This is how he became a multi-millionaire.
Oct 31, 2017
Oct 30, 2017
CIA killed JFK........State documents released over the objections of the CIA.
President Kennedy was shot several times from the front right side at ground level, and thus it couldn't have been the work of Oswald the CIA recruited patsy.
This is why his head fell back on the bonnet at rapid speed due to the force of the bullet from the front-right.
The released documents also reveal that Hitler was PROBABLY spirited out of Germany by British Intelligence/OSS AND his double took his place in Nazi Germany, after August 1944 giving no speeches and or public appearances thereafter. Hitler was still alive in Argentina in 1963, and that the FBI intrigued by this gossip in the Intelligence Community conducted its own investigation on the orders of J Edgar Hoover, and it was confirmed that he was still alive there.
The Hitler Nazi project in Germany was funded and directed by Jewish GLOBALIST BANKS based in NY working in conjunction with the Rothschild of London, and The CITY, and BIS in Switzerland. A high percentage of the Nazi leaders were crypto-Jews, and the purpose of the project was an artificial FIXED Hegelian DIALECT, between NAZISM/FASCISM verses COMMUNISM, in which Communism would triumph post-WWII. .......with the Soviet Union emerging as a global superpower with nuclear weapons, and China thereafter in 1949.
The JFK papers also reveal false flag terrorism planned by the CIA inside the USA, which would be used 'casus belli' to initiate an attack on Cuba, and then WWIII with the Soviet Union.
Vegas Mandalay 2017 anyone?.........Steven Paddock a CIA arms dealer patsy, with multiple shooters, murdering more innocent Americans (This time Trump supporters)
President Kennedy was shot several times from the front right side at ground level, and thus it couldn't have been the work of Oswald the CIA recruited patsy.
This is why his head fell back on the bonnet at rapid speed due to the force of the bullet from the front-right.
The released documents also reveal that Hitler was PROBABLY spirited out of Germany by British Intelligence/OSS AND his double took his place in Nazi Germany, after August 1944 giving no speeches and or public appearances thereafter. Hitler was still alive in Argentina in 1963, and that the FBI intrigued by this gossip in the Intelligence Community conducted its own investigation on the orders of J Edgar Hoover, and it was confirmed that he was still alive there.
The Hitler Nazi project in Germany was funded and directed by Jewish GLOBALIST BANKS based in NY working in conjunction with the Rothschild of London, and The CITY, and BIS in Switzerland. A high percentage of the Nazi leaders were crypto-Jews, and the purpose of the project was an artificial FIXED Hegelian DIALECT, between NAZISM/FASCISM verses COMMUNISM, in which Communism would triumph post-WWII. .......with the Soviet Union emerging as a global superpower with nuclear weapons, and China thereafter in 1949.
The JFK papers also reveal false flag terrorism planned by the CIA inside the USA, which would be used 'casus belli' to initiate an attack on Cuba, and then WWIII with the Soviet Union.
Vegas Mandalay 2017 anyone?.........Steven Paddock a CIA arms dealer patsy, with multiple shooters, murdering more innocent Americans (This time Trump supporters)
Oct 29, 2017
The British Intelligence Dirty Dossier, using PRIVATE Russian sources.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is NO EVIDENCE PUTIN, or the Kremlin (Russian state/bureaucracy) participated in the Dirty Dossier, AGAINST Donald Trump. One may take away this impression from all the talking heads in the right-wing wringing of hand's experts .
However, the former British Intelligence chief of the Russian bureau STEELE (Contracted by the Clintons and DNC, and the FBI ) did use FORMER Russian officials to cook up the dirty dossier of pissing whores in five-star hotel rooms to lend credibility to the false allegation that Trump is another 'normal' red neck heterosexual WASP ( to reinforce the pussy grabbing allegations of October 2016).
Thus so the fake narrative goes, NOT ONLY is Trump a traitor colluding with the Red Ruskies Commie bastards but that he is at his base best in foreign capitals with foreign whores in 5-star hotels.
He is therefore unfit for President, SO THE FAKE NARRATIVE GOES.
The CIA used a 'similar' tactic using Western whores and the President of Indonesia, Sukarno, whom the CIA suspected of being a Communist sympathiser. It failed as common Indonesians were proud TO SEE that their beloved President was a REAL MAN. Plan B, was a right-wing military coup....which succeeded in 1965, and led to the death of 1,000,000 Communists and left-wing people in 1965-66....in Indonesia, and Indonesia continues to be a vassal state of the CIA/STATE DEPARTMENT to this day as I witnessed first hand.
This appears to be a CLASSIC case of PROJECTION. You the guilty project your weakness on another innocent to deflect attention from your own guilt and crime.
The Clintons chose the UK of all countries for the dirty dossier, a country wracked by the allegations around Sir Jimmy Savile OBE, KPMG (Which are genuine) and British leaders/PM's who buggered young boys and then had them murdered. A lot worse than the FAKE allegations against TRUMP.
ONE of the Russian officials who participated in the dirty dossier is now dead.
So what is the FAKE PROJECTION by the Clintons against Donald Trump about?.....stung no doubt by Trump's base shouting "Lock her up" and "Crooked Hilary" as stated by Trump himself.....(which essentially got him elected)
1. Bill Clinton is sexually promiscuous in public office and out of public office, and its not all together normal ranging from fucking little girls below 16, RAPING WOMEN, and having sex with prostitutes out in the public in Bushes whilst jogging (Black prostitute who mothered a Bill Clinton look a lot like son)...........since he has been groomed by the Globalists and the Rothschilds of LONDON...it is also possible that he is into child sacrifice, and drinking their blood.
2. The Clintons betray the USA (TREASON) and do work for foreign powers whilst in public office, essentially for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........selling strategic USA assets and state secrets to RUSSIA, SAUDI ARABIA, ISRAEL..........and and and......North Korea. This is a GLOBALIST ROTHSCHILDS OF LONDON concept which states that the Westphalian nation state is no longer relevant, but trans-national entities such as the Rothschilds of London, and MNE's and MNC's......and highly mobile liquified fast moving capital which bears no CURRENCY IDENTITY (End the dollar and usher in a global currency, which is managed by the Rothschilds of London from THE CITY)
3. All the Clinton murders.
4.All Clinton public office fraudulent dealings starting with Whitewater in Arkansas.
5.The Clintons importation of Cocaine in Mena airport in Arkansas.
6.The Clinton Foundation, and pay to play with foreign states.
7.Benghazi and the creation of ISIS. Gun running for Islamists VIA Turkey.
8.Stealing money from the $2 billion Haiti Relief fund.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is NO EVIDENCE PUTIN, or the Kremlin (Russian state/bureaucracy) participated in the Dirty Dossier, AGAINST Donald Trump. One may take away this impression from all the talking heads in the right-wing wringing of hand's experts .
However, the former British Intelligence chief of the Russian bureau STEELE (Contracted by the Clintons and DNC, and the FBI ) did use FORMER Russian officials to cook up the dirty dossier of pissing whores in five-star hotel rooms to lend credibility to the false allegation that Trump is another 'normal' red neck heterosexual WASP ( to reinforce the pussy grabbing allegations of October 2016).
Thus so the fake narrative goes, NOT ONLY is Trump a traitor colluding with the Red Ruskies Commie bastards but that he is at his base best in foreign capitals with foreign whores in 5-star hotels.
He is therefore unfit for President, SO THE FAKE NARRATIVE GOES.
The CIA used a 'similar' tactic using Western whores and the President of Indonesia, Sukarno, whom the CIA suspected of being a Communist sympathiser. It failed as common Indonesians were proud TO SEE that their beloved President was a REAL MAN. Plan B, was a right-wing military coup....which succeeded in 1965, and led to the death of 1,000,000 Communists and left-wing people in 1965-66....in Indonesia, and Indonesia continues to be a vassal state of the CIA/STATE DEPARTMENT to this day as I witnessed first hand.
This appears to be a CLASSIC case of PROJECTION. You the guilty project your weakness on another innocent to deflect attention from your own guilt and crime.
The Clintons chose the UK of all countries for the dirty dossier, a country wracked by the allegations around Sir Jimmy Savile OBE, KPMG (Which are genuine) and British leaders/PM's who buggered young boys and then had them murdered. A lot worse than the FAKE allegations against TRUMP.
ONE of the Russian officials who participated in the dirty dossier is now dead.
So what is the FAKE PROJECTION by the Clintons against Donald Trump about?.....stung no doubt by Trump's base shouting "Lock her up" and "Crooked Hilary" as stated by Trump himself.....(which essentially got him elected)
1. Bill Clinton is sexually promiscuous in public office and out of public office, and its not all together normal ranging from fucking little girls below 16, RAPING WOMEN, and having sex with prostitutes out in the public in Bushes whilst jogging (Black prostitute who mothered a Bill Clinton look a lot like son)...........since he has been groomed by the Globalists and the Rothschilds of LONDON...it is also possible that he is into child sacrifice, and drinking their blood.
2. The Clintons betray the USA (TREASON) and do work for foreign powers whilst in public office, essentially for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........selling strategic USA assets and state secrets to RUSSIA, SAUDI ARABIA, ISRAEL..........and and and......North Korea. This is a GLOBALIST ROTHSCHILDS OF LONDON concept which states that the Westphalian nation state is no longer relevant, but trans-national entities such as the Rothschilds of London, and MNE's and MNC's......and highly mobile liquified fast moving capital which bears no CURRENCY IDENTITY (End the dollar and usher in a global currency, which is managed by the Rothschilds of London from THE CITY)
3. All the Clinton murders.
4.All Clinton public office fraudulent dealings starting with Whitewater in Arkansas.
5.The Clintons importation of Cocaine in Mena airport in Arkansas.
6.The Clinton Foundation, and pay to play with foreign states.
7.Benghazi and the creation of ISIS. Gun running for Islamists VIA Turkey.
8.Stealing money from the $2 billion Haiti Relief fund.
Oct 26, 2017
Globalist Clinton's and the DNC FUNDED the Dirty Dossier against Trump, using the resources and contacts of foreign powers.
$9 million......$6 million whilst others say $5 million.
$9 million......$6 million whilst others say $5 million.
Lou Dobbs--next news network
BRIBERY from Russia, USA politicians, military secrets exchanged, FBI bagmen contacting Russians with Uranium samples at mysterious far away airports......and the sale of 20% of the USA's uranium so that a rival power could make its nuke weapons.
This Hollywood political thriller blockbuster with Denzil Washington will come out shortly.
It will make a change from the usual Marvel/DC comic tripe about wonderful superhuman Americans.
John Voigt will play Robert Meuller.( A deeply conflicted character, and the fixer for the elites)
BRIBERY from Russia, USA politicians, military secrets exchanged, FBI bagmen contacting Russians with Uranium samples at mysterious far away airports......and the sale of 20% of the USA's uranium so that a rival power could make its nuke weapons.
This Hollywood political thriller blockbuster with Denzil Washington will come out shortly.
It will make a change from the usual Marvel/DC comic tripe about wonderful superhuman Americans.
John Voigt will play Robert Meuller.( A deeply conflicted character, and the fixer for the elites)
Congressional Investigation of Hilary
The Congressional INVESTIGATIONS into the JFK murders were far more comprehensive, authentic and nearer the truth than the Warren Commission investigating the same, as the later was loaded with DEEP STATE INSIDERS, with a cover-up mission that stated that a lone KGB recruit killed the President.
Like the Meuller Special Council people are forced by the MSM to pay attention to the findings of the fake Warren Commission cover-up, and in addition, the Congressional Investigations into the JFK murder had no legal consequences.
The Congressional INVESTIGATIONS into the JFK murders were far more comprehensive, authentic and nearer the truth than the Warren Commission investigating the same, as the later was loaded with DEEP STATE INSIDERS, with a cover-up mission that stated that a lone KGB recruit killed the President.
Like the Meuller Special Council people are forced by the MSM to pay attention to the findings of the fake Warren Commission cover-up, and in addition, the Congressional Investigations into the JFK murder had no legal consequences.
Oct 25, 2017
Jimmy Dore--the left-wing perspective
Not ALL left-wing supporters blindly follow the Corporatist DNC.
They understand the betrayal of the Globalist CLINTONS and DNC, and the hurt and pain this causes ordinary working class Americans......OR the hurt or pain of dirt poor brown people in other parts of the planet due to the strategic policies of the USA Empire (With whom they share a kindred spirit).
However, their main problem UNLIKE the Trump revolution in the GOP, is mounting an effective counter-coup against the establishment DNC.
Nancy Pelosi the Octogenarian is still spouting nonsense, without an ounce of self-reflection after the Hilary Clinton defeat.
The destruction of the DNC, and humiliation of the current leadership is their only salvation.
Not ALL left-wing supporters blindly follow the Corporatist DNC.
They understand the betrayal of the Globalist CLINTONS and DNC, and the hurt and pain this causes ordinary working class Americans......OR the hurt or pain of dirt poor brown people in other parts of the planet due to the strategic policies of the USA Empire (With whom they share a kindred spirit).
However, their main problem UNLIKE the Trump revolution in the GOP, is mounting an effective counter-coup against the establishment DNC.
Nancy Pelosi the Octogenarian is still spouting nonsense, without an ounce of self-reflection after the Hilary Clinton defeat.
The destruction of the DNC, and humiliation of the current leadership is their only salvation.
Oct 24, 2017
CIA killed JFK on the orders of Lyndon Johnson
The revelations will make the STALE STOLID Republicans APPEAR saintly, the deputy Democratic leader kills a serving Democratic President loved by Americans and the world, young, handsome and promising for the future of the world, for detente and for peace after the Cuban missile crisis, and the Cold War....just after two years of his Presidency simply because LBJ, the crypto-Jew thug from Texas wanted power by whatever means.
TACTICALLY this is also good for Trump since DEEP STATE ACTORS have been promising to assassinate him, publicly on CNN and other MSM platforms for quite a while. If Trump is indeed killed we will know who did it, courtesy of the JFK FILES to be released this FRIDAY.
THIS IS ALSO GOOD FOR AMERICAN DEMOCRACY, and for checking the powers of the DEEP STATE.
Through Presidential DIRECTIVES/EXECUTIVE ORDERS, NO part of the released JFK files should be redacted as to make them WORTHLESS FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD.

The revelations will make the STALE STOLID Republicans APPEAR saintly, the deputy Democratic leader kills a serving Democratic President loved by Americans and the world, young, handsome and promising for the future of the world, for detente and for peace after the Cuban missile crisis, and the Cold War....just after two years of his Presidency simply because LBJ, the crypto-Jew thug from Texas wanted power by whatever means.
TACTICALLY this is also good for Trump since DEEP STATE ACTORS have been promising to assassinate him, publicly on CNN and other MSM platforms for quite a while. If Trump is indeed killed we will know who did it, courtesy of the JFK FILES to be released this FRIDAY.
THIS IS ALSO GOOD FOR AMERICAN DEMOCRACY, and for checking the powers of the DEEP STATE.
Through Presidential DIRECTIVES/EXECUTIVE ORDERS, NO part of the released JFK files should be redacted as to make them WORTHLESS FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD.

Lou Dobbs....Next News Network
Its official, Deep State plant Sessions has been blocking the REAL MEANINGFUL INVESTIGATIONS of the illegal dealings of the Clintons....
Alternative bloggers tide to Trump explained this little mystery away by saying that Sessions was surrounded by Obummer holdovers in the JD, and therefore even though he wanted to he couldn't do anything as he was powerless.
Horse manurer.
He has the POWER! But lacks the right intentions.
He fully understands that once you investigate one of the Clinton crimes...then you have to investigate ALL their crimes ALONG WITH ALL THE DEEP STATE ACTORS WHO ARE SERVING IN THE HAPLESS, RUDDERLESS TRUMP ADMINISTRATION........COMPLICIT IN THE CRIMES of the Clintons.
And such action will, of course, clear the name of Trump and his links to the fake false Russian collusion delusion.
But that does not seem to be a priority for old gnome Sessions OTHERWISE busy chasing harmless to everyone reefers, confiscating peoples chattels and property, meeting Hispanic gang members and LEERING at Muslim trophies encased in Guantanamo Bay Gulag for eternity. (General Kelly)
Its official, Deep State plant Sessions has been blocking the REAL MEANINGFUL INVESTIGATIONS of the illegal dealings of the Clintons....
Alternative bloggers tide to Trump explained this little mystery away by saying that Sessions was surrounded by Obummer holdovers in the JD, and therefore even though he wanted to he couldn't do anything as he was powerless.
Horse manurer.
He has the POWER! But lacks the right intentions.
He fully understands that once you investigate one of the Clinton crimes...then you have to investigate ALL their crimes ALONG WITH ALL THE DEEP STATE ACTORS WHO ARE SERVING IN THE HAPLESS, RUDDERLESS TRUMP ADMINISTRATION........COMPLICIT IN THE CRIMES of the Clintons.
And such action will, of course, clear the name of Trump and his links to the fake false Russian collusion delusion.
But that does not seem to be a priority for old gnome Sessions OTHERWISE busy chasing harmless to everyone reefers, confiscating peoples chattels and property, meeting Hispanic gang members and LEERING at Muslim trophies encased in Guantanamo Bay Gulag for eternity. (General Kelly)
Oct 19, 2017
Trump is a puppet of a foreign power, but its not Russia.
The article below states that Trump is a puppet of Likud Israel.
Cointel pro Meuller can find evidence of this without any problems.
The primary REASON for 'Israel first' "Saudi second' and USA last policy seems to be money$$$$$.
Israel has business donors linked to Netanyahu, and in the case of Saudi Arabia, the government simply gives money/gifts to foreign leaders, in the case of Western leaders.
Further, Trump's Orthodox Jew Chabad son-in-law has extensive investments in ISRAEL and links with Billionaire George Soros (A Jew) and ......and Lev Leviev.
Jared Kushner has made some extremely large real estate purchases in Central New York, by pooling other peoples money.......many from Israeli investors with religious right-wing agenda's.
Netanyahu is a personal friend of the Kushner family, and he has known Jared Kushner since he was a little boy.(Netanyahu is godfather to Jared Kushner??)
Trump also has business links to Israel of course.
Trump's favourite daughter converted to Orthodox Judaism.
Trump could be a crypto-Jew, of German/Scottish descent.
Trump's loyalty to the Jew and Jew money thus may be understandable.
Since Sept. 18, when the two men met in New York around the United Nations General Assembly, Netanyahu has been pulling Trump’s strings on almost every foreign policy issue. Arguably, the puppet/puppeteer relationship began much earlier, but I’ve been told that Trump bridled early on at Netanyahu’s control and even showed a few signs of rebellion.

The article below states that Trump is a puppet of Likud Israel.
Cointel pro Meuller can find evidence of this without any problems.
The primary REASON for 'Israel first' "Saudi second' and USA last policy seems to be money$$$$$.
Israel has business donors linked to Netanyahu, and in the case of Saudi Arabia, the government simply gives money/gifts to foreign leaders, in the case of Western leaders.
Further, Trump's Orthodox Jew Chabad son-in-law has extensive investments in ISRAEL and links with Billionaire George Soros (A Jew) and ......and Lev Leviev.
Jared Kushner has made some extremely large real estate purchases in Central New York, by pooling other peoples money.......many from Israeli investors with religious right-wing agenda's.
Netanyahu is a personal friend of the Kushner family, and he has known Jared Kushner since he was a little boy.(Netanyahu is godfather to Jared Kushner??)
Trump also has business links to Israel of course.
Trump's favourite daughter converted to Orthodox Judaism.
Trump could be a crypto-Jew, of German/Scottish descent.
Trump's loyalty to the Jew and Jew money thus may be understandable.
How Netanyahu Pulls Trump’s Strings
By Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com and antiwar.com

Special Report: It turns out that Hillary Clinton was partly correct: President Trump is a “puppet,” but his puppet master isn’t Russian President Putin but Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, reports Robert Parry.
By Robert Parry
In the final presidential debate of 2016, Hillary Clinton famously called Donald Trump the “puppet” of Russian President Vladimir Putin. But what’s increasingly clear is that Trump has a more typical puppet master for a U.S. politician – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Since Sept. 18, when the two men met in New York around the United Nations General Assembly, Netanyahu has been pulling Trump’s strings on almost every foreign policy issue. Arguably, the puppet/puppeteer relationship began much earlier, but I’ve been told that Trump bridled early on at Netanyahu’s control and even showed a few signs of rebellion.
For instance, Trump initially resisted Netanyahu’s demand for a deeper U.S. commitment in Syria by ordering the shutdown of the CIA operation supporting anti-government rebels, along with the Trump administration’s statement that U.S. policy no longer sought “regime change” in Damascus.
Immediately after that announcement, Netanyahu had some success in getting Trump to reverse direction and fire 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian air base on April 6. The attack followed what one intelligence source told me was a staged chemical weapons incident by Al Qaeda operatives in the rebel-controlled town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province, possibly using sarin delivered via drone from a Saudi/Israeli special operations base in Jordan. Yet, although apparently duped by the subterfuge into the missile strike, Trump still balked at a complete reversal of his Syrian policy.

Then, in May, Trump picked Saudi Arabia and Israel as his first overseas trip as president – essentially following the advice of his son-in-law Jared Kushner – but I’m told he came away feeling somewhat humiliated by the over-the-top treatment that involved him getting pulled into a ceremonial sword dance in Saudi Arabia and facing condescension from Netanyahu.

So, over the summer, Trump listened to advice about a possible major overhaul of U.S. foreign policy that would have checked Israeli/Saudi regional ambitions, opened diplomatic doors to Iran, and addressed the Korean crisis by brokering negotiations between the North and the South over some form of loose confederation.

There was even the possibility of a Nixon-goes-to-China moment with tough-guy Trump meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the two countries restoring diplomatic ties, a process that could have given U.S. companies a better chance to compete in the Iranian market.
Those proposed moves had the advantage of reducing international tensions, saving the U.S. government money on future military adventures, and freeing U.S. corporations from the tangle of economic sanctions – exactly the “America First” strategy that Trump had promised his working-class base.
However, instead Netanyahu succeeded in pulling Trump’s strings during their conversations on Sept. 18 in New York, although exactly how is still a mystery to some people close to these developments. One source said the Kushner family real-estate company has exposure to substantial Israeli financing that could be yanked, although Jared Kushner’s financial disclosure form only lists a $5 million unsecured line of credit, held jointly with his father, from the Israel Discount Bank.
Trump also has major pro-Netanyahu donors to his political war chest and his legal defense fund who are strong advocates for war with Iran, including casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson, who has plowed $35 million into the pro-Trump Super PAC Future 45 and has publicly called for dropping a nuclear bomb on Iran as a negotiating tactic. So, Netanyahu had a number of potential strings to pull.
Going on Rants
Whatever the precise reasons, on Sept. 19, Trump turned his maiden speech to the U.N. General Assembly into a war-like rant, personally insulting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as “Rocket Man,” threatening to “totally destroy” his nation of 25 million people, and parroting Netanyahu’s calls for another regime change project aimed at Iran.

President Trump speaking to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 19, 2017. (Screenshot from Whitehouse.gov)
Most diplomats in the audience sat in stunned silence as Trump threatened aggressive war from the podium of an organization created to prevent the scourge of war. The one notable exception was Netanyahu who enthusiastically applauded his success in jerking Trump into the neocon camp.
So, rather than shift U.S. policy away from confrontation, Trump jettisoned the diplomatic strategy although it already had dispatched intermediaries to make contacts with the Iranians and North Koreans. Instead, Trump opted for the classic neocon approach favored by Netanyahu, albeit with Trump dressing up his neocon surrender in some “America First” rhetoric.
The U.N. speech left some of the U.S. intermediaries scrambling to explain to their contacts in Iran and North Korea why Trump had repudiated the messages that they had been carrying. Privately, Trump explained to one that he just liked to “zigzag” and that the intended end point hadn’t change.

Some of these tensions surfaced in late September when Secretary of State Rex Tillerson took the extraordinary step of announcing the behind-the-scenes contacts with North Korea during a state visit to China.
“We are probing, so stay tuned,” Tillerson said. “We ask, ‘Would you like to talk?’ We have lines of communications to Pyongyang — we’re not in a dark situation, a blackout.” Tillerson added, “We have a couple, three channels open to Pyongyang … We do talk to them. ,,, Directly. We have our own channels.”
In reaction to Tillerson’s efforts to salvage the backchannel initiatives, Trump showed that his obeisance to Netanyahu and the neocons outweighed loyalty to either his Secretary of State or the intermediaries who had ventured into dicey situations on Trump’s behalf.
In Twitter messages, Trump belittled the idea of a dialogue with North Korea, tweeting: “I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man.”
“Save your energy Rex,” Trump added, before slipping in another thinly veiled threat of a military strike: “we’ll do what has to be done!”
While on the surface, Trump’s repudiation of Tillerson might have been viewed as another “zigzag,” it is now clear that Trump’s “zigzag” explanation was just another lie. Rather than zigzagging, he is instead following a straight line marked out by Netanyahu.
Meanwhile, in Syria, Netanyahu seems to have won more concessions from Trump. The U.S. military appears to be helping the remnants of Islamist forces still fighting the government, according to Russian officials. Their accusation is that the U.S. is secretly aiding the Islamist terror groups with weapons, tactical advice and aerial reconnaissance.

In other words, Trump appears to be continuing U.S. military intervention in Syria – just as Netanyahu desires.
Falling in Line
Trump further showed that he is following Netanyahu’s marching orders with the extremist speech about Iran on Friday, essentially repeating all the Israeli propaganda lines against Iran and burning whatever bridges remained toward a meaningful diplomatic approach.
Trump’s Iran speech was so ludicrous it almost defies serious analysis. It ranks with the reckless rhetoric of President George W. Bush when he pronounced an “axis of evil,” with the incongruous linking of Iraq and Iran (two bitter enemies) and North Korea accompanied by Bush’s bogus claims about Iraq’s WMD and Iraq’s alleged collaboration with Al Qaeda.
In Friday’s speech, which looked like the handiwork of John Bolton, one of Bush’s neocon advisers who was seen entering the White House last week, Trump repeated all the nonsense tying Iran to Al Qaeda, presumably thinking that the American people still don’t understand that Al Qaeda is a fanatical Sunni terror group that targets both the West and Shiites, the dominant Muslim faith in Iran, as heretics deserving death.
The inconvenient truth is that Al Qaeda has long been connected to Saudi Arabia, which has supported these fanatics since the 1980s when Saudi citizen Osama bin Laden was supported in his jihad against Soviet troops in Afghanistan, who were there trying to protect a secular regime.
Though officially the Saudi monarchy insists that it is opposed to Al Qaeda, Saudi intelligence has used Al Qaeda as essentially an unconventional fighting force deployed to destabilize and terrorize adversaries in the region and around the world. [For details, see Consortiumnews.com’s “The Need to Hold Saudi Arabia Accountable.”]
As the Israelis have developed a de facto alliance with Saudi Arabia in recent years, they also have expressed a preference for an Al Qaeda victory in Syria if necessary to destroy what Michael Oren, former Ambassador to the U.S. and now a deputy minister under Netanyahu, has described as the Shiite “strategic arc” running from Tehran through Damascus to Beirut.
One of the frequent Israeli complaints about Iran is that it has assisted the sovereign government of Syria in defeating Al Qaeda and its militant allies (as well as Al Qaeda’s spinoff Islamic State), which should tell you a lot about where Netanyahu’s loyalties lie.
A Compromised Media
Yet, as dishonest as Trump’s Iran speech was, the U.S. mainstream media won’t criticize it as harshly as it deserves because virtually all the important journalists and talking heads have swallowed Israel’s anti-Iran propaganda whole. They have frequently repeated the canard about Iran as “the world’s chief sponsor of terrorism” when that title clearly should go to the Saudis and the Qataris if not others.
The West’s major news outlets also have ingested all the sophisticated propaganda against the Assad government in Syria, particularly the claims about chemical weapons attacks while ignoring evidence that Al Qaeda’s operatives and their “civil defense” collaborators have staged attacks with the goal of provoking a direct U.S. military intervention.
[See Consortiumnews.com’s “A New Hole in Syria-Sarin Certainty.”]
[See Consortiumnews.com’s “A New Hole in Syria-Sarin Certainty.”]
In his Friday speech, Trump also touted one of the earliest canards about Iranian “terrorism,” the attack by Lebanese Shiite militants on the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 killing 241 Americans.
When that attack happened, I was working at The Associated Press as an investigative reporter specializing in national security issues. While the precise Iranian role was not clear, what should have been obvious was that the attack was not “terrorism,” which is classically defined as violence toward civilians to achieve a political goal.
Not only were the Marines not civilians but the Reagan administration had made them belligerents in the Lebanese war by the decision to order the USS New Jersey to shell Muslim villages. Reagan’s National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, who often represented Israel’s interests inside the administration, was the spark plug for this mission creep, which killed Lebanese civilians and convinced Shiite militants that the United States had joined the war against them.
Shiite militants struck back, sending a suicide truck bomber through U.S. security positions, demolishing the high-rise Marine barracks in Beirut. Reagan soon repositioned the surviving U.S. forces offshore. At the AP, I unsuccessfully argued against calling the Beirut attack “terrorism,” a word that other news organizations also sloppily applied. But even senior Reagan officials recognized the truth.
“When the shells started falling on the Shiites, they assumed the American ‘referee’ had taken sides,” Gen. Colin Powell wrote in his memoir, My American Journey. In other words, Powell, who was then military adviser to Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, recognized that the actions of the U.S. military had altered the status of the Marines in the eyes of the Shiites.
(Although this “terrorism” is always blamed on Hezbollah, the group did not officially come into existence until 1985 as a resistance movement against the Israeli occupation of Lebanon which did not end until 2000.)
Opposed to Putin
So, Trump is now on the path to wars with both North Korea and Iran, neither of which Russian President Putin favors. Putin, who played a key role in helping President Obama achieve the Iran-nuclear agreement, now sides with the Europeans in opposition to Trump’s decertification.

President Barack Obama meets with President Vladimir Putin of Russia on the sidelines of the G20 Summit at Regnum Carya Resort in Antalya, Turkey, Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015. National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice listens at left. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Putin also favors a prompt end to the Syrian conflict with the defeat of Al Qaeda and its allies, and he wants peaceful negotiations with North Korea over its desire for security against threatened American aggression. Trump is on the opposite side of all these Putin priorities.
In other words, not only does the Russia-gate hysteria have core evidentiary problems – both on the issues of “hacking” Democratic emails and claims about suspected “Russia-linked” entities paying for an infinitesimal number of ads on social media (including some about puppies and another promoting a critical documentary about Donald Trump’s golf course in Scotland) – but Trump is behaving in ways that are directly contrary to Putin’s desires and interests.
If indeed Clinton were right that Trump was Putin’s “puppet,” then he would have agreed to negotiations to address the North Korean crisis; would have accepted constructive diplomacy toward Iran; and would have ended all U.S. support for the Syrian militants and encouraged a quick end to the bloodletting.
Instead, Trump is moving in opposite directions, lining up with Netanyahu and the neocons, whom some European allies refer to as “America’s Israeli agents.” Although dressing up his capitulation to Netanyahu in tough-guy phrasing, Trump is doing what most U.S. politicians do – they grovel before Bibi Netanyahu.
And, if you have any doubts about that reality, you can watch how often both Republicans and Democrats jump to their feet when Netanyahu addresses a joint session of Congress, an honor that he has received three times, tying him with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
Those moments of American humiliation – as almost all 535 members of Congress act like puppets on invisible strings – represent the actual subservience of the U.S. government to a foreign power. And that power is not Russia.
President Trump is just the latest American politician to have his strings yanked by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and barnesandnoble.com).
Sessions is too old, too weak, too short, ....and lacks the sassy tongue of a Capital Hill politician.
Telegenic, and smart talk passes for 'integrity' in America.
The Old Gnome is too short on such 'qualities'.
Telegenic, and smart talk passes for 'integrity' in America.
The Old Gnome is too short on such 'qualities'.
Nyugtáztam kő beszélt igazságot a hatalomnak
He is also doing some 1950's style telemarketing, if you can handle it.
He is not serving any elitist billionaire so to speak.
I'm surprised to THE EXTENT to which Trump loyalist base SACRIFICE and FIGHT for their president (From death threats down the order to financial hardship), and on the other hand the little or no support Trump gives them as a BILLIONAIRE WHO KNOWS OTHER BILLIONAIRES, or even as President with huge executive discretionary powers.
On what planet does Trump fucking exist?
Roger Stone selling imitation watches on the roadside in DC, so that he can sustain the CRITICAL CAMPAIGN FOR TRUMP.
That's what I did in Greece in 2003.........after I left Bilaat Chaud.
Cathrine Austin Fitts thinks $40 trillion has been knocked off or defrauded from the USA economy, by the Deep State, whilst Trump's base, by contrast, have to resort to pathetic means to raise money for their cause. Pathetic.
He is also doing some 1950's style telemarketing, if you can handle it.
He is not serving any elitist billionaire so to speak.
I'm surprised to THE EXTENT to which Trump loyalist base SACRIFICE and FIGHT for their president (From death threats down the order to financial hardship), and on the other hand the little or no support Trump gives them as a BILLIONAIRE WHO KNOWS OTHER BILLIONAIRES, or even as President with huge executive discretionary powers.
On what planet does Trump fucking exist?
Roger Stone selling imitation watches on the roadside in DC, so that he can sustain the CRITICAL CAMPAIGN FOR TRUMP.
That's what I did in Greece in 2003.........after I left Bilaat Chaud.
Cathrine Austin Fitts thinks $40 trillion has been knocked off or defrauded from the USA economy, by the Deep State, whilst Trump's base, by contrast, have to resort to pathetic means to raise money for their cause. Pathetic.
Hilary Clinton and her hubby Bill took $145 million from the Commie Ruskies illegally in order to sell USA strategic Uranium and military technology to the Red Ruskies ILLEGALLY.
Cointel pro Mueller was the bagman for the Uranium to the Red Ruskies at a shady East European airport.
Working for his Clinton masters.
Yes, this is another terrible Hollywood B-movie that is totally FALSE/FAKE starring George Clooney as Robert Mueller.
In America when the elite commits crime and high treason, it is totally ignored.
It only gains attention when FAKE PROJECTION is directed against another member of the billionaire elite with links to Netanyahu Likud, and a serving populist President.
But, that too after the old gnome is kicked from his long stupor.......who when not sipping lemonade on the promenade is otherwise busy chasing inconsequential reefers, looking at hapless Muslim TROPHIES caged at Guantanamo forever for the false flag of 9/11 by Israel....and visiting shaking hands with Nicaraguan teenage gangsters.
Imagine an AG actually doing his job!!! What is the world coming to, and Trump giving the seal of approval to Cointel Meuller to continue with his illegal fishing expedition?....based initially on no evidence, but sure will find some evidence on behalf of the Clintons.
Cointel pro Mueller was the bagman for the Uranium to the Red Ruskies at a shady East European airport.
Working for his Clinton masters.
Yes, this is another terrible Hollywood B-movie that is totally FALSE/FAKE starring George Clooney as Robert Mueller.
In America when the elite commits crime and high treason, it is totally ignored.
It only gains attention when FAKE PROJECTION is directed against another member of the billionaire elite with links to Netanyahu Likud, and a serving populist President.
But, that too after the old gnome is kicked from his long stupor.......who when not sipping lemonade on the promenade is otherwise busy chasing inconsequential reefers, looking at hapless Muslim TROPHIES caged at Guantanamo forever for the false flag of 9/11 by Israel....and visiting shaking hands with Nicaraguan teenage gangsters.
Imagine an AG actually doing his job!!! What is the world coming to, and Trump giving the seal of approval to Cointel Meuller to continue with his illegal fishing expedition?....based initially on no evidence, but sure will find some evidence on behalf of the Clintons.
Oct 17, 2017
Roger Stone on fire
The Clintons are Jewish.
The Clinton's are Crypto-Jewish, which means they don't visit synagogues or wear their Jewishness on their sleeve. A historical Jewish strategy living in Europe to escape the Ghetto laws of Christendom.
Bill is believed to be the bastard child of the Rockefellers.(Themselves Jews of French origin)
Hilary is Jewish on her father's side, originally from Poland.
Both were appropriated FRONTS for the Globalist Jews based under the Rothschilds of London.
That is why both propagate their Anglo-Saxon demeanour, especially in America.
That is the reason why Bill Clinton finished his education at Oxford, the elite University of the British ruling classes.
That is why Hilary sometimes likes to bare all in British TV programs.
The CRIMES of the Clintons, especially around money and finance (Fast easy bucks---money laundering, stealing other people's money and narcotics peddling)......is the TRADE they were groomed for by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds of London, through the CIA.
Their extremely ugly daughter, who looks like a Shrek, married to a Jew financier appears to have the same personality as her parents. The proverbial apple does not fall far from the tree.
1. America's struggle for FREEDOM is the destruction of the corrupt globalist Jew elite who have subverted the Anglo-Saxon/Celtic origin of MODERN AMERICA.
2. The destruction of the Rothschilds CHANNELS OF INFLUENCE on the USA state via INDIVIDUALS such as Kissinger (A Jew) ...and organisations such as the CIA.(a Jew smelling crime organisation, which promotes other Jew fronts in America)
The notorious untouchable CLINTONS are the small cog of the much bigger strategic problem of the above just mentioned.
It is much easier to spew bile at the above two Bonnie and Clyde characters groomed carefully for 50 years by the Rothschild of London, BUT much harder to dismantle 1 and 2.
The Clintons are Jewish.
The Clinton's are Crypto-Jewish, which means they don't visit synagogues or wear their Jewishness on their sleeve. A historical Jewish strategy living in Europe to escape the Ghetto laws of Christendom.
Bill is believed to be the bastard child of the Rockefellers.(Themselves Jews of French origin)
Hilary is Jewish on her father's side, originally from Poland.
Both were appropriated FRONTS for the Globalist Jews based under the Rothschilds of London.
That is why both propagate their Anglo-Saxon demeanour, especially in America.
That is the reason why Bill Clinton finished his education at Oxford, the elite University of the British ruling classes.
That is why Hilary sometimes likes to bare all in British TV programs.
The CRIMES of the Clintons, especially around money and finance (Fast easy bucks---money laundering, stealing other people's money and narcotics peddling)......is the TRADE they were groomed for by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds of London, through the CIA.
Their extremely ugly daughter, who looks like a Shrek, married to a Jew financier appears to have the same personality as her parents. The proverbial apple does not fall far from the tree.
1. America's struggle for FREEDOM is the destruction of the corrupt globalist Jew elite who have subverted the Anglo-Saxon/Celtic origin of MODERN AMERICA.
2. The destruction of the Rothschilds CHANNELS OF INFLUENCE on the USA state via INDIVIDUALS such as Kissinger (A Jew) ...and organisations such as the CIA.(a Jew smelling crime organisation, which promotes other Jew fronts in America)
The notorious untouchable CLINTONS are the small cog of the much bigger strategic problem of the above just mentioned.
It is much easier to spew bile at the above two Bonnie and Clyde characters groomed carefully for 50 years by the Rothschild of London, BUT much harder to dismantle 1 and 2.
Oct 14, 2017
The Iranian civilian nuclear deal with the five powers +1.
Having signed the agreement after excruciating long negotiations with the USA team made up of stern, anally retentive Jews from the Obummer team, Trump for whatever reason wishes to break that agreement and go it alone.
There are many gossip going around which opines as to why Trump should do this.
So here is the Quija Board:
1. Trump is of Crypto-Jew origin from his Fathers German side, and especially his notorious grandfather who ran brothels, gambling dens and slum landlordry and the white flesh trade WITH EAST EUROPEAN women...to/from Noo Yawk.....before being chased out of the country back to Germany during WWI. For ANY DISRESPECTFUL JEW MAFIA FIGURE TO GAIN RESPECT IN THE COMMUNITY, WHAT YOU DO IS A MAYER LANSKY......You profess your loyalty to the state of Israel, and support its most ardent extremist policies. Extremism thus stands for purity. Extremism stands for good, noble, pure, loyal, brave,......BS.

Continued here: 'TRUMP RAPED 13-YEAR-OLD'

The Trump family empire was built on the backs of prostitutes.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel"............The same trick as Jew Hitler.
The same trick the military might play in a banana republic.
2. Trump is a closet gay......if you watch carefully his hand movements and the way he emphasises certain keywords. His uber macho stance and his pussy grabbing, therefore, may be an attempt to hide this his butch gay side which is naturally attracted to the military and war generally. Gays can crank out children for their front, and BE around very beautiful women......Tom Cruise for example......Hitler. Thus you have WAR to satiate his FAUX MANLINESS.

3. The other gossip is that Trump is a fundamentally weak-willed man, who has succumbed to the false accusation that he is not patriotic enough (SPECIFIC STRATEGY OF JOHN PODESTA AND THE DNC).....instead of being MANLY AND ADULT, Trump has been baited and stung by this false accusation from the DNC, and now he is on a WAR PATH to prove his PATRIOTISM, along the process of subverting his administration and domestic policies.
4. An obscure false narrative from the Jews as part of divide and rule state that Celts in North America and Europe must prove themselves against Iranians/Aryans IN A DEADLY GAME OF RACE BAITING BETWEEN TWO CAUCASIAN RACES. This explains the disproportionate dire position of the USA vis a vi Iran (land of the Aryans) Afghanistan (Ariana old name) Ukraine (former Scythian/Sarmatian Iranian speaking people) and Russia. In all four cases the JEW has conspired using the CIA/State Department to turn otherwise USA friendly countries into battleground enemy states)........against whom the CELTIC USA MUST MEASURE UP TO.
5. Just because Obummer is a corrupt CIA plant, that is not an excuse to over turn ALL his policies. Especially those which Obummer constructed with delicate International negotiations with major foreign powers. This will give the definite impression that the USA is in decline, and is a thoroughly untrustworthy partner, which changes its International Legal obligations on a whim.
Trump must tread very very carefully with Iran.
Having signed the agreement after excruciating long negotiations with the USA team made up of stern, anally retentive Jews from the Obummer team, Trump for whatever reason wishes to break that agreement and go it alone.
There are many gossip going around which opines as to why Trump should do this.
So here is the Quija Board:
1. Trump is of Crypto-Jew origin from his Fathers German side, and especially his notorious grandfather who ran brothels, gambling dens and slum landlordry and the white flesh trade WITH EAST EUROPEAN women...to/from Noo Yawk.....before being chased out of the country back to Germany during WWI. For ANY DISRESPECTFUL JEW MAFIA FIGURE TO GAIN RESPECT IN THE COMMUNITY, WHAT YOU DO IS A MAYER LANSKY......You profess your loyalty to the state of Israel, and support its most ardent extremist policies. Extremism thus stands for purity. Extremism stands for good, noble, pure, loyal, brave,......BS.

Continued here: 'TRUMP RAPED 13-YEAR-OLD'

The Trump family empire was built on the backs of prostitutes.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel"............The same trick as Jew Hitler.
The same trick the military might play in a banana republic.
2. Trump is a closet gay......if you watch carefully his hand movements and the way he emphasises certain keywords. His uber macho stance and his pussy grabbing, therefore, may be an attempt to hide this his butch gay side which is naturally attracted to the military and war generally. Gays can crank out children for their front, and BE around very beautiful women......Tom Cruise for example......Hitler. Thus you have WAR to satiate his FAUX MANLINESS.

3. The other gossip is that Trump is a fundamentally weak-willed man, who has succumbed to the false accusation that he is not patriotic enough (SPECIFIC STRATEGY OF JOHN PODESTA AND THE DNC).....instead of being MANLY AND ADULT, Trump has been baited and stung by this false accusation from the DNC, and now he is on a WAR PATH to prove his PATRIOTISM, along the process of subverting his administration and domestic policies.
4. An obscure false narrative from the Jews as part of divide and rule state that Celts in North America and Europe must prove themselves against Iranians/Aryans IN A DEADLY GAME OF RACE BAITING BETWEEN TWO CAUCASIAN RACES. This explains the disproportionate dire position of the USA vis a vi Iran (land of the Aryans) Afghanistan (Ariana old name) Ukraine (former Scythian/Sarmatian Iranian speaking people) and Russia. In all four cases the JEW has conspired using the CIA/State Department to turn otherwise USA friendly countries into battleground enemy states)........against whom the CELTIC USA MUST MEASURE UP TO.
5. Just because Obummer is a corrupt CIA plant, that is not an excuse to over turn ALL his policies. Especially those which Obummer constructed with delicate International negotiations with major foreign powers. This will give the definite impression that the USA is in decline, and is a thoroughly untrustworthy partner, which changes its International Legal obligations on a whim.
Trump must tread very very carefully with Iran.
Iran - Trump Has No Strategy, Only Aims And No Way To Achieve Them
By Moon of Alabama
Trump hates the international nuclear deal with Iran. The agreement would enforce restrictions on Iran's nuclear program and opened it up to deeper inspections, then those since 2003. The other sides of the deal committed to lifting sanctions and to further economic cooperation.
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was negotiated and signed by the five permanent UN Security Council members (U.S., Ch, Ru, UK, F), Germany, the EU and Iran. If the U.S. defaults on the deal it will be in a lone position. The diplomatic isolation would limit its abilities to use its influence on other issues.
Trump has little knowledge of Iran, the nuclear deal, the Middle East or anything else. What he knows comes from Fox News and from Netanyahoo and other Zionist whisperers who get to his ear. All he heard is that the deal with Iran is bad. Therefore, he concluded, it must end.
The White House handed a paper to the media which is supposed to describe President Donald J. Trump's New Strategy on Iran. But there is no strategy in that paper. It list a number of aims the Trump wants to achieve. But it does no explain how he plans to do that. It is a wish list, not a program to follow.
The "Core Elements of the Presidents New Iran Strategy" are:
- The United States new Iran strategy focuses on neutralizing the Government of Irans destabilizing influence and constraining its aggression, particularly its support for terrorism and militants.
- We will revitalize our traditional alliances and regional partnerships as bulwarks against Iranian subversion and restore a more stable balance of power in the region.
- We will work to deny the Iranian regime and especially the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) funding for its malign activities, and oppose IRGC activities that extort the wealth of the Iranian people.
- We will counter threats to the United States and our allies from ballistic missiles and other asymmetric weapons.
- We will rally the international community to condemn the IRGCs gross violations of human rights and its unjust detention of American citizens and other foreigners on specious charges.
- Most importantly, we will deny the Iranian regime all paths to a nuclear weapon.
The list is full of factual mistakes:
- Iran stabilized Iraq when the Islamic State was only days away from taking over Baghdad. Iran also helps to stabilize Syria and to defeat the Islamic State.
- Ballistic missiles are not "asymmetric weapons". Iran's neighbors Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have such missiles. Iran's missiles are no threat to the United States.
- The IRGC is the equivalent of the U.S. special forces. It is funded by the state. It does not "extort the wealth of the Iranian people". (The IRGC's pension funds (bonyads) hold significant industrial assets. But they are different entities.) The IRGC does not kidnap civilians or kill foreigners. The IRGC does not undertake terrorist ops against domestic targets or foreign targets.....and then boast about them via video's.
- The IRGC does not detain American citizens.
- Iran has repeatedly declared that it rejects all nuclear weapons out of religious reasons. It signed several international agreements which prohibit and prevent it from seeking such weapons.
- Iran is a CURRENT signatory to the NPT.
- Iran continues to cooperate with the IAEA since 2003 with one of the most thorough inspection regimes in the IAEA's history for the sake of the Jew Jew boy.
The White House list of aims, "the strategy", is followed by "background" information on Iran and its alleged behavior. Some White House intern must have copied it from a neoconservative version of Wikipedia. It is a conglomeration of general talking points which lack a factual basis.
When the JCOPA deal was closed, Congress legislated that the White House must certify every 90 days that Iran sticks to the deal. Trump will now stop to certify Iran's compliance even as everyone, including the White House, acknowledges that Iran is fulfilling all its parts. The White House claims that non-certification is not a breach of the agreement. The issue now falls back to Congress which might re-introduce the sanctions on Iran which the agreement had lifted. If it does that Trump will say that it is responsible for all consequences.
It is not clear if or what Congress will do. Senators Corker and Cotton are pushing for legislation that amounts to an unilateral change of the nuclear deal. It would introduce new sanctions if Iran does not accept their demands. Trump seems to support that.
But it is not going to work. It is an unilateral breach of the contract and no other country involved in deal will support it. Trump may introduce new economic sanctions on Iran but why would Iran care? Unless all other countries follow Trump's lead, it can simply buy and sell elsewhere.
The EU countries were again craven and offered to push against Iran's ballistic missiles if Trump does not completely break the JCPOA deal. This was utterly stupid negotiation behavior. Why offer concessions to Trump even before he makes a self defeating move? Still - they will not support breaking the deal.
Iran will not give up to its rights and it will not disarm. Obama pushed sanctions onto sanctions to make Iran scream. But the country did not fold.
Oct 12, 2017
Oct 11, 2017
Steve Bannon's Jihad for America First.
A former Naval Officer serving the Pentagon
A former Goldman Sacks Banker
BUT he has become enlightened and found Nirvana, maybe finally.
Yes, he did choose General Kelly of the Deep State as Trump's Chief of staff, who then pushed him out, and yes he also did choose Reince Prebius who was a disaster in that position.
He was politically naive, and indecisive......in getting his considerable and important ideas across over the head of corrupt Jared Kushner.
But for all the mistakes of Kushner and his bad advice, he, in the end, was not fired, but Bannon...who chose to leave.
Maybe Bannon is too BUSY IN THE CLOUDS, with all his theories and ideas?
Some say he is aloof and sociopathic, as someone who really did NOT 'huddle up" with the Trump base when it mattered most, between June 2016-------September 2017.

A former Naval Officer serving the Pentagon
A former Goldman Sacks Banker
BUT he has become enlightened and found Nirvana, maybe finally.
Yes, he did choose General Kelly of the Deep State as Trump's Chief of staff, who then pushed him out, and yes he also did choose Reince Prebius who was a disaster in that position.
He was politically naive, and indecisive......in getting his considerable and important ideas across over the head of corrupt Jared Kushner.
But for all the mistakes of Kushner and his bad advice, he, in the end, was not fired, but Bannon...who chose to leave.
Maybe Bannon is too BUSY IN THE CLOUDS, with all his theories and ideas?
Some say he is aloof and sociopathic, as someone who really did NOT 'huddle up" with the Trump base when it mattered most, between June 2016-------September 2017.

Oct 10, 2017
Drain the Swamp
Who in the anti-SWAMP movement is organising this?
Where does the funds come from to organise this?
Which billionaires are sympathetic to this movement?
How does the MOVEMENT avoid putting up conflicting candidates for the same seat?
Bannon has an ideal candidate for Michigan, as does Roger Stone.....2 separate alt right candidates....fighting against each other, splitting the vote (Example)
How many Republican seats are targetted???....30.........why not more???
Has the NRA been brought into this with their considerable organisation?
Have ALL non-Trump right-wing groups been POOLED for this objective at the grassroots level?
The TEA PARTY POLITELY attempted to influence the Republican Party....with mediocre success, and now out of commission.
The new movement in the wake of Trump must actually ELECT THE RIGHT CANDIDATES DIRECTLY....to ensure that the right policies are pursued once they are elected......no more flip flops, bait and switch......or in the case of Trump hiring the SWAMP/DEEP STATE into his hapless administration.(Because he has been visited by Henry Kissinger in the Whitehouse in November 2016, who has ordered Trump who to hire via the Rockefellers....who themselves take orders from the Rothschilds of London)
Then the USA can be Globalist Free.
Who in the anti-SWAMP movement is organising this?
Where does the funds come from to organise this?
Which billionaires are sympathetic to this movement?
How does the MOVEMENT avoid putting up conflicting candidates for the same seat?
Bannon has an ideal candidate for Michigan, as does Roger Stone.....2 separate alt right candidates....fighting against each other, splitting the vote (Example)
How many Republican seats are targetted???....30.........why not more???
Has the NRA been brought into this with their considerable organisation?
Have ALL non-Trump right-wing groups been POOLED for this objective at the grassroots level?
The TEA PARTY POLITELY attempted to influence the Republican Party....with mediocre success, and now out of commission.
The new movement in the wake of Trump must actually ELECT THE RIGHT CANDIDATES DIRECTLY....to ensure that the right policies are pursued once they are elected......no more flip flops, bait and switch......or in the case of Trump hiring the SWAMP/DEEP STATE into his hapless administration.(Because he has been visited by Henry Kissinger in the Whitehouse in November 2016, who has ordered Trump who to hire via the Rockefellers....who themselves take orders from the Rothschilds of London)
Then the USA can be Globalist Free.
Oct 7, 2017
USA's sponsoring terrorists
The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the U.S. of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.
Syria - Russia Issues Third Warning Against U.S. Cooperation With Terrorists
By Moon of Alabama
The Syrian Army was on its way across the Euphrates river to liberate the oil- and gas-fields east of Deir Ezzor city. The U.S. countered the move. It sent a small forces of Arab tribal mercenaries who were earlier allied with the Islamic State (ISIS). These proxy forces came from a northern direction and moved through Islamic State held areas without fighting and casualties up to the walls of Deir Ezzor city.
The Syrian army was about to win the race when it started to cross the Euphrates. But it suddenly was surprised by a large al-Qaeda attack in southern Idleb province. That area had been quiet for months. 29 Russian troops who were supervising a deescalation zone there were nearly encircled by al-Qaeda forces. They only escape after an emergency relief operation had cut through al-Qaeda lines. The Russian Ministry of Defense accused the U.S. of having communicated the position of the Russian platoon to al-Qaeda.
Shortly thereafter a Russian general, visiting Deir Ezzor city to supervise the Euphrates bridge crossing, came under extremely well aimed mortar fire by the Islamic State. The general and two other high ranking officers were killed.
During years of fighting around Deir Ezzor ISIS had never shown the capability for such a precise strike. Someone must have communicated with the terrorists and transferred the exact position of the local headquarter, as well as the time of the Russian general's visit.
During years of fighting around Deir Ezzor ISIS had never shown the capability for such a precise strike. Someone must have communicated with the terrorists and transferred the exact position of the local headquarter, as well as the time of the Russian general's visit.
A week later a concentrated ISIS attack on the main supply road between Palmyra and Deir Ezzor was attacked by a large number of ISIS forces. It is trying to retake al-Suknah in the middle between the two cities. The Russian Defense Ministry claims that the attacking ISIS forces came from southern areas of al-Tanf near the Jordan border which are under control of U.S. forces. Should ISIS take al-Suknah the Syrian-Russian contingent in Deir Ezzor would gain be cutoff.
Due to those three attacks the Syrian-Russian move towards the eastern oil-fields came to a near standstill. U.S. proxy forces are now slowly taking the area.
It seems obvious that the U.S. military is again cooperating with terrorist groups in Syria. There must be at least some information flow between U.S. intelligence and al-Qaeda and ISIS. It seems that deconflicition data the Syrian-Russian alliance is sharing with U.S. forces in Syria is ending up in the hands of the extremists. This explains how al-Qaeda and ISIS can suddenly and very precisely attack critical Syrian and Russian positions which are known to only very few people.
The Russian have protested several times and had warned the U.S. not to continue with their nefarious scheming. The third severe warning came yesterday with statements by the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and direct accusation against the U.S. military by the spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry.
In an interview with the semi-official Saudi paper Asharq al-Awsat Foreign Minister Lavrov was extraordinary frank (the full interview was covered only in the Arabic edition). Interfax recapitulates:
"The US-led forces' activities in Syria cause many questions. In some cases these forces mount allegedly accidental strikes against the Syrian Armed Forces, after which the Islamic State counterattacks, in other cases they inspire other terrorists to attack strategic locations over which official Damascus has restored its legitimate authority, or stage fatal provocations against our military personnel. I would also mention numerous "accidental" strikes against civilian infrastructure that have taken hundreds of civilian lives," Lavrov said in an interview with the Asharq Al-Awsat pan-Arab newspaper ahead of the Russian visit of Saudi King Salman al-Saud.
These accusations, from a very high level of the Russian Federation hierarchy, should not be ignored. But the "western" media were silent over Lavrov's accusations. Only AFP picked up some bits but missed the central point.
The Russian Defense Ministry was even more direct:
A spokesman for Russia's Defense Ministry said on Wednesday that a series of attacks launched by Islamic State in Syria on government forces had come from an area near the border with Jordan where a US military mission was located.The spokesman, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, said in a statement the attackers had the precise coordinates of the Syrian government forces, which could only have been obtained through aerial reconnaissance.
Konashenkov accused the U.S. of "flirtation" with the terrorists and warned that, should similar happen again, Russia will take severe countermeasures.
While these accusations fly, and the relation between U.S and Russian contingents in Syria further deteriorate, Russian diplomacy is winning the day.
Last week the Russian President Putin visited Turkey. (At about the same time the Egyptian chief of intelligence was also in Ankara. He allegedly met his Turkish colleague. A few days later he visited Damascus.) Yesterday the Saudi King arrived in Moscow for an unprecedented visit. Meanwhile the Turkish president Erdogan touched down in Tehran in an unusual amikal atmosphere.
Instead of reporting on diplomacy and the increasing chances of a military conflict between super powers in Syria, U.S. media asks if Secretary of State Tillerson called President Trump a "moron" or a "fucking moron". (For the record - the NBC journalist who overheard Tillerson's outburst says it was "fucking moron".)
There have now been three significant incidents against the Russian-Syrian alliance in which, according to Russia, U.S. malignancy played a role. Each time Russian officials warned of consequences. To some extend the U.S. hostility is incited by Israeli nagging. But the record shows that CentCom, the U.S. military command in the Middle East, is overtly aggressive and not always following Washington's line. It is high time for the White House to get the situation under control.
The bear is a docile animal. But it should not be provoked. There is reason to believe that the Russian forces and their allies in the Middle East have the ability to surprise the U.S. military with unforeseen and deadly moves.
Should these U.S. provocations continue Moscow will have no choice but to order harsh retaliations.
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