
The Mullah regime announced that they could now build submarines----not true.
The mullah regime announced that they could now produce a local jet fighter-----not true. They merely reassembled an old Tiger-shark F--5, added an extra tail fin and announced it as a new indigenous fighter; one or two models.
The mullahs announced that they could build their own tanks----not true. They took old parts from the Chieftain, T-72, M-60 put it together and called it their own; a few.
The mullahs announced they could now produce their own long range 1,500 km range ballistic missile---not true. Just North Korean missiles assembled together in Iran; a few.
The mullah regime announced that they were working on a stealth fighter---not true. Just purely theoretical.
The mullahs have stated clearly, repeatedly that they do not wish to acquire nuclear weapons---TRUE.
When they were first installed in 1979 by the USA/UK/FRANCE/Israel......One of the first things they did was to shut down the Shah's ambitious multi-billion $ nuclear program. The mullahs then only tentatively re-started the civilian nuclear program again in the late 1980's, after a decade had lapsed; in addition, the mullahs also shut down all universities, and research facilities in Iran from the Shah era........such things were considered "unIslamic". Then re-openned them later.
It is not impossible for a THIRD WORLD ECONOMY to produce its own tanks, missiles, planes and submarines...........but you must have a viable industrial base (Iran doesn't) and political stability, political will, and proper funding so that the resources and technical people required for such projects are ready, available and willing to work in them. The problem with mullah Iran is that given the nature of the government, and its record and performance, many skilled Iranians would be reluctant to work for such a regime, and more likely elect to leave the country......as is the case with up to 3/4 million mainly educated Iranians who have left mullah Iran.
Given this reality it would be difficult for Iran to build anything of sophistication in the defense sector......but since the regime lacks credibility at home and abroad, with the addition of multiple domestic problems as yet unresolved by the mullahs........the mullahs dangerously play the civilian nuclear card as a nationalistic rallying call; as well as a symbol of its scientific achievements against over whelming odds; and finally as a distraction of its multiple domestic problems which the mullahs are unable to address and solve.
But the reality is that simply by assembling a few prototypes from old existing models does not amount to mass production of brand new ingenious models.........and given this reality of the lack of proper production capacities, and the more important lack of skilled labor, Iran is far far far away from making progress and mastering civilian nuclear technology, let alone fulfilling the alleged covert secret desire to make nuke bombs.
Many experts in the USA, not linked to Israel would agree with this observation.
We do not live in the fantasy world of the Arabian Nights with flying carpets, and Open Sesame and all that.......a nation in order to achieve such things must have the resources, and the thousand upon thousands of dedicated technical skilled people to produce such things..........Mullah Iran culture is decidedly regressive, harking back to the past, and Luddite.
Thats why they were installed in the first place as puppets. The Shah even as a puppet seemed a bit too ambitious for some.
Israel's paranoia...and geo-strategic goals is another matter.
White House: Iran Doesn’t Have Ability to Enrich Uranium to 20 Percent: Gibbs Says Ahmadinejad Probably Lying
Antiwar.com Jason Ditz.The Obama Administration’s “dual track” approach on Iran has taken an odd new turn today, as the White House and the US State Department are now presenting completely different official stories regarding America’s position on Iran’s enrichment program. After nearly a solid week of railing against the supposed “threat” posed by Iran’s move to enrich uranium to 20 percent, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the US “do not believe they have the capability” to enrich the uranium to the 20 percent level, as President Ahmadinejad claimed earlier today.
Iran has been enriching uranium at 3.5 percent, the level needed for its power generation program. On Tuesday they announced that they were beginning to enrich uranium at 20 percent, the level needed for their medical reactor. The IAEA indicated yesterday that Iran has converted a small percentage of its enrichment program to the 20 percent level.
Since the announcement, US officials have insisted that they needed to make haste with new sanctions against Iran, claiming that the 20 percent enrichment (though itself legal and innocuous) could have been a step toward the capability to enrich uranium above 90 percent, or weapons grade.
It is therefore surprising that the administration, at the same time as the State Department continues to make allegations about Iran having designs on a weapons program, would cast doubt on their ability to even enrich to 20 percent.
The official line then seems to be that Iran is lying about its ability to produce 20 percent uranium for civilian purposes, proving that they are liars. Yet if the claim is true it would also mean Iran doesn’t have the ability to produce weapons grade uranium either, meaning that Iran’s nuclear program couldn’t even hypothetically pose any threat or have anything but the most modest civilian intentions, as Iran has claimed all along.