The last time I voted in UK elections was in 1992 and it was a vote for Neil Kinnock. But according to the experts of the Zionist run media of Rothschild Britain he lost his chance of winning because in one particular rally during the election run up, Kinnock showed too much American razzmatazz, "All Right...All Right" over confidence and enthusiasm ( a few seconds of genuine rapture ) which apparently the dour stiff lipped British public found off putting and thus they turned to the Conservatives for the fourth unprecedented term, led by dour unimpressive but nice John Major standing on soap boxes, eventually running a failed fourth term.
Didn't vote again.
Since then Labor has been led by John Smith a highly intelligent character, who would have made a good PM possibly, and then crypto-Jew Blair selected by the elite, groomed for years for his role as "New Labour" young leader. A Mephisto like character who morphed from being the friendly Hugh Grant in real life character who was slightly preachy in opposition into the glazed eyed, morally financially corrupt, mass murdering war criminal and Zionist Internationalist foot soldier surrounded by greasy fellow travelers of his ilk and background (Lordi Levi). Ah well how sad, never mind as they use to say. (Obama in America...........same International Zionist brand, different image and name)
"New Labour" with its catchy hopeful Phoenix like resurrection under Blair morphed from being a Left of Center Socialist Party into a Fascist with a big "F" dictatorship, instituting a police state with a whole series of security laws ALL based on the highly dubious events of 9/11, in Noo Yawk of all places and DC, and then joining Dubya's USA in an endless timeless ceaseless global war in Afghanistan, and Iraq butchering millions of poor Third World people based on fake intelligence, and illegal rationals for military action under International Law, clearly.
The Great Crime of ALL this that Kier Hardie's party of the common people didn't blink one bit and notice this massive seismic change in their Party under crypto-Jew Blair with his criminal ways. Its seems being elected and getting your head into the trough is what mattered to the rank file of the "Labour" Party.
If Karmic justice exists Labour should lose with a landslide.
Since the Rothschild's control Britain they won't.
Labour since Ramsay MacDonald has been an integral party of the elite structure, with radical slogans and promises whilst out of power, but when actually in power in those mercifully short intervals between Tory domination, the Party generally became obedient to the elite wishes.....it fell in line. Ramsay MacDonald naturally became estranged from his Party after forming the very first Labour government.
Prospective Labour leaders who might win within the Party and eventually in the country are either killed off, marginalised if unsuitable, or if morally dubious, with no scruples and are willing to play ball with the Internationalist Jewish bankers and Rothschild game plan......elected as PM.
OBVIOUSLY the objectives of the International Jewish bankers and the Rothschilds don't run parallel with the ordinary basic interests of the majority of British people....................I mean how can they? The two exist in parallel universes.
The Internationalists Jewish bankers with the Rothschild's have for natural reasons thus focused their attention on the Tory Party and the Labour Party. Buying politicians and maneuvering their people into power, with the additional backing of actual Jews and crypto-Jews within each party to reinforce their objectives and influence (Jack Straw, Mandelson etc).
The ordinary British people have choices in this election as citizens of their country who see through all this BS:
1. Don't vote if you think the system is rigged...aka 2005 elections. In the USA only 39% of all potential adult voters registered and unregistered vote.......and they call it a democracy.
2. OK if you think you must exercise your constitutional right then vote but vote for an independent candidate, regional nationalists or the Liberal Democrats.
With the second option you frustrate the Internationalist Jewish Bankers and Rothschild's game plan for the UK, a game plan which inflicts so much harm on the UK people, and through the UK onto people around the world.......many (speaking from personal experience)