Jun 23, 2018

The FBI COUP against President Trump


'Outcome determinative bias'....no such phrase cooked up by Trey Gowdy.

However such bland bureaucratic phrases do desensitize and anesthetize REAL CRIMES and would be better phrased by direct legal terminology as High Treason or Sedition, which are punishable by the death penalty.

AND these TREASONOUS and SEDITIOUS criminals still working in the FBI and DOJ, supported and paid for by the taxpayer?..........along with their Q security clearances and access to the highest state secrets of the state through their current positions. 

Lets talk about something more mundane, and significant ...the 25 assassination attempts against President elect Trump with 63 million votes (or a landslide if the Globalist media was more balanced)....most of these assassination attempts were by the FBI.....WORKING for the Globalist. The FBI itself dose not decide who to hate.

So, who will face consequences for this Treason and Crime?

I think it is not correct for Trey Gowdy to qualify EVERY INVESTIGATION of FBI crimes with the unfounded prayer that the rank and file of the FBI is staffed by 'Fine upstanding Americans'. (3)

When the FBI convicts an Italian mafia boss in Noo Yawk we do not say for the sake of courtesy, balance and apology...'BUT, the rank and file of the Olivetti pizza mafia syndicate are fine upstanding pillars of the community....and GREAT patriotic Americans working hard and batting for America.'

We do not say that the Stazi but for Markus Wulf were staffed by fine up standing pillars of the community---turning every 5th East Germans into state spies, including agent Dorothea Merkel/Krasner.

Image result for nude angela merkel photo

We do not say that the GESTAPO, but for Heinrich MUELLER (related to Robert Mueller) was staffed by fine up standing pillars of the community ---as they organised the death and murder of 6 million Jews (1937--45)....who would later join the ranks of the CIA.(The CIA which transported the original Hitler to Argentina in 1944)
Image result for Heinrich Mueller head of Gestapo
Finally buried in a Jewish grave site in Old Berlin: 

'Born in 1900 and decorated in the First World War, Mueller became a policeman before Heydrich recruited him to the SS and Gestapo. He attended the 1942 Wannsee Conference which laid out the “final solution” - the plan to exterminate the Jews. Professor Johannes Tuchel described Mueller as a “bureaucrat” who, from behind his desk, “was responsible, with Himmler, Hitler and Heydrich for a lot of mass crimes, was deeply involved in the Holocaust, attended the Wannsee conference and was also responsible for the mass killings of Soviet prisoners of war”.

Mueller, who ran the Gestapo secret police before and during World War Two, was last spotted in Adolf Hitler’s bunker in Berlin the day after the Nazi leader committed suicide in 1945.

We do not say that the SS, but for Heinrich Himmler (not related to Robert Mueller) was staffed by fine up standing pillars of the community ---as they organised the death and murder of 6 million Jews (1937--45)....who would later join the ranks of the CIA.(The CIA which transported the original Hitler to Argentina in 1944)
Image result for himmler quotes
Image result for allen dulles