A former Naval Officer serving the Pentagon
A former Goldman Sacks Banker
BUT he has become enlightened and found Nirvana, maybe finally.
Yes, he did choose General Kelly of the Deep State as Trump's Chief of staff, who then pushed him out, and yes he also did choose Reince Prebius who was a disaster in that position.
He was politically naive, and indecisive......in getting his considerable and important ideas across over the head of corrupt Jared Kushner.
But for all the mistakes of Kushner and his bad advice, he, in the end, was not fired, but Bannon...who chose to leave.
Maybe Bannon is too BUSY IN THE CLOUDS, with all his theories and ideas?
Some say he is aloof and sociopathic, as someone who really did NOT 'huddle up" with the Trump base when it mattered most, between June 2016-------September 2017.