Slavic Russian identity emerged about 1100 years ago in Ukraine, which was called Kievan Rus.
The Mongols invaded Russia in the 13th century, and Kievan Rus disappeared under the devastating genocidal attack of the Mongols.
It is at this time that the burning torch of Russia moved North, in areas not conquered by the Mongols.
In places like Novgorod, resulting in the Republic of Novgorod Rus.
The precursor of the Duchy of Moscow, moving SOUTH once the Mongols were cleared out in the late 14th century and then the 15th century.
Then in the 17th and 18th centuries, we have Russia proper, incorporating Ukraine AGAIN after 400 years.
Just to add irrelevant narrative to this reunification of Ukraine with Russia.......for over 4,000 years Ukraine and Russia have been BORDERLESS IRANIAN LAND .....starting with the Yamnaya culture, then the Scythian, then the Sarmatian and finally the Alans.
Bringing Knighthood and Chivalry to Europe amongst many other aspects of civilisation. Genetically Ukrainians and Russian are the same people, and both follow the Eastern Orthodox church and virtually the same language....and so on. Cannot tell them apart, until they start talking. A bit like South and North USA.
Over which the USA had a bloody civil war in the 19th century, resulting in the death of 700,000 Americans, with the Imperial Russian navy protecting America's Atlantic supply line flank.
1. Bolshevik takeover of Ukraine 1918-1991
2. Jewish run Ukraine since 1991 Third world failed state with vicious ethnic war, and the creation of Nazi paramilitaries.
Trained by Israel, Poland and Germany.
3. The Apocholyptic language of Ukraine's Jewish politicians
Former PM Ms Yulia Volodymyrivna Tymoshenko-ELECTED LEADER OF UKRAINE.
In office 18 December 2007 – 4 March 2010 |
In office 24 January 2005 – 8 September 2005 Acting: 24 January 2005 – 4 February 2005 |
In office 30 December 1999 – 19 January 2001 |
In office 16 January 1997 – 2 March 2000 14 May 2002 – 4 February 2005 25 May 2006 – 14 June 2007 23 November 2007 – 19 December 2007 27 November 2014 – present |
Used to dress like a wholesome Ukrainian maid from the wholesome picturesque Village. But the sweet-looking Angel has a scorpions soul. Sponsored spy of Israel, Germany, Poland or more likely the USA. Beloved assertive feminists of Beta male gay JACOB and the Globalists.....who defer prefer their male patriarchal duty to not so KOSHER women fronts.
The Ukrainian nationalist far right politician says there are 8 million Russians in Ukraine out of a total population of 45 million. This is a very low estimate. In reality the number is closer to 19 million Russians or 40% of the population, in an ethnic map that is very very grey based on who you listen to. Russian papa married to 'Ukie' mama and so forth.
The Bolshevik Jews latched large parts of Southern Russia to Ukraine, and Ukraine identity and the boundary was artificially elevated under the Bolsheviks, especially under Stalin and Ukrainians Khrushchev and Brezhnev.
Clearly, from this audio, there is no love, compromise and accommodation of the 'other' in their language. 'Live and let live'...but pure unadulterated Fascist Nazi playbook vernacular language. My Quija board says that this is typical private thinking of ALL far right Ukie 'leaders' both Christian and Jewish.
This means the 19 million Russians in 'Little Russia' are not safe at the hands of the fascists. But who will protect them? The Eskimo's, me, The Poles? They have to be protected ......but how do you demarcate a Russian from a Ukie in order to protect the 19 million? Impossible. Generally Western Ukrainian is hardcore fascist, whilst East, NE Ukraine is Russian. But it is also very mixed, so in order for all 19 million to be protected the WHOLE of Ukraine has to be protected by Russian military occupation.
- Then instal a hardcore Ukie certified male CHRISTIAN puppet of Russia with Wife (Whose children did not study in Paris, own a private villa in Spain, London Rothschilds connections-non, not a $ in off-shore accounts and Cyprus and Panama...his first language is Russian, and knows more about RUSSIA than ordinary Russians.....Russia is the only foreign country they have visited and has FSB links, of course)
- A mixed government of 'Ukies' and ethnic Russians, Tartars, Hungarians and so on.
- Dismantle completely the political movements and INFRASTRUCTURE which produces like an assembly line..again, again these FASCIST NAZIS in Ukraine.
- Every Russian knows what happened between June 1941-May 1945. Heaven forbid through mission creep, and the stupid ineptitude of corrupt politicians in the Kremlin that this is repeated again.
- The Israelis with the help of France and Norway, in particular, have developed the 'SAMSON OPTION' to destroy all humanity if there is a hint that the unspeakable genocidal HOLOCAUST is repeated by neo-fascist forces. Whilst as a human on earth I do not prescribe to this extreme policy, I would urge ALL thinking Russian patriots to consider preventing genocide on their own doorstep--in 'Little Russia' THIS IS NOT POLITICAL HYPERBOLE.
- The USA sadly, from which I draw knowledge, comfort, inspiration, guidance (YES, you can love and admire both the USA and RUSSIA it is not a strange contradiction) is alleged to be sliding into a FASCIST dictatorship through the Rothschilds of London Globalists and specifically since the false flag of 9/11. The general trajectory is that by 2030 The USA will be a fully functioning fascist dictatorship--the fear, hopelessness that this creates is limitless that you put all your hopes in a country and only to see this dissipate and shatter since 9/11.
Arseniy Petrovych Yatsenyuk (Ukrainian: Арсеній Петрович Яценюк ; born 22 May 1974) is a Ukrainian politician, economist and lawyer who served as Prime Minister of Ukraine from 27 February 2014 to 14 April 2016.With Ukrainian death squads, and a Nazi Jew. In Ukraine this is not a contradiction. He came to power with the help of Nazi death squads, trained in Germany, Israel and Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe.
'Arseniy Yatsenuk heads the Open Ukraine Foundation, an international foundation based in Ukraine. It was established in July 2007 for the "strengthening and development of Ukraine's reputation in the world."[137] Open Ukraine works with the young generation of artists, scholars and community leaders who seek to implement social changes in the different regions.
Open Ukraine is partnered with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the United States Department of State and Chatham House, among other organizations.'

THE FSB have a complete record of ALL his anti-Russian Nazi speeches and his work for NATO facilitation.
THE FSB have a complete record of ALL his anti-Russian Nazi speeches and his work for NATO facilitation.....REWRITING HISTORY to facilitate NATO.
Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko (Ukrainian: Петро́ Олексі́йович Пороше́нко, born 26 September 1965) is a Ukrainian businessman and politician who served as President of Ukraine from 2014 to 2019.JEWISH CHOCOLATE MAFIA OLIGARCH
'At his speech at the opening session of the new parliament on 27 November 2014, Poroshenko stated "we've decided to return to the course of NATO integration" because "the nonalignment status of Ukraine proclaimed in 2010 couldn't guarantee our security and territorial integrity".[151] The Ukrainian parliament on 23 December 2014 voted 303 to 8 to repeal a 2010 bill that had made Ukraine a non-aligned state in a bill submitted by Poroshenko.[152] On 29 December 2014 Poroshenko vowed to hold a referendum on joining NATO.[153] On 22 September 2015 Poroshenko claimed that "Russia's aggressive actions" proved need for the enlargement of NATO and that the Ukrainian referendum on joining NATO would be held after "every condition for the Ukrainian compliance with NATO membership criteria" was met by "reforming our country".[154]
On 2 February 2017, in an interview with Funke Mediengruppe, Poroshenko announced he was planning a referendum on whether Ukraine should join NATO.[155]'
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy[a] (Ukrainian: Володимир Олександрович Зеленський, ; born 25 January 1978) is a Ukrainian actor, comedian and politician who is the 6th and current president of Ukraine since 20 May 2019. JEW COMEDIAN WHO GIVES FASCIST SPEECHES AGAINST RUSSIA AND ETHNIC UKIE RUSSIANS.
He has given public speeches about expelling ethnic Russians, ALL 19 million of them from Ukraine. Indeed the running theme of ALL Nazi Fascists is the repeated promise to make Ukraine 'ethnically pure' a very basic Nazi election policy promise the world over.(BJP/RSS India for example, no toleration for space of the 'other').
Imagine what impact social/political/economic there would be IN RUSSIA when millions of expelled Ukie Russians head to Russia. How thoroughly WEAK would RUSSIA be in the eyes of ordinary Russians?
The most popular destination of Ukrainians leaving their failed state country is .....RUSSIA 1-2 million have been absorbed since 2014, and the rest to Western Europe (Germany). What happens when its a lot more, from the collapsing economy and CORRUPTION and ETHNIC CLEANSING?
Zelenskyy the Jew Comedian is into BLACK HUMOUR, but this is no laughing matter for Russians and Ukrainians.
'Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had said on Wednesday that Crimea was Ukrainian territory and Kiev’s goal was to “liberate” it.'
He has also given speeches about invading the Crimea and attacking RUSSIA. The purpose of which is to drum up NATO membership, and support. Sadly there are NATO members who fancy themselves against Russia and would like to go to war with RUSSIA, REGARDLESS OF THE SITUATION. This is the result of 70 years of indoctrination and conditioning.
No amount of Russian retreating surrender by PUTIN each year will change this fact.
THE FSB have a complete record of ALL his anti-Russian Nazi speeches and his work for NATO facilitation. THERE IS NO IGNORANCE IN THIS MATTER, BUT a lack of political will to deal with this challenge.
If earlier, the official Kyiv tried to disguise its Russophobia as caring for the Ukrainian language or the fight against "Russian aggression", now the comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his "sprechenfuehrer" expressed themselves directly, not hiding their hatred towards Russians and the Russian language.
Zelenskyy has shown himself to be a complete fascist without any extenuating circumstances. He is ready to expel people from their homes and from their country along ethnic lines.
Goebbels 'the Rabbi'
It is unacceptable that year after year, under Putin's 22 YEAR 'Presidency for life' and watch, and weekend flyover visits to Israel (unprecedented in Russian history of 1000 years), Ukrainian FASCIST NAZI leaders give such dangerous speeches and dwarf Putin does NOTHING.
Putin has time for Syria, Libya, too frequent visits to ISRAEL military exercises in the East in the Pacific, investing hundreds of billions in the Arctic with military exercise, activating military bases and alliances in Cuba and Venezuela....and his harem of Russian women...and billions of TV appearances because the Narcissist actually thinks the pint-size is good looking.
Dwarf Putin likes Muslim Pussy, and I'm not jealous about multi-culturalism and spreading da luv. His chief financial advisor directing finance and the state reserve bank is also a Muslim.... woman.
Muslim Elvera Nubiullina, head of Russian Central Bank
MUSLIM General Rashid Gumarovich Nurgaliyev (Russian: Рашид Гумарович Нургалиев Tatar: (born 1956) is a Russian general and politician who served as Russia's interior minister from 2003 to 2012. A very very very sensitive position within the state for a Muslim minority.
MUSLIM Ali sher Burkhanovich Usman (Russian: Алишер Бурханович Усманов; Uzbek: Alisher Usmonov; born 9 September 1953) is an Uzbek-born business-magnate and philanthropist. As reported by Bloomberg Billionaires Index in 2021, Alisher Usmanov has an estimated net worth of $18 billion. ONE OF THE RICHEST MEN IN RUSSIA.
By the grace of ALLAH may all peace and blessings be bestowed on Comrade Putin. May all 1.3 billion MUSLIMS pray for this great leader from Russia.
As I pray 5 times a day towards Mecca and read the holy Koran faithfully every morning and repeat the holy verses of the dear Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) I think to myself what a great Muslim country Russia is.
What a safe country Russia is for Muslims.
But Putin, President for life have you seen a map of Ukraine and Russia---the HISTORICAL, strategic, cultural, racial, economic, psychological relationship between Russia and Ukraine, 'little brother' 'little Russia'?
June 1941-May 1945 brings terrible MEMORIES and real experiences of racial genocide at the hand of the fascist ALLIANCE OF 4.5 million that entered the Soviet Union illegally without a declaration of WAR, from Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, France, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania and Holland.
Do you need a history lesson about the Great Patriotic War, where maybe upwards of 30 million Soviets died fighting, or as POWS, or as victims of the Einsatzgruppen. The greatest sacrifice of any nation in the world, 5 times that of the Jews.
How can ANY Russian leader with a scintilla of historical awareness allow such racist fascist Nazi speeches from Ukraine, and do nothing about it for 22 years?
Army group south Heeresgruppe Süd led by Gerd von Rundstedt and his chief of staff Erich von Manstein has already entered Ukraine. Army Group North is progressing through the Baltic states and Leningrad. Army group centre is massing in Poland, but the Barbarossa strategy is a little different based on experience and political geostrategic reality on the ground.
Briefing at the headquarters of Army Group South at Poltava on 1 June 1942
ALL able commanders in the Stalingrad FRONT are dead, since 2014 (8 years) because Comrade Putin is too busy with his harem.
When the Nazi hordes enter Stalingrad, then only then there will be a counterattack?
Does KGB Putin know, he who speaks fluent German, the significance and SYMBOLISM of Nazi Ukie leaders STATE visits to Germany?
It means NATO membership, NATO support and NATO INVASION OF RUSSIA through Ukraine.
Everybody, but Russia decides who should be the leaders of the 'Little brother' 'Little Russia'.
ISRAEL DECIDES-- Since 1991, ALL the leaders have been Jews. Through a little bit of ethnic studies, we find that ALL the leaders have been Jews starting with Kuchma, and thoroughly CORRUPT, not working for the average Ukrainian, so that now it is a thoroughly failed state which is also Third world.
The people toil, and the money goes to Israel, Cyprus and Western banks.....just like the Nazi plan for Ukraine in WWII, except the grain doesn't go to Germany now.
Population | 41,383,182 (1 July 2021 est.)[3] |
GDP | $181.038 billion (nominal, 2021 est.)[4] $584.126 billion (PPP, 2021 est.)[4]
GDP rank | |
GDP growth | 3.2% (2019) −4% (2020) 3.4% (2021 est.)[4]
GDP per capita | $4,384 (nominal, 2021 est.)[4] $14,146 (PPP, 2021 est.)[4]
GDP per capita rank | |
GDP by sector | |
| 1.3% (2018)[6] 0.4% on less than $3.20/day (2020f)[7]
| 26.1 low (2018, World Bank)[8] |
| |
Labor force | 20,203,893 (2019)[11] 57.1% employment rate (2018)[12]
Labor force by occupation | - agriculture 5.8%
- industry 26.5%
- services 67.8%
- (2014)[5]
Average gross salary | UAH 13,997 / €456 / $530 monthly (August 2021)[13] |
| UAH 11,267 / €367 / $426 monthly (August 2021) |
Main industries | coal, electric power, ferrous and nonferrous metals, machinery and transport equipment, chemicals, food processing |
| 64th (easy, 2020)[14] |
Exports | $68.2 billion (2021)[15] |
Export goods | ferrous and nonferrous metals, fuel and petroleum products, chemicals, machinery and transport equipment, food products |
Main export partners | |
Imports | $54.1 billion (2020 est.)[18] |
Import goods | energy (mainly natural gas),[19] machinery and equipment, chemicals |
Main import partners | |
| $67.22 billion (31 December 2017 est.)[5] Abroad: $7.59 billion (31 December 2017 est.)[5]
| −$3.752 billion (2018 est.)[5][21][22] |
| $47.9 billion (Apr 2018)[23] |
| 60.93% of GDP (2018)[24] |
Revenues | UAH 1.1 trillion / €37 bil. / $39 bil.(2017)[25] |
Expenses | UAH 1.1 tril. / €38 bil. / $41 bil. (2017)[25] |
Economic aid | recipient: $0.4 billion (2006); International Monetary Fund Extended Funds Facility: $2.2 billion (1998) |
| |
Foreign reserves | $28.802 billion (1 Aug 2020 est.)[3 |
Germany and Poland also decide on Ukie leadership. There are historical reasons for this, related to religion. Germany the Teutonic Knights and Christian Protestantism, and their crusade to civilise the Eastern pagans. With Poland, it is Roman Catholicism and their crusade against Russian Eastern Orthodoxy. In the 20th century through the work of the Jewish bankers' RACE became a primary issue for Germany and the Soviet Union, superseding religion.
The USA also has joined the club in deciding Ukie leadership. In fact it is quite open about this.
PUTIN on the other hand believes that Russia should not interfere with the 'Little brother' 'Little Russia' save for securing Crimea which had a 90% Russian ethnic mix. And has given tepid support to the East Ukrainians, under siege, with ALL the leaders now dead killed by the Ukrainians.
In fact, when he talks of Ukraine he is derisive and dismissive. Like he is talking of his ex-wife whom he must pay alimony. He says the 'Little brother' 'Little Russia' is a burden which should be avoided, without reflecting on the fact that when NATO becomes fully pro-active in Ukraine, the BURDEN OF UKRAINE FOR RUSSIA WILL BECOME A LOT BIGGER, and a lot more unmanageable.
6. NATO General Secretaries letter to Putin congratulating him in facilitating NATO take over of Ukraine gradually, slowly.
7. How to secure Ukraine
1. Threat of sanctions from the USA primarily, against Russia generally and Putin especially, should not discourage Russia from securing Ukraine. In fact, the threats should galvanise Russia to do the right thing. Sanctions are an act of war and are used illegally by the USA, as a tool of coercive foreign policy since WWII.(when it became a superpower)
2. RUSSIAN FOSSIL FUELS...along with its $100 trillion $ mineral reserves will always be needed by the whole world. Indeed, China whose economy will reach $100 trillion by 2050 PPP GDP at 2021 prices....will DESPERATELY need the friendly neighbours mineral resources. So will Europe as a neighbour to Russia. This REALITY will not change....save for Jacob's UK.
3. The baby cries at the hands of alien predators, the mother bear always comes to the rescue. This is the law of nature, and so it is with most NORMAL humans.
UKRAINE will never be a burden for Russia. A brother in need will never be a burden.
4. My Ouija board says that any sanctions against Russia will eventually dissipate, unlike those against North Korea and Iran. There are several reasons for this. One reason is a necessity, the West needs Russia's minerals. The second is Russia's importance to the world, we are talking of the nation with the most nuclear weapons in the world, and the 2nd most POWERFUL country which gives it certain privileges. Finally, the USA understands that YOU can't sanction your way around the world, at a certain critical point the tool becomes ineffective if used too much against too many countries and an alternate reality or universe emerges. RUSSIA with sanctions might become a hyper missile gone live creating an alternate reality to American global leadership, in partnership with China. Lots of good ideas have already come out of Russia to this end.
5. Putin has invested $100 billions into the arctic for infrastructure, military bases, military exercises and so on. But he can't find the will, or courage to protect and invest in Russian people in Ukraine? Are polar bears and minerals more important for Putin than real Russian people? Is it true that agent Putin, recruited by Jacob in the 1990's has turned Russia into one giant mining CONCESSION for Western mineral rights? "Gas station masquerading as a country", as some Americans refer to Russia. Has Putin's blind compliance in the Neo-liberal economic front produced dividends for Russia? Or do the Capitalist Hyenna's want more.....and more and more. Consider the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where 6 million people have died, and Western predatory Capitalist corporations have created a civil war so that exploitation of the resources becomes easier for them. Is Russia the DRC? For Racist Globalists in London, and NY it appears to be so.
6. Is Russia the DRC? Only sure way is to solidify Russian rule over ALL Russia, is through military might. It is important to display military might. That which the DRC does not have.....and so 6 million have died, with conflict of 20-30 years. China is trying to help the DRC economically, but the critical issue is political will and Security, WHICH THE DRC is incapable of mobilising.
The world, under the Globalist Jews, is a nasty place if you are weak or appear weak.
7. NATO has increased defence expenditure, as a result of Donald Trump's urgings and greater personnel deployment along Russia's border along with more military exercises near Russia. The USA has increased defence expenditure, approaching $800 billion. Unofficially the USA defence budget is closer to $1 trillion. China has increased defence expenditure based on the threats it has received from the USA empire, building the biggest navy in the world, and a world-beating airforce that surpasses the USA Empire. Does India have a bigger defence budget than Russia 2022?
What does Putin do, our Rothschilds agent in Russia? The wolf in the chicken coop. He has cut Russia's defence expenditure by 30% stating that Russia does not have enough money. PUTIN'S JUSTIFICATION AND REASONING are THAT UNDER THE NEO-LIBERAL ECONOMIC MODEL FROM WASHINGTON, the Russian government can't find the money to defend the sacred fatherland. The logical thing to do of course would be to change the economic model and find the money to defend Russia....quickly.
We are not asking for Soviet-era defence expenditure of 18% of GDP in 1986, and not even 32% of GDP under comrade Stalin in 1940. North Korea maintains a steady defence expenditure of 26% for several decades. It is feared and respected by the Americans, as it lets loose more ballistic missiles. Currently at just over 4% is not enough given the situation which has been building up for several years. Defence expenditure should be around 7% of GDP, ALONG WITH A FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE IN THE ECONOMIC MODEL, AWAY FROM NEO-LIBERALISM and the Chicago School of Economics and Professor Milton Friedman. An economic model that meets the needs of Russia, her people and her defence is required. If Putin is JEWISH, it is understandable why for 22 years he has been obsessively attached to Friedman's 'Disaster Capitalism' model, as its IMPOSITION IN RUSSIA by Washington advisors (Larry Summers et al) during Yeltsin's era serves American geo-strategy goals.
AND here is the strange anomaly which confirms Putin's status as a Rothschilds GLOBALIST puppet. Each year $100-200 billion capital flight takes place bleeding the struggling Russian economy (legal and illegal)..with the money going to ISRAEL, Cyprus, Switzerland, Panama, the British Virgin Islands, the Bahamas and no doubt LONDON, the city where Putin's employer lives. Putin has himself money in Panama, and heaven knows where else in off-shore accounts. The allegation is that Putin is himself a billionaire Oligarch, via himself and his son-in-law. STALIN would not allow such a huge magnitude of Capital flight during wartime or peacetime. Stalin was a psychopathic paranoid monster, but when it came to money he was incorruptible. AND so with such a leader the Soviet Union eventually won. Peter the Great was incorruptible. Ivan the Terrible was incorruptible. Alexander Nevsky was incorruptible.
8. When the American Empire threatens you still and builds NATO against you for 30 years steadily, using double-speak in fake polite diplomatic meetings. ....the best response to this development is to plead pathetically to please please respect Russia. Respect my sovereignty, and dignity as a nation.
9. The best cure against NATO expansion is parallel military action. Occupy Ukraine by using the military. After Ukraine is secured by Russia, then Putin can resume his regular holidays to ISRAEL.