May 14, 2010

More incredible claims.

Generals throughout history the world over have made incredible claims:

In the eve of defeat of the Pakistani army in East Pakistan, General Niazi stated that the Pakistani forces would defeat the Indians and would never surrender.......they did only after a few days of that famous statement being made.

"We were succeeding. When you looked at specifics, this became a war of attrition. We were winning. " General William Westmoreland. (The Vietnam war cost officially 58,000 dead American soldiers and 4 million Vietnamese, unofficially most certainly far more for the Americans.....perhaps 130,000, 10 years of war......and saw the American military literally running from the battle scene at the end.......major polarization of society, the massive narcotization of USA society for the first time by the 2.8 million returning soldiers and by the appropriation of this "business" by the USA military seriously for the first time into the USA.........USA military C-130's don't have to clear customs and nor do the USA intelligence fraternity with their little private airlines and many private airfields in the USA and around the world......The American war on drugs is declared after the Vietnam war...........General Westmorelands trite comment, after the war does not ADMIT THESE SUPREME TRUTHS, but in understanding and accepting these facts we can begin to grasp American motivations and subsequent actions in present day Afghanistan)

"Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind. " General William Westmoreland.

"The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means. " Napoleon Bonaparte.

"It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one. " General George Washington.

America is bankrupt, sustained by China and Japan, and their good grace.

There are many problems within the USA, which require urgent attention.

The USA has been at war for nearly 9 years in Afghanistan...the longest in USA history.

What is incredible about the statement of the general is that:

(1) After fighting the Taliban for 9 years the USA has still not defeated them, which must say to us that there is a fundamental problem with USA strategy in the country.

(2) The USA asked Pakistan in 1994 directly to establish, arm, train, sustain, guide with Pakistani military personnel the Taliban. Which means the Taliban are de-facto proxies of Pakistan still existing on covert Pakistani largess and good will. The Taliban are 10,000 poorly trained militia force armed with little more than ak-47's. The Americans will soon have 100,000 American military personnel in the country; 180,000 civilian ex-military contractors; backed by 50,000 NATO forces and 400,000 Afghan forces.........if you still talk in terms of a "DRAW" with such forces at your disposal against such a proxy force of Pakistan then there is something seriously wrong with your general policies in that country.

(3) Attacking concentrations of civilian populations in Afghanistan with Tajik Afghan security forces in toe in Pashtun Marjah and Kandahar is not going to lead to constructive critical success for the USA in Afghanistan.

(4) The USA "won" in Afghanistan in 2001 against the Taliban and against the mythical none-existent "al-Qaeda", by driving them out of the country and installing a puppet USA backed government. What more does the USA want? That all Afghans adopt the American way, and like and agree with the hostile aggressive American occupation of their country 100%? That some Afghans would take up resistance is no surprise....we are not talking about post-war occupied Germany here where the Marshal Plan and effective civilian government was instituted under Conrad Adenauer, soon after wars end with the backdrop of Nazi Party officers still attacking Allied Occupation forces. By contrast the Afghans in ALL parts of Afghanistan but especially in the Pashtun belt are attacked by the Americans, and many civilians become casualties. The American effort in Afghanistan is fundamentally characterized as military, with very little effort at civilian reconstruction......the Americans rely on Afghan crooks to run the country.

(5) The USA's primary rational for staying in Afghanistan is the Afghan heroin (hence the irrational, perverse and incoherent statements of why the Americans are in the general, Hilary Clinton and all the rest of the kleptocracy crowd) The annual Afghan heroin harvest yields the higher end USA criminal fraternity between $50--$80 billion, which is subsequently laundered in WALL STREET. Wall Street with "The City" in London launder about $500---$1,000 billion worth of narcotics annually thus narcotics is a major source of sustaining the defaulting, bankrupt, debtor banks. There is also the added fun of flooding heroin into other countries such as Iran with 3 million addicts; Pakistan with 2.5 million addicts; Central data, and finally Russia/Ukraine with well over 1.2 million addicts.......the slow destruction of whole societies without initiating any wars.


McChrystal Terms Afghan War ‘A Draw’

Growing Doubts Over Kandahar Offensive

by Jason Ditz at

Some six months into the “McChrystal Plan” the US had dramatically increased its military presence in Afghanistan and President Obama has claimed they are making “undeniable” progress. To Gen. McChrystal though, the war is still “a draw.”

And even McChrystal’s claims of a draw are questionable, based on his insistence that the Taliban’s momentum has been stopped. This is not well supported by recent data, however, which has shown a rising death toll, rising numbers of Taliban IED attacks, and ever increasing numbers of civilian killings.

And the June invasion of Kandahar, supposedly the primary military goal for 2010, is the subject of growing doubts among US military commanders, failed efforts to “rebrand” the effort with the hokey title the “Cooperation for Kandahar,” and increased concerns about the readiness for the Karzai government to assert itself in the city.

US strategies in Afghanistan have had a history of falling apart a few short months after being sold to the American public as a cure-all, and perhaps predictably the McChrystal Plan too is starting to go off the rails, a victim of its own unrealistic promises to turn around the war in short order.