
If you apprehend loathing, hatred and disgust of this vile foreign imposed Mullah regime in Tehran, and you naturally wish to overthrow it and replace it with a government which follows the true desires of ordinary good Persians (as an Islamic Republic or otherwise) which responds to the basic needs of ordinary Persians, and which in addition is sympathetic to the peoples popular desires, then you must act now!
If you are alone in this feeling, and you feel that your sympathies might be questioned by the mullahs and their dogs, where you subsequently lose your position, and imprisoned, and executed......... then you must LEAVE IRAN NOW. Do not forget the mullahs have executed many officers including generals in the army, and even people in the Revolutionary Guards, and in intelligence.
You may continue opposing this vile regime from abroad either in Turkey, Azerbaijan, UAE or Russia. Do not go to Europe; we note the number of mullah opponents who have been killed in Europe. At the same time given the proximity of these countries to Iran you must be very careful and secretive, so as not to expose yourself to any danger.
I have lived in Turkey for one year, and though it was tough there, you can survive by the good grace and generosity of ordinary Turks. The government and Turkish security is another matter as else where. The Turkish government in a recent deal with Mottaki present, intends to increase trade between Iran/Turkey to $30 billion........whilst perversely Turkish security has an Israeli bias; Turkey is a security ally of Israel, and Israel warplanes are based in Turkey.

You have presumably read my previous article about Donme Turkey???? Read it carefully top to bottom, it will help you. IRGC officials of senior level have been abducted from Eastern Turkey with the help of MIT for the Americans.....so if you are relatively senior and you are based in Turkey..........be very careful my brothers. Given these facts if you intend to base yourself in Turkey as an individual without any organizational backup, then you must be very careful and keep a low profile (Don't wear I hate mullah T-shirts etc which gives away your cover)..........Ditto Azerbaijan, UAE......and to a lessor degree Russia, if you are based in Moscow or St. Petersburg far to the North. I do not recommend Ukraine.

Morally historically it is unacceptable for you to base yourself in either Europe or North America, from where much mischief especially from France, Britain and the USA has caused so much trouble for Iran since 1921, when the British first installed Reza Khan as their puppet, and continued to do so through Reza Shah Pahlavi, along with America, France and Israel.
The so called opposition groups who are opposed to the mullahs and based in Europe/North America are worthless, worthless....worthless puppets of mostly Western intelligence...they must never be allowed to take power in Iran, after the sacrifices of the Iranian people INSIDE IRAN leads to the overthrow of the vile mullah regime eventually.
The new government of Iran must be formed by people who have lived and struggled INSIDE IRAN ONLY, or have lived in exile within the region, near Iran, as Iranians who did not give up their national identity for the sake of a foreign sanctuary.
As to anti-mullah groups of individuals within security who are organized inside Iran, then I say continue building circles within circles of supporters. Inner circles of a trusted few, and the outer circles of a few thousand who are obedient, strong and broadly dislike the mullahs, and understand the broad issues or have been indoctrinated. The key is the Revolutionary Guard, VEVAK and of course the military.
A continuous momentum of protest and destabilization must be carried out against this regime and its lying deceitful ways. It must eventually learn to fear the masses and majority of the Persian people.
Study and become experts in the techniques of Remote Viewing, and Sufi mysticism...........including music and poetry; though you must be very very careful when you study these things within Iran. Mastery of these Persian skills will GUARANTEE your victory eventually, as well as the basic codes of the Zoorkhaneh.
One individual is not important, we come with nothing and go with nothing......but what is important is the final outcome within Iran, and the firm desire not to accept the will and rule of evil mischievous foreign powers who impose unpopular, corrupt anti-Iran regimes in Tehran.
Eeeraun Zindabad.!!!!!!!!!