
Just pondering about the Tiger Woods Affair, and how the Jew media cleared their desks for this one bit of trivia news item. To be sure he is a public figure, whose career is based on the public's interest, respect (related to merchandising) and adulation of his exceptional qualities as a sportman in the field of golf, which has traditionally been identified as a pastime of the prosperous Occidental. But I thought publicly apologizing for his extra-marital affairs, and checking into a sex clinic were a bit OTT in terms of public and private repentance.
There is much to be said about sportmen being perfect role models for society generally, but of course the reality in relation to pop stars, politicians, media personalities and famous sportsmen and women is quite different. That reality should apply to Tiger Woods as much as the rest of the great and the good in the USA; Tiger Woods should not become the lone scape goat, for a very minor deviance.
After all there are a few things to consider when we view the whole panorama of American sexuality:

1. The USA has the biggest sex Industry......biggest in the world. In Australia it is worth around $12 billion in 2010, and so in America 15 times bigger population wise, and far more hornier than the Aussies, the trade is worth possibly about $200 billion? Often operating within the unregulated black economy. Now there are sex industries (Amsterdam, Paris, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Soho, Rio), and sex industries, but one can guess a good deal of what goes on in this industry, though filling peoples "acute needs" and fetishes, is morally questionable, which a good deal of us could tut tut about. Certainly far more questionable than extra-marital affairs, which though obviously wrong, is not the worst crime in the vast field of sexual gratification. The USA is a society where sexual gratification is seen as a normal human activity, often through casual relationships, in numerous venues and the obtaining of this gratification is very cheap and easy. The Pilgrim Father Quakers would not recognize such a society. It is within the context of the loose values of such a society that Tiger Woods extra marital faux pas must be seen and understood........it is not to be criticized, this is the characteristic of many modern societies, BUT it is a little unfair to say, Tiger Woods, extra marital Affair, arguments with wife....."End of the world".

2. "Women are more likely to be victimized by someone that they are intimate with, commonly called "Intimate Partner Violence" or (IPV). The impact of domestic violence in the sphere of total violence against women can be understood through the example that 40-70% of murders of women are committed by their husband or boyfriend" wikipedia.....Wife/female battery by hubby/boyfriend........statistically....estimates that as many as 75% of women in the USA will face some form of violence when they mature and begin dating from 16 onwards, from their boyfriends and hubby..............often unreported to police as it is perceived by society generally as a private matter between partners. If hypothetically there are 120 million American women in some form of relationships, then 90 million will have experience some form of physical abuse from their boyfriend or hubby ranging from the slap and push to more serious abuse.

3. Child abduction and slavery for ritual sex and execution.........this is the allegation practiced by sections of America's criminal elite. Children abducted from within America, and outside for
ritual sex and sacrifice.......linked to old Jewish practices.
The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska (Paperback)
2,000 children go missing in the United States every single Day!!! according to Oprah?4. Rent boys and the Whitehouse........allegation that the Whitehouse had invited under age http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5OJPeHCmhA">rent boys to the Whitehouse for sexual gratification, and therefore linked to the above story........male underage prostitutes invited to Whitehouse for sex....The British equivalent being Churchill inviting masseurs to 10 Downing Street for sex, which he did of course.

5. The casual sexualisation of American teenagers by the Jewish dominated media in the USA.........Thus under age sex, sexual promiscuity, under age pregnancy.......Miley Cyrus et al. Children, including teenagers are vulnerable to such a powerful experience as sexual intercourse, and of course their body is not yet fully physically formed for such strong emotional encounters.........they are still in their formative years.

6. Sexual fetishes......diaper wearing sex, S & M etc., gay airport toilet sex.......scatology. One wonders with the amount of sex going on privately in America by consenting adults, or otherwise, what % of it would be considered illegal under American law.
7. The America's media love for creating hero's, and then destroying them....the psychology/schadenfreude.

8. Typical men's sexual urges.........sexual habits and sexual arousal of men varies from culture to culture, country to country. In America the typical conditioned object of male desire is the attractive young blonds (in her sexual prime of a single women in her 20--30's) with long legs and a very pert body, with pert tits. Added to this would be her smell, type of dress...short skirt, revealing chest...........oh yes....yes yes, yes yes........make up, the way she walked and talked. It is suggested that women lose their sex drive when they bear children, and into their 40's, as they focus more on the children. For men their sex drive continues much later.....that's why you hear about dirty old men, but not dirty old women. Tiger Woods behavior is very much alpha male, and very American.
9. Extra marital Affairs... adultery, fornication, philander, infidelity in the USA:
From Wikipedia: "American biologist Alfred Kinsey found in his 1950-era studies that 50% of American males and 26% of females had extramarital sex.
{This sample is from the conservative post war era of the 1950's, before the sexual revolution of the 1960's and the contraceptive pill became widely available}
Depending on studies, it was estimated that 26-50% of men and 21-38% of women, or 22.7% of men and 11.6% of women had extramarital sex. Other authors say that between 20% and 25% Americans had sex with someone other than their spouse. Durex's Global Sex Survey has found that 44% of adults worldwide have had one-night extramarital sex and 22% have had an affair. According to a 2004 United States survey,16% of married partners have had extramarital sex, nearly twice as many men as women, while an additional 30% have fantasized about it."
"Some researchers say there's a 50–50 chance today that one partner will have an affair during a marriage; that includes non-physical relationships. Some authorities (for example Frank Pittman in 'Grow Up' Golden Books) observe infidelity is involved in 90% of first time divorces. A 1997 study with Kristina Gordon found “more than half of the marriages that experience infidelity ended in divorce”.27% of people who reported being happy in marriage admitted to having an affair. In the UK, the average adult will go through 9/10 sexual partners before they marry, and its not inconciebale that often previous relationships may be rekindled or continue even after a person marries.
Each case of infidelity serves a different purpose. Being able to justify the behavior of a spouse and define it will lessen some of the confusion. There are five categories of infidelity:
1.opportunistic infidelity
2.obligatory infidelity
3.romantic infidelity
4.conflicted romantic infidelity, and
5.commemorative infidelity
6. Male Egotistical infidelity.
7. Male power infidelity.
Opportunistic infidelity occurs when a partner is in love and attached to a spouse, but surrenders to their sexual desire for someone else. This is driven by situational circumstances or opportunity and risk-taking behavior.
Obligatory infidelity is based on fear that refraining from someone’s sexual advances will result in rejection. Some people end up cheating solely on the need for approval, even though they may still hold a strong attraction to their spouse.
Romantic infidelity occurs when the cheater is, so to speak, falling out of love with his/her spouse. Their commitment to the marriage (and children) is what is most likely keeping them with their spouse.
Conflicted romantic infidelity takes place when a person falls in love and has a strong sexual desire for multiple people at one time. Although there is the idea of one true love, it is possible to have a strong love attraction to more than one person at the same time.
Commemorative infidelity occurs when a person has completely fallen out of love with their spouse, but is still in a committed relationship with them.
Male Egotistical infidelity occurs when a man with heightened egotistical desires to prove his manhood and his particular perceptions of manhood (Italian stallion, Casanova, Don Juan ) embarks on multiple short term physical relationships with many women often at the same time, without any sense of pure or deep love or attachment.
Male power infidility occurs when males in positions of responsibility and power over others exert their sexual desires and intercourse close to people working with them, either consensually or without their consent.......the manager and his secretary, the father and child {child abuse by parents is more widely undertaken then is commonly accepted } orphange, childrens homes, and its director and staff.......and other such institutional situations.
These above are all categories and reason to which a spouse would cheat or have the notion to do so.
10. Mistresses of the great and good..kept women, lovers ......from Wikipedia again: "A mistress is a man's long-term female lover and companion who is not married to him, especially used when the man is married to another woman. The relationship generally is stable and at least semi-permanent; however, the couple does not live together openly. Also the relationship is usually, but not always, secret. And there is the implication that a mistress may be "kept"—i.e., that the man is paying for some of the woman's living expenses."
"Historically, the term has denoted a kept woman, who was maintained in a comfortable (or even lavish) lifestyle by a wealthy man so that she will be available for his sexual pleasure. Such a woman could move between the roles of a mistress and a courtesan depending on her situation and environment. Today, however, the word mistress is used primarily to refer to the female lover of a man who is married to another woman; in the case of an unmarried man it is usual to speak of a "girlfriend" or "partner." Historically a man "kept" a mistress. As the term implies, he was responsible for her debts and provided for her in much the same way as he did his wife, although not legally bound to do so. In more recent and emancipated times, it is more likely that the mistress has a job of her own, and is less, if at all, financially dependent on the man."
"A mistress is not a prostitute. While a mistress, if "kept", may essentially be exchanging sex for money, the principal difference is that a mistress keeps herself exclusively reserved for one man, in much the same way as a wife, and there is not so much of a direct quid pro quo between the money and the sex act. There is also usually an emotional and possibly social relationship between a man and his mistress, whereas the relationship to a prostitute is predominantly sexual. It is also important that the "kept" status follows the establishment of a relationship of indefinite term as opposed to the agreement on price and terms established prior to any activity with a prostitute."
King Soloman had many wives and many mistresses (lovers) and this has been the royal practice for many cultures, in many countries, in many continents. The lesson of history teaches us that the more wealth and power one has, the greater the sexual liberation, privilege and experimentation.
"The historically best known and most researched mistresses are the royal mistresses of European monarchs, for example Diane de Poitiers, Barbara Villiers, Nell Gwynne and Madame de Pompadour. However, the keeping of a mistress in Europe was not confined to royalty and nobility but permeated down through the social ranks. Anyone who could afford a mistress could have one (or more), regardless of social position. A wealthy merchant or a young noble might have a kept woman. Being a mistress was typically an occupation for a younger woman who, if she was fortunate, might go on to marry her lover or another man of rank. The ballad The Three Ravens (published in 1611, but possibly older) extolls the loyal mistress of a slain knight, who buries her dead lover and then dies of the exertion, as she was in an advanced stage of pregnancy. It is noteworthy that the ballad-maker assigned this role to the knight's mistress ("leman" was the term common at the time) rather than to his wife."
"In the courts of Europe, particularly Versailles and Whitehall in the 17th and 18th centuries, a mistress often wielded great power and influence. A king might hold numerous mistresses but have a single "favourite mistress" or "official mistress" (in French, "maîtresse en titre"), as with Louis XV and Madame de Pompadour. The mistresses of both Louis XV (especially Mme de Pompadour) and Charles II were often considered to exert great influence over their lovers, the relationships being open secrets. Other than wealthy merchants and kings, Alexander VI is but one example of a Pope who kept mistresses, in violation of the celibacy vows required by the Catholic church."
"While the extremely wealthy might keep a mistress for life (as George II of England did with "Mrs Howard"), even after they were no longer romantically linked, such was not the case for most kept women. In 1736, when George II was newly ascendant, Henry Fielding (in Pasquin) has his Lord Place say, "…but, miss, every one now keeps and is kept; there are no such things as marriages now-a-days, unless merely Smithfield contracts, and that for the support of families; but then the husband and wife both take into keeping within a fortnight."
"During the 19th century, a time in which morals became more puritanical, the keeping of a mistress became more circumspect, but conversely the tightening of morality also created a greater desire for a man to have a mistress. When an upper class man married a woman of equal rank, as was the norm, it was likely that she had been strictly brought up to believe that sexual intercourse was firmly for procreation rather than recreation. Some men thus went to a mistress if they wanted a less prudish female companion."
"It occasionally occurs that the mistress is in a superior position both financially and socially to her lover. Catherine the Great was known to have been the mistress of several men during her reign; however, like many powerful women of her era, in spite of being a widow free to marry, she chose not to share her power with a husband, preferring to maintain absolute power alone. In literature, D. H. Lawrence's work Lady Chatterley's Lover portrays a situation where a woman becomes the mistress of her husband's gamekeeper. Until recently, a woman's taking a lover socially inferior to herself was considered much more shocking than the reverse situation."
"During the 20th century, as many women became better educated and more able to support themselves, fewer women found satisfaction in the position of being a mistress and were more likely to pursue relationships with unmarried men. Since divorce became more socially acceptable,it was now easier for men to divorce their wives and marry the women who, in earlier eras, would have been their mistresses. However, the practice of having a mistress still existed among some married men, especially the wealthy. In Europe, for example, many cultures continued to acknowledge and condone the practice of keeping mistresses."
(France, Spain, Itay....in Thailand a mistress is known as a Mianoye sort of kept lover or minor wife)
Prince Charles first girlfriend, and later mistress was Lady Camila Parker Bowles, both having a widely acknowledged (by the inner circle of the royal family) long running relationship whilst they were respectively married. Both eventually divorced and married each other formalizing their relationship......the source of which generated a lot of gossip, but no public apology from Prince Charles.
"Occasionally, men married their mistresses {as per the above example}. The late Sir James Goldsmith, on marrying his mistress, Lady Annabel Birley, declared, "When you marry your mistress, you create a job vacancy"." {alleged real father of Lady Diana, and biological grandfather of Prince William)
11. Putting things into the proper context.....we all like a good gossip, after all that is how civilization evolved according to certain research papers. The point being that with the mass media in modern sophisticated states, a certain responsibility must be exercised about how their power is exerted in relation to what must be communicated to Joe public. To be sure Tiger Woods arguing with his wife over alleged extra marital affairs in the early hours of the morning might have certain gossip value. But must it also be minutely picked over week after weeks on MSM TV? Is it REAL NEWS, in the context of what is actually going on in the sum total of USA society?....One thinks not.
12. Level playing field of public morality: As indicated above, in the USA there are many alleged sexual misdemeanors, and other forms of illegality which obviously have a moral perspective { racial discrimination, illegal wars of aggression against people of color for oil or heroin, white color corporate crime, war crimes, state terrorism, the widening gap of the rich and poor in the USA, the 40 million underclass of America and growing, as the country becomes paradoxically more richer..............Is the USA police state, and why is it a police state? Overall moral degeneration of America......and so forth...we can find many issues of moral contention in American society, as with with most societies )............in that wider perspective, the morality of Tiger Woods boning a few bimbo's is not the worst of moral conundrums in the USA, AND NOR SHOULD IT BE HIGHLIGHTED AS SUCH.
13. Morality as a tool of racial subjugation......holier than thou: Is it just possible that the vilification of Tiger Woods by the American media has a racial angle? Is America a racist society, where being colored and successful is intolerably stressful.........and that the minor indiscretion of a "ethnic" sports star becomes the focus of attention based on this underlying racism in American society....."You can make it in America, but don't expect equal treatment when you do get to the top" . We could write a thing or two about Dubya's cocaine adventures at Harvard/Yale; his alcoholism; Satanism; and homosexual rent boy jaunts in the Whitehouse; draft dodging; Saudi linked business ventures gone sour......BUT as a white President, these should all be sniggered and laughed about as water under the bridge man, lighten up, and don't expect any apology from him.
14. Differences in moral standards as statement of power: Linked to the above and Male Egotistical/power infidelity.......all too often those who commit the main and serious crimes in America seem to get away with it because they have power, whilst those who are punished, are punished because they have very little power...................a man steals $1 of cheese from a store as he is hungry and has no money, and he is probably part of America's growing underclass, and so he is jailed for 10 years for such a crime. Too often America's criminal justice system, and inmate population {2.5 million gulag population 2010?} is NOT the real reflection of the proper legal system of a modern nation and the actual LEVEL of criminality being fairly and judiciously punished, with the pure application of the rule of law, but rather a social/economic juggling game based on your ethnic background, level of education, good looks psychology and level of income............aspects of this FACT within American society is reflected in the recent Tiger Woods hysteria by "Fuck the News" and others.
15. The prevalent culture of American celebrity Golf: What precisely is the prevalent culture of American celebrity golf? According to some gossip, you play hard during the day, posing with Ralph Lauren pants and Kelvin Klein shirts, strolling with nonchalance and a certain degree of measure............whilst in the evening you also play hard, boning and humping as many women as possible. If as a celebrity player, within the accepted inner circle of golf you announced that you were attending Sunday Bible classes, or going home at 5 to see the kids, the inner circle would think that you were from Venus, a moron alien..........celebrity golf is an exclusive club with its own standards and morals....and not purely about how good a golfer you are. Golf in America is an exclusive club fraternity, within the private sphere......... denoting wealth, privilege, class and yes success. There are certain Golf Clubs within America where some people wouldn't be able to get into, no matter how a good a golf player they were.
Within that wider context of Tiger Woods being an ethnic outsider, emerging in the 1990's in Clintonesq America, the pressure to conform to the norms of celebrity golfing "etiquette" would be enormous, to say the least.
16. Religion and sex: from wikipedia: "In Christianity Extramarital sex is considered to be immoral by most Christian groups, who base this primarily on passages like 1 Corinthians 6:9-10:
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, nor those who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.
It is listed as a sin here and in other passages (along with idolatry, theft, greed, lying, and sexual perversion). While the next verse from the above passage is quick to point out that although some Christians used to practice those sins—that they have since been "justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ" and are thus forgiven their sins—extramarital sex has historically been considered to be one of the more serious and damaging sins, possibly because of passages like 1 Corinthians 6:18 that speak of it as sinning against one's own body."
40% of Americans are evangelical Christians, who in comparison to most modern Liberal Democratic post industrial states take their religion rather too seriously. The evangelical Christian movement is linked to most white Americans of the less privileged, or Mid West kind, with connections to Right-wing policies and politics in America on an array of issues ranging from Israel's security paramaters, and needs, to abortion, immigration, contents and modes of education, to multiple other contentious issues.
Using the veneer of religious holier than thou positions on issues of morality is a global phenomenon, but especially in Third World societies with strong religious sensibilities........Abortion in Mexico, Gay rights in Brazil, adult women seen with strangers Iran, female education Afghanistan, women not wearing Burqa/veil Iraq under American occupation........and so on. To be sure it must be satisfying for the religious wing of America bashing Tiger Woods into submission, public apology, house arrest, induction into sex clinic, disappearance from public life, disappearance from the sporting scene as a little satisfying, and an indication of their "power" and affirmation of the equating of their values with the sum total of "American values", but is this fair, balanced and right?
Is not religious morals in an advanced society a private matter, where no public harm is apprehended?
17. American public figures preaching about Victorian values......with the background of criminality that exists in the country, and outside the country at the behests of American foreign policy and domestic policy it is highly irritating and hypocritical to see American public figures and media personalities singing holier than thou with a straight face, in rather assured measured voices, about specific moral issues such as Tiger Woods recent indiscretion.
18. John Edwards Affairs and Right wing politics:.....Unfortunately from the 1990's when attacking the political apponenent for their policies became less fashionable, because substantively the two parties occupied the same political space, WHEN IN POWER, and mono-syllable personal attacks became more in vogue, typified by the Clinton blow job affair and Ken Starr's crusade against it.........this trend has continued by the American right. One detects shades of this on the distinctly apolitical Tiger Woods, and his very minor indiscretion recently by the likes of "Fuck the News." To be sure politicians who grandstand on issues of public morals should be called to account when they break their own rules, naturally--------they have applied double standards to themselves and in preaching to the public as public officials with power and privilege. On the other hand dredging up private issues of public figures which does not relate to their fundamental policies is victimization.......including extra-marital affairs and love child. Though at a practical level a political person with a love child would be untenable in the present situation, though it should be noted given Edwards background that a good deal of the elite in America, such as the Rockefeller do spread their seed around, via extra marital affairs....allegation that Rhodes scholar, twice president Bill Clinton from nowhere is a product of a Rockefeller seed...AND that in many Western countries as much as 30% of children are in families where one of their parents is not their natural biological parent......love child by another name.
19. Holy men sexual affairs......Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Christian:
Holy men affairs is all too prevalent in all religions........and relevant to the moral outrage and attention around the Tiger Woods debate. The idea that someone should preach about GOD and what is right and wrong as their life career, whilst conducting major indiscretions within their position in society.
20. Jewish public figure misdemeanors. "Merv the purve sexual drive" Woody Alan etc:
21. In light of ALL this in the USA alone, let alone the rest of the barbaric world, which have yet to attain the civilizational levels of the USA.......The shining beacon of light on the hill of humanity.......the exceptional nation (exceptions to International law)..........then I say to Tiger Woods, you should not have apologized publicly..........privately apologizing to wife and trying to patch things together again is a different matter........and most certainly should not have checked into a clinic........public apologies have legal implications, if divorce proceedings take place in the future.