Jan 27, 2010

China's Progress and Success.

China To Lead The World scientific research by 2020.
by Refreshing News blogspot

China will be producing more scientific research than any other country within a decade, according to an analysis of the nation’s “awe-inspiring” academic growth.

(Coincidentally 2020 is the latest date that China's economy is set to overtakes the USA economy.............Goldman Sachs initially estimated 2050 as the date when China would do so, with a $44 trillion GDP economy to the USA's $35 Trillion GDP economy.........then that changed to 2040.........then 2025.....I have maintained for about 10 years that it will be much sooner, within or by 2015......China with $2.4 trillion FCR is the real banker of the world, and is only a matter of a few years before the Yuan becomes LOGICALLY, the reserve currency of the world..........this is the natural achievement of the hard working honest Chinese people and nation)

Vast state investment in schools, universities and research programmes has driven the rapid growth, with academic discoveries rapidly tapped for commercial potential. Chinese scientists are particularly strong on chemistry and materials engineering, both considered central to the country’s industrial development and economic future.

(There is a strong correlation between real investments in education, and thus having an educated workforce....and economic development.....there are investments in education and there are investments in education)

The number of peer-reviewed papers published by Chinese researchers rose 64-fold over the past 30 years.

China is now second only to the US in terms of academic papers published, and will take first place by 2020 if current trends continue.

It comes after last week’s announcement that China is poised to replace Japan as the world’s second largest economy, behind the US.

(2010.....USA $15 trillion GDP.......China $5 Trillion GDP at current exchange rates where the Yuan for trade purposes is significantly under valued: PPP comparison varies according to whose estimates you believe, but is a better indicator of actual economic size....2010...USA $14 trillion......China $10 trillion.

China this year will also become the largest exporting nation on earth.

A few comparisons with America which is by no means comprehensive, but certainly instructive:

  • China does not seem to attempt to increase its wealth through printing mountains of Yuan and then subsequently hope, fingers crossed, the rest of the world accepts it on good faith and its one time old reputation from 1945.
  • China is an Investment led and export growth economy.
  • The Chinese government does not run deficits, but quite the contrary. The nation led by the government emphasizes judicial investments in strategic sectors....INFRASTRUCTURE, MANUFACTURING, EXPORTS.......and high personal savings...."Jam tomorrow"...within a few years it seems. "Live frugally, work hard".
  • The American government by contrast runs huge budget deficits, and maintains unsustainable war budgets.........according to Chalmers Johnson the real "security" budget of America may be about 10% of GDP...$1500 billion...........with more foreign engagments to come.
  • China is not the premier narco-state, where state employees along with powerful sections of the elite organize the narcotics trade into North America, Europe and other parts of the world.....China seeks development through honest trade, honest business.
  • China does not threaten and make war against other nations, especially weak Third World nations, for their resources and for other vague military objectives such as the justification of the huge unproductive MIC.
  • China is not defacto run by a little geographical strip thousands of miles away from it, acting as a hapless aimless giant which is clueless as to its true interests. "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. (Certainly the FBI's cover-up of the Israeli spy ring/phone tap scandal.....running into 9/11.....suggests that Mr. Sharon may not have been joking....WRH as reported)

The boom in China’s scientific research was disclosed in an analysis of papers published in 10,500 academic journals across the world.

The figures, compiled by the publisher Thomson Reuters for the Financial Times , showed that Chinese scientists had increased their output at a far faster rate than counterparts in rival “emerging” nations such as India, Russia and Brazil.

Although India has long been tipped as the most likely threat to US academic supremacy, the study found it now lags well behind China.

(Not surprising, patently obvious when you step off the plane at Delhi airport, and run into the dirt, filth, stench, poverty, inefficiency and power outages that are the most common theme of "Shining India".....away from the little Islands of success here and there.

The Indian nation in the broadest sense has always prized the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, from swamis, sadhus, yogis, Pandits, Gurus, Maharishis, Sanyasins and Brahmans .............for thousands upon thousands of years.....perhaps as far back as 8,000 years where SANGAM'S were held.....this is where in ancient India people with specific knowledge came together to discuss various subjects, in an age when there was no writing. Most topics and of course scientific topics were covered.

Therefore it is only natural, given the historical background, gradually.......slowly recovering from the destructive effects of colonialism and deliberate colonial de-industrialization of India....... that the state of India should still have a strong academic presence in scientific research.........even with the present short comings of the Indian state...which are many.

I have stated before what the shortcomings of the Indian State are, and I am not going to repeat them here, suffice to say that the Indian state is run by corrupt, ineffective, aimless governments which are thick on rhetoric, but thin on good intentioned action which moves India forward meaningfully.....India is "developing" despite the awful Indian governments........running a minimal state where the budget accounts for about 15% of the official economy.
(Post-colonial rentier elite who off-load the nations wealth in tax havens such as Switzerland and other such places...$1500 billion....whilst the vast majority live in abject poverty and under development after 63 years of "Independence".......and will be celebrating the the glories of the British Empire with the Commonwealth Games hosted in Delhi in 2010)

The sad thing that should also be pointed out..some of the best in Indian science and technology, work and publish not as Indians but as Americans, Canadians or others........as much as 40,000 former IIT graduates (The cream of Indian technological colleges) now work in the USA contributing to American research and development.....American per Capita income approaching $50,000 and India's $1,100...so who can blame them)

India has almost been caught by Brazil in terms of the number of papers published, with researchers in the South American country leading the way in agriculture and biology. Russia has seen a relative decline in scientific research since 1981.

“China is out on its own, far ahead of the pack,” said James Wilsdon, of the Royal Society in London. Jonathan Adams, a research evaluation director at Thomson Reuters, called China’s growth “awe-inspiring” although he acknowledged that the value of the findings by its scientists were still “rather mixed”.