Oct 7, 2008

The Time ordered destruction of nations and empires by the Jews; America's turn?

Written by a Jewish gentlemen who purports to be against overt Jewish racism displayed over the centuries. He identifies the role of the Jews in the destruction of great nations and empires, and describes the process unfolding in America, in comparison to what the Jews did in Bolshevik Soviet Union (1917-1991, to present) and Imperial Germany (1914-1918, and to present).


Jewry Stabs America in the Back and Openly Steals 700 Billion Dollars from the American People: A Deliberate Provocation to an American Revolution

Christopher Jon Bjerknes



Influential Jews in Germany beat the drums for war in Germany prior to the First World War. Influential Jews in Germany sabotaged Germany during the war. After the war, influential Jews in Germany blamed Germany for the war and demanded that Germany pay for the war. Swarms of Eastern European Jews flooded Germany after the war. Jews in Germany promoted Communist Revolution in Germany and destroyed the Monarchy. After learning that Germany would not succumb to an openly Communist Revolution, Jews in Germany created the controlled opposition of the Nazi Revolution in Germany. Jewry leveled Germany a second time during the Second World War, and divided the nation stealing a large chunk for the Communists.

I believe the Jewish theft of 700 billion dollars is equivalent to the Jewish theft of German assets during and after World War One, and the Jewish theft of Russian assets following the Jewish "Russian" Revolution. In both instances, Jewry provoked a nation to war, then subverted the weakened nation leaving it ripe for revolution, then promoted and led the revolutions Jewry attempted and accomplished.

In the case of Germany, Jews demanded war in the press they controlled. They promised the Kaiser that Germany would profit from the war and that Jewry were behind Germany. During the war, Jewry betrayed Germany to the Zionists and brought America into the war against Germany. Jewry sold Germany substandard weapons and ammunition. (What you mean is that after the Balfour Declaration (1917) to create an independent homeland for the Jews in Palestine, the elements of German industry that was under Jewish control, and the supplies of war making material that the Jews in America and London provided via Holland, and Sweden to Germany to keep the war going, were disrupted, so that by 1918 the German economy was 55% of its 1914 size, and there was severe food shortages) Jewry promoted strikes and other subversive actions which weakened Germany during the war. Jewry led Wilson to promise Germany a just end to the war. Then Jewry carried out revolutionary attempts. Then Jewry, including German Jewry, blamed Germany for the war Jewry caused. Jewry led the German People to hate and destroy their own government and society. Then Jewry inflated German money and stole the wealth of the nation. Then Jewry put Hitler in power and burned Europe a second time in the flames of another Gentile Holocaust. Then Jewry promoted internationalism in Germany and destroyed German culture, German tradition, German ethnicity and German religion. Jewry has waged war against Germany's reputation for centuries, and the flagrant attack is ongoing.

(Michael James at the Truthseeker site has a good outsider/insider insight of the level of control Jews now exert over poor old Germany...............Germany's ethnic German population will reach 55 million by 2036 and become a minority by 2060, so in a sense there is a slow genocide taking place in the country through some elaborate Jewish social engineering schemes which encourages a low birth rate.

The same in Russia: 154 million population in 1990. 142 million in 2008, and projected to be 80 million by 2050............again the Jews are very successful at this slow genocide of the Russian people, through their control of the Jewish Oligarchs, Russian media, Russian security and politicians.........Medvedev is Jewish????)

In the case of Russia, Jewry promoted pan-Slavism. Jewry defamed the Czar in the international press for centuries. Jewry defamed Russia in the international press of the West for centuries. Jewry brought Russia into war with Japan and financed Japan, while blocking Russian access to the money markets. Jewry promoted and led revolutions. Jewry caused and led crippling strikes. Jewry led the Russian People to hate and destroy their own government and society. Then Jewry mass murdered tens of millions of Christian Slavs. (Some calculate 60 million people died in the Soviet Union between 1917-1991 (Alexander Solzhenitsyn).......a real holocaust, rather than an imaginary one. Strangely though in modern Russia there is no recognition of this genocide (700,000 by Soviet sources), which attests to the power of the Jews in Russia still) Then Jewry promoted internationalism in Russia and destroyed Russian culture, Russian tradition, Russian ethnicity and Russian religion. Finally, Jewry disbanded the Soviet Union and raped Russian wealth in the name of Capitalism and Democracy. (Through Friedman Capitalism and international Jewish finance, with the Jewish Oligarchs, who have kept their loot under Putin) Jewry always promoted alcohol and drug abuse among Slavs and in Asia. Jewry has waged war against Russia's reputation for centuries, and the flagrant attack is ongoing.

These facts prompt the question, how will the Jewish Bolshevization of America proceed. I believe that the Jewish theft of 700 billion dollars through Jews and Jewish puppets in the American Government is a deliberate provocation to the American People to revolt against the Jewish subverted government. Jewry is openly exposing its complete control over the government and media of the United States. They are leading Americans to hate their own government, while blinding them to the fact that it is Jewry which is at fault, not the fundamental system of government we enjoy in America. I believe that Jewry is using the model they used in the Russian Revolution to provoke Americans to destroy their government and nation instead of opposing Jewry. Jewry will first attempt to lead a Communist Revolution in the name of saving American currency, jobs, health care and sovereignty, and instead attempt to destroy American currency, jobs, health care and sovereignty. Jewry is destroying America and frustrating Americans and will soon propose massive strikes and revolution and a gold standard as if their nihilistic prescriptions will heal the disease they have deliberately spread.

Americans are gullible but not so gullible as to miss the lies and hypocrisy in the current election cycle. Americans are gullible and are probably so gullible as to be led into a nihilistic response to the Jewish attack. So Jewry will attempt to provoke Americans to destroy their own nation in the name of saving it. Jewish agents like Ron Paul will step forward like Boris Yeltsin did in Russia, and lead America into ruin in the name of Capitalism. But I believe Ron Paul is another Kerensky who will step aside for a real Trotsky.

(If Ron Paul is a controlled opposition than he is better than Hitler, Stalin, Kerensky........however if he is merely a transition figure, who enables the real Jewish front to come and "save" the situation, but in reality create more disaster, then obviously he must be opposed...........)

I do not think Jewry will succeed in this effort. It will then fall back on the Nazi model. They will have their agents promote an anti-Semitic revolution, which Jewry will covertly control. They will promote segregation and war. They will force Jews to Israel, and like the Jews of Egypt take the gold and silver and gems of the Americans with them.

(This seems more plausible given that the current neo-Nazi scene in America and for a good while has been dominated by Jews...Bill White et al. Communism and Socialism have been thoroughly discredited internationally, and so I think to reintroduce this in America or a form of it would be a stretch as a sell to "save America", even with the best Jewish propaganda, and far more likely is a German type Fascist state.............the model which Reich Chancellor Geyorg Busch has been following since 2001, and the array of subliminal recognition of this fact: The American army helmet?? amongst others. Home Land security. Robert Mueller (Gestapo) ....concentration camps around the country. Open ended wars.

Also I think as a scareJew concept, for the requirement of America's 7--9 million Jews to embrace "Mother Israel" in a likely "second Holocaust", the Nazism story works better against ordinary Jews psychologically; Communism/Socialism wouldn't.)

How can anyone claim surprise? Jewry is doing what it has always done. Jewry is destroying its host body, sucking the last blood out of the corpse and quietly packing its bags for flight to greener pastures, taking care to stuff them with their Goy neighbors' wealth.

Should common Jews resist their evil leaders' designs, they will find an unkind boot in the back ultimately steered by a Jewish leash held in a Jewish hand slipping from the shadows like the serpent descending the tree of knowledge to chase them from the garden.

If the anti-Zionist movement had heeded my advice to capture the Jewish controlled "Ron Paul Revolution", we would today be in the position to educate the American People about our enemy World Jewry and how it is stealing away our wealth, our sovereignty, our dignity, our rights, our decency, and our future. As it stands, the obscenely incompetent presidential candidates who flaunt their Jewish control, control the stage and the script. The Jewish poison works and the Gentiles have yet to learn to swallow the antidote of demanding proportional participation and representation in government, the economy, the press and high finance which would save them from the Jewish threat to enslave them and then exterminate them, which is openly stated in the Jewish Holy books which so many Gentiles revere.

If you do not believe in the authenticity of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, then do not dare doubt the authenticity of the Old Testament, which promises the Jews a Gentiless world of their own. The extermination of the hated Goys is what Jewry are up to and that is what they are about to accomplish if you let them. The death of the American promise of freedom and fairness is a giant step on the path to the death of the human race. World Jewry is racing to bring about the death America. They are openly spitting in your eye and stealing your money in the hopes you will align with their false champions to save you, their Hitlers, their Stalins, their Trotsky's, Maos and Pol Pots.

Jewry is weakening us and angering us, so that we will follow their false leader off the edge of a cliff. Instead, we must remain determined to preserve our nation and rid ourselves of the traitors without succumbing to the incitement to destroy ourselves. We can grow our economy quickly if we take control of our own money supply, force organized Jewry to pay us for the wars and economic ruin they have heaped upon us, and we will gain the good will of the World if we begin to fight back against our mortal enemy, the Jewish State of Israel. Trade will prosper in a stable and cooperative World, which pursues justice and the welfare of all of humanity, save those whose religion and mission it is to destroy the World.

For the sake of the preservation of the human race, preserve America by fighting back directly against World Jewry which is attacking America, and leave America standing in the process. We can recover quickly if we act quickly. Do not fall into the Jewish pit of self-destruction, which consumed Egypt (Imperial) , Greece (Imperial) , Rome (Imperial) , England(Imperial) , Spain (Imperial), Turkey (Imperial), Russia (Imperial) and Germany (Imperial).

( You might also want to add Imperial Poland, Holland (Imperial), Belgium (Imperial), Portugal (Imperial), Austro-Hungarian empire to that list as well)


So what you are saying Chris is that this well worn Jewish scam involves getting the stupid Goy entangled in wars, then mesmerize them and massage their ego's with dreams of empire, and whilst they are busy fighting wars and exhausted from wars, fleece them at home.......and move on to another country, and start all over again.

Is this the basic pattern of history which we can discern from their occupation and expulsion from countries 79 times?

As to the destruction of mankind............for them to own the earth alone, I don't deny that such an idea might exist within Jews, and unlike you I don't have insider knowledge in this area. The Jewish Nazi experiment thus had shades of this concept. But the Jews would need absolute control over ALL countries in the world, and the mechanism in place to exterminate all mankind over several years.

Whilst Jews Control the G8 countries and many Western countries, large parts of Asia are not under their control. Even their controlled puppets in Asia, and else where would not passively accept the extermination of their own kind.

The Jews would need to get their American/NATO goy to first occupy large parts of Asia through war, and then get them to kill as many Asians as possible (Iraq). I assume large parts of the American military wouldn't accept such a policy, and that the victims would fight back.

As to installation of Jewish backed puppets. Would Hitler have carried on a war for 20 years if he had the resources and means, and knowingly killed 50 million of his own people, instead of the 10 million that died between 1940--47, for his Jewish Banker masters? Your answer obviously is yes, for that was his purpose, but wouldn't at some point his state security structure have collapsed anyway?

I think it is one thing to have ideas in books and sermons which are a little "exotic". It is quite another to carry them out in the real world. Though it is tempered with the fact they attempted it and had some success in some of the most advanced "civilized" nations on earth, namely Germany where 10 million perished, the Soviet Union where possibly 60 million perished and China.

So we must be careful and alert.