Ukraine is where significant IRANIAN tribes resided, and still reside with 'Slavic' and other new identities that are inevitably adopted when a dominant invader imposes their culture and language (800 AD out of Siberia in the case of the Slavs one of many groups and waves of Uighur-Turkic-Altaic tribes 'sadly' descended on Aryan Central Asia, Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe.---450 AD to 1300 AD......fragmenting the massive INDO-EUROPEAN BLOCK between India to Northern EUROPE and Eurasia)
In Ukraine more recently when the Jewish Bolsheviks took over they obviously turned society upside down. Their primary hatred was reserved for the Russian intelligenstia and elite--the old order, which also happened to be dominated by Indo-EUROPEANS.
The Jewish Bolshevik revolution was a RACIAL revolution presented as a class struggle AND also A RELIGIOUS struggle where Jews would dominate the vast empire for the first time in history, but not as Jews but through the SLAV.
Altaic Slavs were promoted in the Soviet Union, as the Jews considered them lower races that could be easily controlled against the traditionally dominant Indo-Europeans. (African-Americans and Latino Hispanics in the case of the USA)

The Ukraine on the other hand was given priority by the Soviet Jews as a means of downsizing Russia, save for the Holmidor of 1932-1933. The borders of the new state was expanded and significant parts of Southern Russia, filled with Russians were latched onto Ukraine as were parts of Eastern EUROPE. The state was anointed with heavy industry and served as an economic model. Several Soviet leaders also had Ukrainian connections----Nikita Khruschev and Leonid Brezhnev......AND save for the Holmidor and WWII Ukraines population could have easily reached 80 million when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, instead of a mere 52 million then.
But alas the Jew is focused on Ukraine with a different mindset, even as most have left the country save for a mere 100,000 of them. Most of Ukraines leaders since 1991 and the Soviet collapse have been Jews...suggesting a closed shop cabal of Jews annionting the next Jew leader to maintain their power...through contrived 'election'. Most of the Mafia Oligarch leaders are Jews, save for a few Muslim billionaires who don't do politics---The economy is shrinking, and obviously the population is also disappearing from 52 million in 1991 to 37.3 million. But amazingly through the Jew control of the MEDIA (MSM) the Jew in Ukraine continues in power looting the country and its massive wealth and resources...and potential. And most bizzarely promoting Ukrainian Neo-Nazis who collaborated with the Nazis from WWII....as a means of driving a separating wedge between Ukraine and their natural genetic bretheren whom they should be aligning with, RUSSIA.
Ofcourse the Jew in the Ukraine can't do ALL this by himself......he must get help from the international Globalist Jew. America seems to have taken a very keen interest in Ukraine, sponsoring the illegal Jewish regime in Kiev. This seems to have intensified under Donald Trump, who may after all be a crypto-Jew on his fathers side.
Israel is also involved in especially training and directing the Neo-Nazi groups in the Ukraine (stated in a matter of fact way with a straight face)
Finally Putin's Russia is also involved in manner of his stand offish attitude towards Ukraine (Putin is a Slav with a slav face and possibly a Jewish mother.....who after 30 years of Neo-Liberal experiment thinks that maybe Keynsian DEMAND SIDE ECONOMICS MIGHT MAYBE BE POSSIBLY I THINK I AM WONDERing COULD have some relevancy for the Russian economy), minimal help that he has given to the Ukraians who don't want to live under the Jews (Visiting Jerusalem millions of times, and recieveing Nothingyahu a billion times in Moscow---gay affair between the two? whilst the top leadership of the breakaway pro-Russia's leadership in the Eastern rump have all been assassinated by the Ukrainians???).....and of course Russian soldiers are available for Libya to fight for the CIA trained General Hafter.
The future of IRANIAN Ukraine is grim under the Jew, and one does not know how this situation will solve itself.

Ukraine’s Population Has Dropped From 52 Million Under the Soviets to 37 Million Today
Just 5 million of that is due to the loss of Crimea and Donbass
By anti-empire.
New census finds that there are 37.3M people in the Ukraine, down by almost 30% relative to their Soviet era peak of 52M. This means that at least semi-officially, the Ukraine now has a lower population than Poland for the first time in recorded history.
In reality, even this is probably a significant overestimate:
- Official pop (Dec 2019): 41.9M – official LDNR pop: (2.29M) + (1.46) ≈ 3.8M = 38.1M in Ukraine (de facto)
- This new census: 37.3M
- Difference between the two figures, both of which exclude Crimea and the LDNR: 0.8M
So either pretty much the entire LDNR migrated to Ukraine, or there’s just ~1-1.5M Ukrainian Gastarbeiters. Neither are very plausible. Life in the LDNR isn’t great, but it beats homelessness elsewhere. And it is estimated that there is at least one million Ukrainians in Poland alone – something that can be anecdotally confirmed by a few Uber trips in Warszawa.
There’s a reason I put apostrophes around Census. It is nothing of the sort: Actual censuses in the Ukraine have been postponed ever since 2001, with the next one tentatively planned for this year (assuming it isn’t canceled again). This is just an estimate based on the number of cell phones, taxpayer records, and the pensions/social registry. Without delving into methodology: People can have multiple SIM cards; you don’t get auto-deleted from taxpayer and pensions registries when you leave (especially if it’s for seasonal Gastarbeiter work like most Ukrainian emigration is).
So I maintain my position that the number of people in the Ukraine at any one time would be ~33.5M plus minus a couple of million.
The quasi-census also helpfully provides regional numbers, which can be compared to official statistics (as of November 2019):
Official | E-Census | % Dif | |
Lugansk (-LNR)* | 677,181 | 1,127,500 | 166% |
Kiev oblast | 1,779,704 | 2,286,400 | 128% |
KIEV | 2,966,278 | 3,703,100 | 125% |
Donetsk (-DNR)* | 1,844,399 | 1,981,200 | 107% |
Kharkov | 2,659,937 | 2,795,000 | 105% |
Dnepropetrovsk | 3,179,008 | 3,230,000 | 102% |
Odessa | 2,377,037 | 2,347,900 | 99% |
Zaporozhye | 1,688,829 | 1,656,700 | 98% |
Poltava | 1,388,184 | 1,337,000 | 96% |
Nikolaev | 1,120,789 | 1,053,000 | 94% |
Chernihiv | 992,468 | 912,600 | 92% |
Cherkasy | 1,193,275 | 1,088,100 | 91% |
Lvov | 2,513,007 | 2,290,100 | 91% |
UKRAINE | 41,922,670 | 37,289,400 | 89% |
Kherson | 1,028,830 | 913,700 | 89% |
Kirovohrad | 934,021 | 826,800 | 89% |
Zhytomyr | 1,209,272 | 1,062,600 | 88% |
Volyn | 1,031,821 | 903,600 | 88% |
Sumy | 1,069,138 | 932,500 | 87% |
Vinnytsia | 1,546,620 | 1,331,400 | 86% |
Ivano-Frankivsk | 1,368,440 | 1,125,700 | 82% |
Rivne | 1,153,514 | 943,600 | 82% |
Khmelnytsky | 1,255,522 | 1,024,700 | 82% |
Chernivtsi | 901,910 | 727,600 | 81% |
Transcarpathian | 1,254,267 | 924,700 | 74% |
Ternopilska | 1,039,219 | 736,600 | 71% |
* Adjusting official figures.
- Donetsk: 4,134,399 – 2,290,000 = 1,844,399.
- Lugansk: 2,137,181 – 1,460,000 = 677,181.
This allows us to introduce more nuance to discussions about Ukrainian demographics beyond simplistic takes such as the greater fertility rates of the Far West and the “dying out” of the east.
Because those are long-term considerations. In the immediate present, Ukrainian demographics is dominated by differential migration rates.
(1) The poorer rural areas – and these are primarily the western ones – are emptying out at a rate that far exceeds their fertility advantage. Although it is true that all pretty much all Ukrainian regions now contribute Gastarbeiters to Visegrad, whereas once it was overwhelmingly westerners, the latter are still doing much more of it as a share of their population. 20-25% of the populations of those regions are missing, and as I argued above, that is probably an underestimate.
(2) The Novorossiya regions with the millionik industrial cities – Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, even Zaporozhye – are declining to a much lesser extent, with strong immigration from within Ukraine largely balancing out the Gastarbeiters they spew out into Visegrad and Russia. So as far as future Ukraine-Russia relations go, the important question now becomes whether the Ukrainian immigrants to these cities impose their own culture on these regions, which are more Russophile than the Ukrainian average (esp. Kharkov and Odessa); or whether they assimilate to the existing values of the old residents. Historically, it’s usually the latter.
(3) As Cicerone points out, even as the Ukraine empties out, Kiev might have paradoxically become one of the fastest growing cities in Europe, with an estimated population of 3.7M vs. the official 3.0M: “This is more realistic as well, as by official figures, the TFR in Kiev is much higher than the national average, which doesn’t really make sense.”
(4) Surprisingly, both Donetsk oblast and – especially – Lugansk oblasts have many more people than official statistics suggest (after subtracting official LDNR stats). Presumably, some of that reflects genuine LDNR emigration – primarily for economic reasons, since wages in the LDNR are now low relative to the Ukraine, whereas Donetsk’s were once second only to Kiev’s; but in a few cases for ideological reasons, too. However, I suspect a significant or majority part of this “migration” is fictive, driven by a combination of the need to maintain documentation within the Ukraine for banal bureaucratic reasons. At any rate, the huge discrepancy between Donetsk and Lugansk suggests something fishy afoot.