
I wanted to look at this issue, and ponder why it came to the fore particularly now. On the surface this saga, though sad with the image of parliamentarians acting like pigs at the trough abusing their position enjoying perks at the tax payers expense, is very reassuring in the sense that the British state can correct itself, and investigate itself when illegality takes place by elected officials; they don't get a away with it just because of their position.
So the Liberal Democratic system in the UK is kosher and sound.
So the Liberal Democratic system in the UK is kosher and sound at a time of rising unemployment; economic meltdown; self inflicted greed by bankers causing the financial crisis; self imposed illegal shady dodgy wars abroad to maintain the "special relationship" ; turning the state into a bizarre Orwellian Police state that could potentially make the Dear Leader Kim Il Jong envious......and finally to bolster that overall narrative and make sure........ false flag ops under the direction of MI-5 and Tony Blair, the war profiteer, ley preacher of GOD, and special Middle East envoy for peace.
So its good to see MP's getting their comeuppance for charging the public through their expense accounts for such things as a bar of Cadbury's Milk chocolate Bar.......20 pence or is 40 pence, Oi Vey Samuel this is really serious stuff here. Book em Dano......put em under surveillance....create the outcry ........through the daily rag shrill machines........and get the public, not particularly in a good mood, fixated on this subject...............meanwhile whats happening with the East Enders, Jordans bust size, drivers who can't keep their hands on the steering wheel.....and Tiger Woods confession for being a playboy womanizer.
What are the real issues that require sustained focus, and action which turns the tide in the public's favor generally, and reinforces Britain as a true Liberal Democratic State which is accountable and responsive to the public's basic sentiments:

Iraq and Afghanistan wars, with more on the pipeline for Israel. Now criminality is bad in any shape or form, but we also have to prioritize our focus on illegality and criminality within the state based on the level of harm it can inflict on the wider society. If such on going wars, and more wars to come result in the death of 500 soldiers, 2,000 injured and more daily........then that is a more serious issue in comparison to whether an MP overstepped the limits of his parliamentary perks, because everybody else down the years since 1688, and the Glorious Revolution had been doing it..........I mean Brian, what the fuck are politicians? What perks do they enjoy in the USA, Italy, France or India for that matter? Hell of a lot more than British MPs, so why get all high and mighty about a global phenomenon.....which will resurface in the UK in another shape or form eventually.....lobbies buying MPs, and shady characters entering parliament for all the wrong reasons.
Open ended wars cost money, taxpayers money; a lot more than the MPs had been spending on their expense accounts.......they may cost $8 billion, or $18 billion or $40 billion taking into account all factors. They cost the lives of 1000's upon 1000's of innocent people in desperately poor Third World societies. On going wars in Third World societies damages the UK's reputation abroad.........how do you measure the cost of that in monetary terms? Wars also come home to roost, in the shape of greater security at home, and skewering society along certain undesirable directions. Illegal wars that could potentially be repeated as Blair was advocating at his Chilcott platform.
In this area of on going illegal wars, British governments have not been remotely responsive. British governments led by the executive exclusively decide the fate of the nation.......MPs acting as largely obedient sheep.

Post 9/11 security laws....New Labor Bliar introduced a whole host of security laws that are directed solely at the average British public within the UK, or when they go abroad. They were introduced on the basis of events in another country, events which one may remark were highly dubious and inconsistent...........these laws need to be abolished, and the security apparatus dismantled. Norway is doing perfectly well without buying into the mantra of GWoT. Obviously Britain would also need to cease participating in foreign wars to reduce the narrative of security, and the enemy at the gate mentality so overused by the pigs at the trough politicians. Britain then can finally become an easy relaxed place, were people go about their daily lives in a normal manner without being suspicious and paranoid about great nothings. Innocent people, of Third World background will then no longer be threatened and tortured for the sake of maintaining false narratives of wars that should never have been...........and perhaps eventually they will be given justice and peace as normal human beings.
The false flag ops.....carried out by MI-5, with the collaboration of foreign states to reinforce the above globalist agenda for a specific country in the Levant, and its specific geo-strategic perceptions and goals, which are wholly disconnected to the UKs true geo-strategic goals in the International arena. The UK is too great a country to be hoodwinked and led by the nose along directions which does not benefit the UK state overall, but for the actions of the agents within the UK, who prioritize Israel's interests over and above the interests of the UK.
Bankers Greed...and the consequences for the country.......British manufacturing has been destroyed since the 1970's through state policy, and the service sector, including the financial sector have become dominant. So be it, this the decision by sections of the enlightened elite based around London. But this unregulated shadowy world based around the "The City" in which they live in makes them greedy and inconsiderate ( like the MP's greed, but in a far far far bigger scale). Brian and I, we do not understand high finance with its complex terms.....so we cannot fathom the level of criminality.....though we are sure it exists....pretty sure.....and as a result of that the economy is in recession, thousands upon thousands unemployed, miserable lives, broken homes, depression, recession......and most intriguingly the government using the taxpayers money to rescue the very same bankers for their mistakes, so that they can continue with their bonus schemes, and so forth.
In light of the very serious crimes above MP's expense account fraud, and Freudian slips pale into insignificance....REALLY.......if you dare think about it. Should MP's misdemeanors be ignored in this light.......No it shouldn't be, but we must have proportionality of who is committing the greater crime.
It would be a shame if this MP's expense saga was an elaborate ruse to distract the disgruntled masses from focusing and thinking too much about the main issues which concern the UK.