The IMF says that Pakistan must cut its defense expenditire by 30% in order to qualify for its rescue aid package.
Jews want the USA to attack Pakistan to secure its nukes for Israel, and are in the process of destabilising the country through various avenues to that end.
One imagines that is one of the primary reasons Obama will be brought into power by the Jews in America. Obama wants to up the ante in Afghanistan with greater number of American troops to increase the misery of the Afghan people, and Afghanistan's neighbors; Iran......more Afghan refugees pouring in, with drugs and other anti-social problems AND Pakistan, with more attacks against the sovereign territory of Pakistan, and possible invasion. The bonus for the Jew with Obama is that you have a brown face and a Muslim middle name to hide the Jew agenda.
Zardari, who served prison time for corruption, and is said to be mentally unstable was brought into power by the Jews through the actions of the USA/UK in Pakistan and through their agents in the ISI, and others who all orchestrated a popular coup against the former Washington puppet Musharaf:
- To weaken Pakistan internally, financially, socially, politically and militarily.
- To give the impression to the outside world that Pakistan is indeed a failed state that cannot be trusted to look after its own nukes, and therefore requires the intervention of the Jews through the USA for the sake of the world.
Zardari is a corrupt incompetent criminal who is mentally unstable, and given his nature and ego that is the sort of people who will surround himself with in his administration.
Since Zardari came into power, effectively from march of 2008, the situation in Pakistan has seriously deteriorated.
One of course must accept that outside hostile Jewish forces are a contributing factor for Pakistan's present plight, and that the Pakistan armed forces might be complicit in this scenario in order to facilitate a future return to active power sharing and participation, by creating a stark contrast of their 'great' rule and the disorder of the present 'civilian rule' situation.
However what is clear is that Zardari was brought into by the USA/UK in a staged election, and thus in reality had no real power base to launch his career in Pakistan. He was after all the gangster muscle for Benazir who operated from the shadows, and his character of sleaze and wheeling and dealing didn't engender him to the masses in Pakistan.
You can give the Zardari administration $10 billion, or $20 billion or even $100 billion, they still will not solve Pakistan's external and internal problems...........they will merely make matters worse. The adminsitartion is a kleptocracy whose priority is to enrich themselves.
That is why the wise Chinese decided not to give his adminsitration large sums of money when he went to China with the begging bowl, after Kiyani. The Chinese clearly knew what would happen to their money.
Pakistan is a rich country. In 2008, before Zardari came to power its PPP was approximately $470 billion, of which $340 billion is part of the registered official economy, of which only 15% is represented by the federal budget (very low, like Africa) The 500 Zamindar families and the 30 commercial/industrial families have $100's of billions in assets in Pakistan and abroad, just ask Zardari.
Pakistan's fundamental problem is a problem of managment.
Pakistan is filled with great Aryan's ( Jinnah, Ayub Khan, Rustam-e-zaman Gama Pahelvan ), and talented Indic people (AQ Khan), a nation with a substantial economy.
Gama the worlds greatest wrestler at one time.

And.............Zia ul Haq. Chamar's whose forefathers converted from Hinduism, as low caste Hindus from the Punjab. The chamar who put down the Palestinian uprising in 1970, as a foreign colonial force in Jordan. The chamar who was appointed as the head of the Raj Punjab Police Force by PM Bhutto as a trusted, humble, reliable, honest man. The chamar who initiated a coup on behalf of President Carter in 1977. The chamar who killed the democratically elected head of state in 1979 for President Carter. The chamar who introduced Sharia fundamentalists law in Pakistan, contrary to the wishes of Jinnah the founder who wanted a thoroughly modern progressive state. The chamar who backed some of the most extreme fundamentalists in Afghanistan, with encouragement from Israel, the USA and the UK (Hekmatyar, Haqqani et al). The chamar...........killed by the Americans.

Another pint sized little chamar, the one on the right.
Chamars who take orders from foreigners, creating problems for themselves and their country.
Pakistani leaders do not need to go to other countries with the begging bowl.
The Zardari administration needs to go asap, it is hopeless. To hope that Zardari will become a Sher Shah is dillusionary.
Lets talk East Pakistan 1971. The Pakistan army armed about 40,000 locals as Razakars and Al-Badr, gradually increasing to a planned 100,000. Militarily they proved worthless, either surrendering or running away when the real fight came their way. What these paramilitary organisations did do is increase the civil war scenario in East Pakistan....rather than calm the waters, they fanned the flames of the civil war. Whilst the shitty performing "Raj Punjab police force" killed many civilians, a good deal of the genocide was actually carried out by these civilian paramilitary Razakers and al-Badr, usually settling personal scores that had very little to do with Pakistan's overall security in the context of East Pakistan proper.
Look at Iraq....need I say more.
However one has to say that Nawaz Sharif does not have a good track record of two terms in power 1990---1993, and 1996--1999, with the army in the background playing games through the ISI. He has enlightened views on one or two issues.........OK good, but his sum total of administration record does not bode well.........his long holiday in Wahabi Saudi; his close association with the sinister ex-colonial power, the UK; his corruption record.....his high libido... etc, and his team friends.
For Pakistan to opt-out of the Afghanistan quagmire and create a clear demarcation line between the two states, the Pakistan military and political elite have to create an alternative narrative to GWOT, and start seriously debunking the mythical al-Qaeda organization.......otherwise you can't separate yourself off from the false GWOT narrative which says Pakistan is some how intricately involved.
Lets call the terrorists in FATA and the NWFP in general by what they really are; American backed terrorists out to destabilize Pakistan.
Legalize the LOC, and move beyond dragged out meaningless empty gesture politics with India.
Stop taking American military aid, up to $1.2 billion a year fighting the terrorists. Deal with them using Pakistan's own resources.
The ISI needs to be abolished.