If you aren't interested in the TRUTH OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION then what you do is create an echo chamber of lies, deceit innuendo and guilt BY association.......based on a CIA/FBI counter intelligence operation against the duly elected President of the USA.
Mother Teresa watched a movie about the Holocaust, and therefore she MUST be a certified Nazi.
He was seen talking to a man with a beard, and therefore he must be an 'al-CIA-duh' member.
I understand.......going back to the 1980's how the mind of a faggot in the spook world works, based on paranoia and fear and extreme prejudice.
Mr. Paul Manaforte is a Republican Party King maker along with Roger Stone and a group of others going back to the 1970's. The DNC also has them in the CIA and else where.(Obama, Hilary, Clintons....products of the Soros{Rothschild agent Hungarian native} linked CIA......Obama's mom and dad were CIA field agents).
The President of the USA isn't elected just by the popular vote, far from it.
There is an elaborate sophisticated party machinery which backs their candidate into power.
With JFK it was the greasy mob from Chicago.

Salvatore "Sam" Giancana (né Giangana; June 15, 1908 – June 19, 1975),[1] was a Sicilian American mobster, notable as being boss of the criminal Chicago Outfit from 1957–1966. His nicknames were "Mooney", "Momo", "Sam the Cigar", and "Sammy".
"The money, muscle and influence of organized crime helped John F. Kennedy win the closely contested 1960 election, investigative journalist Seymour M. Hersh contends in a new book on the Kennedy presidency.
And once Kennedy was inaugurated, Robert F. Kennedy, his brother and attorney general, refused to pursue FBI evidence into widespread voting fraud, Hersh alleges.
In "The Dark Side of Camelot," Hersh claims that the Mafia was brought into the Kennedy presidential campaign--and helped the Democrat carry the key state of Illinois--mainly at the instigation of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., founder of the family political dynasty.
Onetime Kennedy pal Frank Sinatra also played a part in enlisting the aid of organized crime chieftain Sam Giancana in the struggle for the White House against Republican Richard Nixon, Tina Sinatra, the entertainer's daughter, told Hersh." The Dark side of Camelot

With LBJ it was the Texas Mob and the CIA, who killed JFK.
So as DNC King makers you go after the Republican King maker of 40 years.....and harass the rest of the crowd....and somehow through his conviction prove the Russian collusion and the guilt of Donald Trump in that fake collusion...even though Trump had hired Manaforte only for a few months on the best advice of Roger Stone, and got rid of him when there were mere 'suspicions' that he worked for the Russians at one time as a private International Consultant (PRIVATE BUSINESS CAPACITY).
Donald Trump has hired many people, who he has subsequently let go......upon reflection and better judgement.
And it would seem to appear that open PROVEN real collusion with Russia by DNC members and their contacts, WHILST SERVING THE TAXPAYER (Mueller) is perfectly OK.
Julian Assange free to speak in the USA, under no threats or legal action, can give us the TRUTH of RUSSIAN COLLUSION............Finally.
As a pose to the Partisan approach of the Mueller Deep State Counter Intelligence Operation, with their STAR PETER STRZOK. (A certified CIA partisan liar) Counterespionage Section
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections
The Strzok family hail from Poland, and the northern part of the Mid-West, USA. Poland though nominally Slavic is infact populated by Northern Iranian tribes. ....from the Great Steppe. .....intermingling with Germanic tribes form NW Russia (Indo-Europeans). As with the Polish aristocrat Brzezinski(a Slav racially)....most of Poland seems to have a violent hatred for Russia that appeared with the introduction of Christianity from the Latin World in both countries a mere 1000 years ago. Catholic Poland verse Orthodox Russia--Medieval Religious schism that is IRRELEVANT in the 21st century (Ought to be, should be in the rational scientific modern world.).....The CIA is dominated by Catholics from Italy and Ireland.
The religious HISTORICAL proclivities of Poland should not determine RATIONAL LOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE USA and Russia based on some ill-defined Tomás de Torquemada Inquisition from the Spanish Court.

Medieval and early modern instruments of torture
- Judas cradle.
- Chair of Torture.
- The Rack.
- Brazen Bull.
- Chinese Iron Maiden.
- Pear of Anguish.
- Dunking.
- Boiling.

Does the above have anything to do with the modern USA? A small cabal from the deep state/CIA determining American election outcomes and AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY?