They make their money in RUSSIA, but their bank accounts are in Switzerland.......and their hearts and soul in criminal Rothschilds Londonistan, from where the greatest amount of venom and hatred along with anti-Russia HYSTERIA originates from.
The world is indeed strange, that such criminals with connections to the government exist.
Russia is a Third World society which has tooooo many Oligarchs and only 15% of the population is middle class.
Russia's economy is designed by the Chicago School of Economics and PROFESSOR Milton Friedman and his 'EXPERTS' shaped the post-Soviet economy which creates without fail these corrupt KREMLIN LINKED MAFIOSO Oligarchs.
We must also not mention the Jewish Mafia parallel economy in Russia because that would be anti-Semitic, a touchy subject for Russians who fought in WWII against the Nazis......in 'the great patriotic war'----which cost the lives of 30 million Soviet citizens, the number one victim nation in WWII.
President Vladimir Putin in power since 2000 has not been able to fundamentally change and reshape this criminal economic structure, and so it continues.
$150 billion leaves the Russian economy each year to be deposited in tax havens and offshore accounts.
There are no good honest Oligarchs who exist for Russia......all they are only interested in are Casino's, Yachts, homes in London, Cyprus and Southern France.

BILLION $ WEDDING.....the worlds most expensive wedding in history.
"TURNED OUT basically EVERY OLIGARCH in Russia turned out to be A ROTHSCHILDS FRONT"(after 1991, and why the venom against Russia is so intense from LONDON. We hope Washington does not participate in this anti-Russia lets have WWIII hysteria, as the enemy of the USA is the same as the enemy of Russia.
Russia's Worthless Elites: Moneyed, Profligate and Rootless
Russia's rich are some of the most unpatriotic in the world
BY ANATOLY KARLIN at Russia Insider.
The latest issue of the Knight Frank World Wealth Report will not make happy reading for those of us who thought they were seeing tentative signs that Putin’s Russia was making good progress on “nationalizing” its elites (e.g. multiple wealth amnesties, local Courchevel, local Hogwarts, etc).

First, Russia’s wealth structure remains extremely lop-sided.
While there are ~100 Russian billionaires (about as many as in Germany, and twice the number in the UK), there are only about 2,620 Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (>$50 million), versus 8,070 in Germany and 4,580 in the UK.
While there are ~100 Russian billionaires (about as many as in Germany, and twice the number in the UK), there are only about 2,620 Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (>$50 million), versus 8,070 in Germany and 4,580 in the UK.
UHNWI are a much better proxy for capitalistic dynamism than billionaire plutocrats, especially in a country like Russia, where most of them are made their wealth through their political connections.
Russian UHNWI don’t seem to want to buy homes in their own country: Russia isn’t a top property investment source for Russian UHNWI, whereas even for Latin Americans, Brazil and Mexico are.
The luxury consumption choices of Russian UHNWI are quite telling of their human capital, thrift, and patriotic investment priorities, or lack thereof.
Most popular flight routes: Moscow/Nice, presumably for the status signalling shopping, versus New York/Washington D.C. and Los Angeles/Las Vegas in the US, presumably for business and pleasure, respectively.
Russians have more yachts than anyone else other than the US, which has 10x+ as many UHNWI.
Moreover, the list of the world’s very biggest yachts is completely dominated by Russians and Arabs.
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE UNZ REPORT: "The latest issue of the Knight Frank World Wealth Report will not make happy reading for those of us who thought they were seeing tentative signs that Putin’s Russia was making good progress on “nationalizing” its elites