
Elections are a sham in Iran; results are decided in advance by the Supreme Leader in consultation with other important clerical figures. In Iran Presidents are chosen by the Supreme Leader, rather than elected.
The beginning of the Islamic revolution instituted by the USA/UK/France/Israel set the tone around this matter. On April Fools Day 1979 a referendum was announced over the simple question of whether Iran should be an Islamic Republic or not:
- 98.2 said yes.......voting style reminiscent of the old Soviet Union.
- there were 24/25 million votes counted in a nation with eligible voters of about 15 million in 1979....population around 38 million people in 1979, with 60% youth, under 18.
- A sophisticated nation with many ethnic groups and political fractions....Communist/Tudeh left alliance, Monarchists, constitutional Republicans, regional nationalists......and of course Islamists........ALL voting for an Islamic Republic???? Obviously not. Fixed referendum of course.
- Referendums usually attract anything between 40---80% of voter turnout, NEVER 100%. Same with general elections. On this mathematical basis there should only have been about 11/10 million voters in the April Fools Day Referendum of 1979 in Iran. Of which at best 7 million might have voted for an Islamic Republic of Iran. What the mullah puppets did was clearly fake, and in line with present election frauds in Iran. This is known as "over egging the pudding" in English.
- Election rigging is not a new phenomena in the world, but the true legitimacy of the "UNISLAMIC REPUBLIC" AND ITS ACTUAL ORIGINS IS A IMPORTANT QUESTION MARK WHICH THINKING Iranians MUST PONDER ABOUT.

Ahmedinejad the Jew was one such elected official, chosen by the Supreme Leader in 2005, USING THE ABOVE SYSTEM. The Supreme Leader liked him because he served in the Revolutionary Guards; worked for a while in the mullahs prisons torturing, raping and executing regime opponents; Then as Mayor of Tehran, and because he was of humble non-mullah background in a nation increasingly questioning of the legitimacy of the mullah regime, and finally obedient and loyal to the Supreme Leader as his pawn and front.
The Supreme Leaders relatives participated in Ahmedinejad the Jew's election campaign of 2005, and the Supreme Leader in the recent election last year was in a tremendous hurry to recognize his election victory yet again, barely before all the votes had been counted.
So whats the problem with Karoubi, Mir-Hossein Mousavi and Katami, they surely know how things "work" in Iran. Or did they think that Iran was actually a fully fledged Norway style democracy?
What are the real issues at play here?
The mullah have been in power for 30 years, and there are major problems in the country, mainly related to the ineptitude and corruption of the mullah regime kleptocracy. When people are unhappy they tend to protest in a variety of ways to express and advertise their problems..........very natural in most democracies.
In Iran not, because a protest movement can be a catalyst for regime change, of a weak corrupt regime which is up to no good, as had been engineered artificially against the shah in 1979. The mullahs understand this.
The mullahs for Israel want to focus on the narrow issue of nuclear power, and threats from Israel to attack Iran. The nuclear issue of a $800 million nuclear reactor doesn't require a lot of hard work on the part of the mullahs, or expenditure, or planning. The mullah's think they can reap political benefits from this one issue, and uniting the country behind them, without having to embark on a comprehensive programs to improve Iran for the ordinary people..........so we have Ahmedinejad the Jew....constantly shouting, and making politics about the nuclear power station.
On the other hand real Iranians, who are not puppets of foreign powers understand that the REAL PRESSING ISSUES OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE ARE FAR more comprehensive which require focus and dealing with, then the mere politics of the nuclear reactor:
- Corruption---Iran under the mullahs is one of the most corrupt regimes on earth. Endemic corruption destroys Real Economic Development, but under the mullahs corruption is allowed to flourish because many of the mullahs have become multi-millionaires and billionaires from this system of patronage, and corruption. Ahmedinejad the Jew pays lip service in fighting corruption, but not much else.
- The Oil and Gas industry----Iran is a rich country which could reap huge economic benefits from the soaring oil prices in recent years. Instead what Iran has experienced is very mediocre economic growth, so one must wonder what the mullahs are doing with all that oil revenue? The ordinary Iranian people are not seeing any of the benefits of this oil boon. In addition the oil industry is monopolized by mullah cronies and the Revolutionary Guard, such that Iran a nation that once exported 5.5 billion barrels a year in the 1970's now exports a meager 2.4 billion a year and declining, for lack of investment from the corrupt mullah government swimming in petro-$ profits. Iran shamefully can't even process her own oil, but has to rely on imported fuels, with all the serious implications on security for such a policy. The poor levels of investment and maintenance, and corruption means that Iran's oil and gas exports will be seriously depleted in the next few years.........America just has to wait and watch for the regime to fall. The mullah puppets with their illusionary military force keep boasting that they can block the Persian Gulf at the Straights of Hormuz at a time of war, but is it not more logical and pertinent to state that an American naval embargo force can deny Iran significant fuels supply, so that Iran becomes isolated and economically destroyed, in a few weeks?
- Political corruption----There are no real free and fair elections. Presidents are chosen by he Supreme Leader. There is no real transparency in government. Governments such as Ahmedinejad's are high on rhetoric, especially against Israel, but provide very little real service and benefit for ordinary Iranians. More significantly one must ask whether elected governments actually run Iran, or the powerful mullahs in the background who in the final analysis veto and guide the main substantive issues of state.....and the purpose of Ahmedinejad and his government is to provide mere facade to a political game run by the Supreme Leader and his whim of the day. Finally are the mullahs really qualified, having sufficient knowledge and skills to manage a modern state of 70 million people? It seems not.
- Iran's security policy----I have covered this extensively before, so I am not going to repeat myself again. Suffice to say that the mullah security policy for Iran was written in a foreign hostile country which could have dangerous consequences for the country, if practiced in a real war. No nation has ever mobilized 20 million for war........militarily, logistically tactically such an outcome will be a disaster....Hezbollah is 5,000; the Iraqi resistance at one time was 30,000; the Mujaheddin against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan was about 70,000; and the Vietcong was about 500,000. Mullah IRAN should mobilize no more than 1,000,000 in decentralized commands system, made up of 300,000 Revolutionary Guards, and 700,000 army, 50,000 airforce and 10,000 navy, consisting of full-time professionals, not conscripts. The 1941 Persian army disintegrated and and did not fight when confronted with actual war. The 1979/1980 Persian army disintegrated and did not fight in the face of real war. Perhaps next time when Iran faces a real war we can have an actual Persian military which actually stands and fights. Iran has no air defense....1,500 AA guns, and a few SAM'S. Mullah Iran has not seriously attempted to manufacture these basic hardware, but rather has relied on imports from unreliable, over inflated sources....which were highly publicized.......giving the impression Iran was embarking on a massive air defense over haul. Which is clearly not the case. 30 M-Tors aren't going to make a difference, even if they are concentrated on one site......in a nation with 1,200 potential military targets. The stupidity of two competing security forces.....the military and the Revolutionary Guard, which is transforming itself into a business organization. When you face daily threats of attack from two of the most powerful nations on earth do you spend a mere 3% of GDP on defense........if you are a puppet regime of the UK/France YES YOU OF COURSE DO. In reality Iran should be spending 10--20% of GDP on defense given the security scenario around Iran.
- The Drugs epidemic originating from Afghanistan, and the 3 million drug addicts of Iran.....the costs to society of this huge problem, and the complicity of the Revolutionary Guard, and others in government in this business.
- Trafficking of Iranians into the Gulf by the Revolutionary Guard and others in the Iranian government.
- Capital flight away from Iran------$800---$1,000 billion, because most Iranians have no faith in the unstable mullah economy so they take their money into foreign countries.
- Human Flight----4/5 million mainly skilled Iranians choosing to live in foreign countries instead of Iran. Policies and actions of the mullah regime which is specifically designed to encourage skilled Iranians to live abroad. The mullahs like illiterate Iranian farmers who are mesmerized by their rhetorical politics of empty promises....and loathe the protesting organized middle class who can easily see through the bullshit. However for all the mullah politics a modern state must ultimately rely and build its foundation on a solid happy prosperous middle class.
- Poor education policy, which relies on Islamic dogmatism, rather than on real education.
- Soaring prices of rent accommodation, and food prices and general basic living costs.
- Economy still based substantially on gas and oil industry, rather than diversifying the economy into other sectors, such as manufacturing/industry, and exports which are not based on oil and gas.
- High Unemployment........The official figures for unemployment is 13%, but everybody in Iran knows the government manufactures artificial figures to hide the real rate of unemployment which are closer to 20%.
These are some of the main problems which Iran now faces which the mullah regime will never resolves given the fundamental nature, and rational for its present existence. Only a new government which is not mullah based, and has no linkages with the USA/UK/France/Israel can tackle the fundamental problems of Iran.

Therefore logically Iranians must strive to remove such a regime, and overcome ALL the hurdles that they may face. There must be a momentum of on going protests so that the mullahs understand that their present conduct is unacceptable. The street protests are an excellent catalyst for peoples power mobilizing the Iranian nation under a just noble cause.
If ordinary Iranians do not protest and eventually remove such a regime then the consequences for them and Iran later will be far worse.
The mullah regime is unique in that never has Iran been ruled by such people........unique in its level of corruption and unique in its level of repression of ordinary Iranians. This mullah regime is nasty, brutal and illegal......they came to power on a blood lust in 1979, executing many; then the civil war with the Tudeh in the early 1980's; then the 8 year war which claimed the lives of 1 million Iranians including the lives of many children ; Saddam sought peace in 1982 and the war could have ended in that year......but the mullahs wanted endless war forever into 2010.....sacrificing 2,3,4,5,6, million Iranians if necessary.........these mullahs are not mullahs but criminal shaitan backed by the UK/France now.............the war ended, with Iranian defeat, when the USA/UK stopped supplying via Israel/Chile/Singapore/Pakistan the arms and ammunition needed to fight against Iraq from 1987.........Why did the USA/UK stop supplying arms and ammunition to mullah Iran suddenly in 1987?........because a British Diplomat was assaulted in Tehran in 1987......and Iran started planting mines in the Persian Gulf, and attacking neutral oil tankers taking oil from Kuwait from 1987.....................Up until 1987 the Iran/Iraq war was a "managed" conflict between two puppet regimes of the West....Saddam recruited by American intelligence with Egyptian intelligence help from 1956/7 and trained in Lebanon, and Egypt......and Mullah Iran installed by USA/UK/France/Israel, with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini being recruited and funded by UK intelligence from the late 1950's also Like Saddam.........with erratic Iranian behavior, the "controlled conflict" of the USA/UK came to an end, so they decided to end he war, with a marginal Iraqi advantage (Iraq by 1988 was the stronger military power).........the mullah's were shitting in their pants in 1988 at the close of war and in their panic killed 30,000 political prisoners, including women and children of the political prisoners. The endless political theaters and tricks to amuse and distract the masses from their misrule...from Salman Rushdie to now the nuclear question....and very recently the demand for reparations from the UK/Soviet Union for the invasion of 1941...Ahmedinejad knows there will never be any reparations unless he declares Iran a Jewish nation, but again as before with the Holocaust Conference, good mullah tricks and street theater to keep the Iranian masses amused and confused about what are the real issues that concern Iran.
Mullah Political gimmicks and tricks, lies and threats.
And so now the mullah regime again is fearful, and so it instinctively issues threats yet again against ordinary law abiding patriotic Iranians, for the mullah has no other tool and weapon.......the mullahs in Tehran do not possess the weapon of logic, argument, debate, reconciliation, compromise or even constructive honest government. It is a Mafia regime backed by the UK/France
The protests against this regime must continue, but it will be pertinent, given the nature of this regime to build connections to security, especially members of the Revolutionary Guard who are unhappy at transforming themselves into businessmen, and members of VEVAK.
Protest alone will not change the perspective of such a criminal regime.
In addition one notes that there are about 130,000 mullahs in the country, and many of them are not happy about the current situation in Iran. It would be wise then in this situation, fighting fire with fire, organizing and mobilizing these anti-regime mullahs against the current mafia mullahs in Tehran who have become fond of their $, wealth and power.