generals of the Egyptian military.....otherwise as with Libya and Syria NOW which do not have extensive military ties with the JEWSA, Mubarak would still be in power.
If you are a Third World dictator interested in staying in power for ever, ....then do not send your security people (military/intelligence) to the USA for "training" or to puppet states of the USA....Pakistan, Indonesia, Korea.......etc
In the course of training 1000's of military personnel from Egypt annually, the JEWSA recruits such officers for their own agenda's.........and it seems Major Muhamad Ibrahim Makkawi will operate as the new Osama for a while within "al-CIA duh"
Another cammando officer from the SSG, Musharaf of Pakistan was recruited by Israeli intelligence in the early 1980's when he was a junior officer)