Oct 1, 2017

Why does SNL aviod the DEEP STATE, when they mock the hapless prisoner Donald Trump

You have to be pretty stupid or on Mars not to notice that the military/Pentagon along with the CIA run the USA, and the current administration.

Trump loyalists have all been thrown out more or less with Bannon from the administration.

Trump is under siege.

BUT SNL, the cool liberal alternative comedy never mention the aura and all-pervasive power of the Pentagon in the current Trump administration.


Do they fear that the Deep State will do a Jay Leno on their precious skits and jobs?

Or maybe SNL has become part of OR taken over by the Deep State, just like the 'invasion of the body snatchers'

The 1956 movie was a play on Communism and its attempts to take over the USA, and the Hollywood/USA paranoia around that issue.

The 1993 movie I think is about the Pentagon and the American military.